public void clientReconnectAfterServerRestart() throws Exception {
// Start up a second server so that closing the server doesn't
// interfere with the other unit tests:
SimpleImpl simpleImpl = new BlockingSimpleImpl();
Server server2 = new NettyServer(new SpecificResponder(Simple.class,
simpleImpl), new InetSocketAddress(0));
try {
int serverPort = server2.getPort();
System.out.println("server2 port : " + serverPort);
// Initialize a client, and establish a connection to the server:
Transceiver transceiver2 = new NettyTransceiver(new InetSocketAddress(
serverPort), TestNettyServer.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS);
Simple.Callback simpleClient2 =
SpecificRequestor.getClient(Simple.Callback.class, transceiver2);
Assert.assertEquals(3, simpleClient2.add(1, 2));
// Restart the server:
try {
simpleClient2.add(2, -1);
Assert.fail("Client should not be able to invoke RPCs " +
"because server is no longer running");
} catch (Exception e) {
// Expected since server is no longer running
server2 = new NettyServer(new SpecificResponder(Simple.class,
simpleImpl), new InetSocketAddress(serverPort));
// Invoke an RPC using the same client, which should reestablish the
// connection to the server: