proxy.setType( DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_TYPE_VALUE );
throw new ServiceException( fullInstrumentName, "Encountered an unknown "
+ "Instrument type for the Instrument with key, "
+ fullInstrumentName + ": " + instrument.getClass().getName() );
// Mark the instrument proxy as registered.
// Store a reference to the proxy in the Instrument.
( (AbstractInstrument)instrument ).setInstrumentProxy( proxy );
instrumentableProxy.addInstrumentProxy( proxy );
// Register the existing proxy with the Instrument. Make sure that the
// type didn't change on us.
if( instrument instanceof CounterInstrument )
switch( proxy.getType() )
case DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_TYPE_COUNTER:
// Type is the same.
// Store a reference to the proxy in the Instrument.
( (AbstractInstrument)instrument ).setInstrumentProxy( proxy );
case DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_TYPE_NONE:
// Not yet set. Created in configuration.
proxy.setType( DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_TYPE_COUNTER );
// Store a reference to the proxy in the Instrument.
( (AbstractInstrument)instrument ).setInstrumentProxy( proxy );
throw new ServiceException( instrumentName,
"Instruments of more than one type are assigned to name: "
+ instrumentName );
else if( instrument instanceof ValueInstrument )
switch( proxy.getType() )
case DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_TYPE_VALUE:
// Type is the same.
// Store a reference to the proxy in the Instrument.
( (AbstractInstrument)instrument ).setInstrumentProxy( proxy );
case DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_TYPE_NONE:
// Not yet set. Created in configuration.
proxy.setType( DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_TYPE_VALUE );
// Store a reference to the proxy in the Instrument.
( (AbstractInstrument)instrument ).setInstrumentProxy( proxy );
throw new ServiceException( instrumentName,
"Instruments of more than one type are assigned to name: "
+ instrumentName );
throw new ServiceException( instrumentName, "Encountered an unknown Instrument "
+ "type for the Instrument with name, " + instrumentName + ": "
+ instrument.getClass().getName() );
// Mark the instrument proxy as registered.
// Loop over the child Instrumentables published by this Instrumentable
Instrumentable[] children = instrumentable.getChildInstrumentables();
for ( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
Instrumentable child = children[i];
// Make sure that the child instrumentable name is set.
String childName = child.getInstrumentableName();
if( childName == null )
String msg = "The getInstrumentableName() method of a child Instrumentable of " +
instrumentableName + " returned null. Child class: " +
getLogger().debug( msg );
throw new ServiceException( instrumentable.getClass().getName(), msg );
String fullChildName = instrumentableName + "." + childName;
getLogger().debug( "Registering Child Instrumentable: " + fullChildName );