assertEquals(obj, callback.getObject());
public void testConstructor() throws Exception {
ComponentDefinitionRegistryImpl registry = parse("/test-constructor.xml");
Repository repository = new TestBlueprintContainer(registry).getRepository();
Object obj1 = repository.create("pojoA");
assertTrue(obj1 instanceof PojoA);
PojoA pojoa = (PojoA) obj1;
Object obj2 = repository.create("pojoB");
testPojoB(obj2, URI.create("urn:myuri"), 10);
assertEquals(obj2, pojoa.getPojob());
assertEquals(new BigInteger("10"), pojoa.getNumber());
Object obj3 = repository.create("pojoC");
testPojoB(obj3, URI.create("urn:myuri-static"), 15);
Object obj4 = repository.create("pojoD");
testPojoB(obj4, URI.create("urn:myuri-static"), 15);
Object obj5 = repository.create("pojoE");
testPojoB(obj5, URI.create("urn:myuri-dynamic"), 20);
Object obj6 = repository.create("multipleInt");
testMultiple(obj6, null, 123, null);
Object obj7 = repository.create("multipleInteger");
testMultiple(obj7, null, -1, new Integer(123));
Object obj8 = repository.create("multipleString");
testMultiple(obj8, "123", -1, null);
// TODO: check the below tests when the incoherence between TCK / spec is solved
// try {
// graph.create("multipleStringConvertable");
// fail("Did not throw exception");
// } catch (RuntimeException e) {
// // we expect exception
// }
Object obj10 = repository.create("multipleFactory1");
testMultiple(obj10, null, 1234, null);
Object obj11 = repository.create("multipleFactory2");
testMultiple(obj11, "helloCreate-boolean", -1, null);
try {
fail("Did not throw exception");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// we expect exception
// TODO: check the exception string?
Object obj12 = repository.create("multipleFactoryTypedNull");
testMultiple(obj12, "hello-boolean", -1, null);
Object obj13 = repository.create("mapConstruction");
Map<String, String> constructionMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
constructionMap.put("a", "b");
testMultiple(obj13, constructionMap);
Object obj14 = repository.create("propsConstruction");
Properties constructionProperties = new Properties();
constructionProperties.put("a", "b");
testMultiple(obj14, constructionProperties);
Object obja = repository.create("mapConstructionWithDefaultType");
Map<String, Date> mapa = new HashMap<String, Date>();
// Months are 0-indexed
Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(2012, 0, 6);
mapa.put("date", new Date(calendar.getTimeInMillis()));
testMultiple(obja, mapa);
Object objc = repository.create("mapConstructionWithTypedEntries");
Map mapc = new HashMap();
mapc.put("boolean", Boolean.TRUE);
mapc.put("double", 1.23);
mapc.put("date", new Date(calendar.getTimeInMillis()));
testMultiple(objc, mapc);
Object objb = repository.create("mapConstructionWithNonDefaultTypedEntries");
Map mapb = new HashMap();
mapb.put("boolean", Boolean.TRUE);
mapb.put("double", 3.45);
mapb.put("otherdouble", 10.2);
testMultiple(objb, mapb);
Object objd = repository.create("mapConstructionWithNonDefaultTypedKeys");
Map mapd = new HashMap();
mapd.put(Boolean.TRUE, "boolean");
mapd.put(42.42, "double");
testMultiple(objd, mapd);
BeanF obj15 = (BeanF) repository.create("booleanWrapped");
assertEquals(false, (boolean) obj15.getWrapped());
// TODO: check the below tests when the incoherence between TCK / spec is solved