Package org.apache.archiva.model

Examples of org.apache.archiva.model.SnapshotVersion

                    ArchivaRepositoryMetadata metadata = metadataFile );

                    // re-adjust to timestamp if present, otherwise retain the original -SNAPSHOT filename
                    SnapshotVersion snapshotVersion = metadata.getSnapshotVersion();
                    if ( snapshotVersion != null )
                        artifactVersion =
                            artifactVersion.substring( 0, artifactVersion.length() - 8 ); // remove SNAPSHOT from end
                        artifactVersion =
                            artifactVersion + snapshotVersion.getTimestamp() + "-" + snapshotVersion.getBuildNumber();
                catch ( XMLException e )
                    // unable to parse metadata - log it, and continue with the version as the original SNAPSHOT version
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                    // There is no proxy metadata, skip it.

                // Is there some snapshot info?
                SnapshotVersion snapshot = proxyMetadata.getSnapshotVersion();
                if ( snapshot != null )
                    String timestamp = snapshot.getTimestamp();
                    int buildNumber = snapshot.getBuildNumber();

                    // Only interested in the timestamp + buildnumber.
                    if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( timestamp ) && ( buildNumber > 0 ) )
                        foundVersions.add( baseVersion + "-" + timestamp + "-" + buildNumber );
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                // This needs to be broken down into ${base}-${timestamp}-${build_number}

                Matcher m = VersionUtil.UNIQUE_SNAPSHOT_PATTERN.matcher( latestVersion );
                if ( m.matches() )
                    metadata.setSnapshotVersion( new SnapshotVersion() );
                    int buildNumber = NumberUtils.toInt( 3 ), -1 );
                    metadata.getSnapshotVersion().setBuildNumber( buildNumber );

                    Matcher mtimestamp = VersionUtil.TIMESTAMP_PATTERN.matcher( 2 ) );
                    if ( mtimestamp.matches() )
                        String tsDate = 1 );
                        String tsTime = 2 );

                        long snapshotLastUpdated = toLastUpdatedLong( tsDate + tsTime );

                        lastUpdated = Math.max( lastUpdated, snapshotLastUpdated );

                        metadata.getSnapshotVersion().setTimestamp( 2 ) );
            else if ( VersionUtil.isGenericSnapshot( latestVersion ) )
                // The latestVersion ends with the generic version string.
                // Example: 1.0-alpha-5-SNAPSHOT

                metadata.setSnapshotVersion( new SnapshotVersion() );

                /* Disabled due to decision in [MRM-535].
                 * Do not set metadata.lastUpdated to file.lastModified.
                 * Should this be the last updated timestamp of the file, or in the case of an
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            metadata.setVersion( version );

        if ( metadata.getSnapshotVersion() == null )
            metadata.setSnapshotVersion( new SnapshotVersion() );

        metadata.getSnapshotVersion().setBuildNumber( buildNumber );
        metadata.getSnapshotVersion().setTimestamp( timestamp );
        metadata.setLastUpdatedTimestamp( lastUpdatedTimestamp );
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        if ( mavenMetadata.exists() )
                ArchivaRepositoryMetadata archivaRepositoryMetadata = mavenMetadata );
                SnapshotVersion snapshotVersion = archivaRepositoryMetadata.getSnapshotVersion();
                if ( snapshotVersion != null )
                    String lastVersion = snapshotVersion.getTimestamp();
                    int buildNumber = snapshotVersion.getBuildNumber();
                    String snapshotPath =
                        StringUtils.replaceChars( groupId, '.', '/' ) + '/' + artifactId + '/' + version + '/'
                            + artifactId + '-' + StringUtils.remove( version, "-" + VersionUtil.SNAPSHOT )
                            + '-' + lastVersion + '-' + buildNumber + ".pom";
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                        log.debug( "Successfully downloaded metadata." );

                        ArchivaRepositoryMetadata metadata = tmpMetadataResource );

                        // re-adjust to timestamp if present, otherwise retain the original -SNAPSHOT filename
                        SnapshotVersion snapshotVersion = metadata.getSnapshotVersion();
                        String timestampVersion = version;
                        if ( snapshotVersion != null )
                            timestampVersion = timestampVersion.substring( 0, timestampVersion.length()
                                - 8 ); // remove SNAPSHOT from end
                            timestampVersion = timestampVersion + snapshotVersion.getTimestamp() + "-"
                                + snapshotVersion.getBuildNumber();

                            filename = artifactId + "-" + timestampVersion + ".pom";

                            artifactPath = pathTranslator.toPath( groupId, artifactId, version, filename );
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        ArchivaRepositoryMetadata m = new ArchivaRepositoryMetadata();
        m.setGroupId( actualMetadata.getGroupId() );
        m.setArtifactId( actualMetadata.getArtifactId() );
        m.setVersion( VersionUtil.getBaseVersion( actualMetadata.getVersion() ) );

        m.setSnapshotVersion( new SnapshotVersion() );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( expectedDate ) && StringUtils.isNotBlank( expectedTime ) )
            m.getSnapshotVersion().setTimestamp( expectedDate + "." + expectedTime );
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            metadata.setVersion( version );

        if ( metadata.getSnapshotVersion() == null )
            metadata.setSnapshotVersion( new SnapshotVersion() );

        metadata.getSnapshotVersion().setBuildNumber( buildNumber );
        metadata.getSnapshotVersion().setTimestamp( timestamp );
        metadata.setLastUpdatedTimestamp( lastUpdatedTimestamp );
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        // verify build number
        File metadataFile = new File( repoLocation, "/org/apache/archiva/artifact-upload/1.0-SNAPSHOT/"
            + MetadataTools.MAVEN_METADATA );
        ArchivaRepositoryMetadata artifactMetadata = metadataFile );

        SnapshotVersion snapshotVersion = artifactMetadata.getSnapshotVersion();
        assertEquals( "Incorrect build number set in artifact metadata.", 1, snapshotVersion.getBuildNumber() );

        String timestampPart = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast( timestampPath, "-" );
        assertEquals( "Incorrect timestamp set in artifact metadata.", timestampPart, snapshotVersion.getTimestamp() );

        String buildnumber = StringUtils.substringAfterLast( timestampPath, "-" );
        assertEquals( "Incorrect build number in filename.", "1", buildnumber );


        control.setDefaultMatcher( MockControl.ALWAYS_MATCHER );

        // MRM-1353
        // upload snapshot artifact again and check if build number was incremented
        setUploadParameters( "1.0-SNAPSHOT", null, new File( FileUtil.getBasedir(),
                                                             "target/test-classes/upload-artifact-test/artifact-to-be-uploaded.jar" ),
                             null, true );

        repoFactoryControl.expectAndReturn( repoFactory.getManagedRepositoryContent( REPOSITORY_ID ), content );


        fmt = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyyMMdd.HHmmss" );
        fmt.setTimeZone( TimeZone.getTimeZone( "UTC" ) );
        timestamp = fmt.format( new Date() );

        control = mockAuditLogs( Arrays.asList(
            "org/apache/archiva/artifact-upload/1.0-SNAPSHOT/artifact-upload-1.0-" + timestamp + "-2.jar",
            "org/apache/archiva/artifact-upload/1.0-SNAPSHOT/artifact-upload-1.0-" + timestamp + "-2.pom" ) );

        returnString = uploadAction.doUpload();
        assertEquals( Action.SUCCESS, returnString );


        artifactsList = new File( repoLocation, "/org/apache/archiva/artifact-upload/1.0-SNAPSHOT/" ).list();
        Arrays.sort( artifactsList );

        assertEquals( 15, artifactsList.length );

        timestampPath = getTimestamp( artifactsList, startIndex, 6 );

        assertAllArtifactsIncludingSupportArtifactsArePresent( repoLocation, "artifact-upload-1.0-" + timestampPath,
                                                               "1.0-SNAPSHOT" );
        verifyArtifactChecksums( repoLocation, "artifact-upload-1.0-" + timestampPath, "1.0-SNAPSHOT" );
        verifyPomChecksums( repoLocation, "artifact-upload-1.0-" + timestampPath, "1.0-SNAPSHOT" );
        verifyProjectMetadataChecksums( repoLocation );
        verifyVersionMetadataChecksums( repoLocation, "1.0-SNAPSHOT" );

        // verify build number set in metadata and in filename
        metadataFile = new File( repoLocation,
                                 "/org/apache/archiva/artifact-upload/1.0-SNAPSHOT/" + MetadataTools.MAVEN_METADATA );
        artifactMetadata = metadataFile );

        snapshotVersion = artifactMetadata.getSnapshotVersion();
        assertEquals( "Incorrect build number set in artifact metadata.", 2, snapshotVersion.getBuildNumber() );

        timestampPart = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast( timestampPath, "-" );
        assertEquals( "Incorrect timestamp set in artifact metadata.", timestampPart, snapshotVersion.getTimestamp() );

        buildnumber = StringUtils.substringAfterLast( timestampPath, "-" );
        assertEquals( "Incorrect build number in filename.", "2", buildnumber );
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        ArchivaRepositoryMetadata m = new ArchivaRepositoryMetadata();
        m.setGroupId( actualMetadata.getGroupId() );
        m.setArtifactId( actualMetadata.getArtifactId() );
        m.setVersion( VersionUtil.getBaseVersion( actualMetadata.getVersion() ) );

        m.setSnapshotVersion( new SnapshotVersion() );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( expectedDate ) && StringUtils.isNotBlank( expectedTime ) )
            m.getSnapshotVersion().setTimestamp( expectedDate + "." + expectedTime );
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Related Classes of org.apache.archiva.model.SnapshotVersion

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