catch ( IOException e )
throw new ConsumerException( e.getMessage(), e );
MetadataRepository metadataRepository = repositorySession.getRepository();
Collection<ArtifactMetadata> results;
results = metadataRepository.getArtifactsByChecksum( repoId, checksumSha1 );
catch ( MetadataRepositoryException e )
throw new ConsumerException( e.getMessage(), e );
if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( results ) )
ArtifactMetadata originalArtifact;
originalArtifact = pathTranslator.getArtifactForPath( repoId, path );
catch ( Exception e )
log.warn( "Not reporting problem for invalid artifact in checksum check: {}", e.getMessage() );
for ( ArtifactMetadata dupArtifact : results )
String id = path.substring( path.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 );
if ( dupArtifact.getId().equals( id ) && dupArtifact.getNamespace().equals(
originalArtifact.getNamespace() ) && dupArtifact.getProject().equals(
originalArtifact.getProject() ) && dupArtifact.getVersion().equals(
originalArtifact.getVersion() ) )
// Skip reference to itself.
log.debug( "Not counting duplicate for artifact {} for path {}", dupArtifact, path );
RepositoryProblemFacet problem = new RepositoryProblemFacet();
problem.setRepositoryId( repoId );
problem.setNamespace( originalArtifact.getNamespace() );
problem.setProject( originalArtifact.getProject() );
problem.setVersion( originalArtifact.getVersion() );
problem.setId( id );
// FIXME: need to get the right storage resolver for the repository the dupe artifact is in, it might be
// a different type
// FIXME: we need the project version here, not the artifact version
problem.setMessage( "Duplicate Artifact Detected: " + path + " <--> " + pathTranslator.toPath(
dupArtifact.getNamespace(), dupArtifact.getProject(), dupArtifact.getVersion(),
dupArtifact.getId() ) );
problem.setProblem( "duplicate-artifact" );
metadataRepository.addMetadataFacet( repoId, problem );
catch ( MetadataRepositoryException e )
throw new ConsumerException( e.getMessage(), e );