Package org.apache.ambari.server.state

Examples of org.apache.ambari.server.state.MaintenanceState

    f.set(maintenanceStateHelper, clusters);

    replay(maintenanceStateHelper, clusters, cluster, sch, host, service);

    MaintenanceState state = maintenanceStateHelper.getEffectiveState(sch);
    Assert.assertEquals(MaintenanceState.ON, state);

    state = maintenanceStateHelper.getEffectiveState(sch);
    Assert.assertEquals(MaintenanceState.IMPLIED_FROM_SERVICE_AND_HOST, state);
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    Assert.assertEquals(MaintenanceState.ON, host.getMaintenanceState(cluster.getClusterId()));
    // check the host components implied state vs desired state, only for affected hosts
    for (ServiceComponent sc : service.getServiceComponents().values()) {
      for (ServiceComponentHost sch : sc.getServiceComponentHosts().values()) {
        MaintenanceState implied = controller.getEffectiveMaintenanceState(sch);
        if (sch.getHostName().equals(host1)) {
          Assert.assertEquals(MaintenanceState.IMPLIED_FROM_HOST, implied);
        } else {
          Assert.assertEquals(MaintenanceState.OFF, implied);
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   * @return the effective maintenance state
  private MaintenanceState getEffectiveState(long clusterId,
      Service service, Host host, ServiceComponentHost sch) {

    MaintenanceState schState = sch.getMaintenanceState();
    if (MaintenanceState.ON == schState) {
      return MaintenanceState.ON;

    MaintenanceState serviceState = service.getMaintenanceState();
    MaintenanceState hostState = host.getMaintenanceState(clusterId);

    if (MaintenanceState.OFF != serviceState && MaintenanceState.OFF != hostState) {
      return MaintenanceState.IMPLIED_FROM_SERVICE_AND_HOST;

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   * @return
   * @throws AmbariException
  public boolean isOperationAllowed(Resource.Type sourceType,
                                    ServiceComponentHost sch) throws AmbariException {
    MaintenanceState maintenanceState = sch.getMaintenanceState();

    if (sourceType.equals(Resource.Type.Cluster)) {

      if (maintenanceState.equals(MaintenanceState.OFF)) {
        return true;

    } else if (sourceType.equals(Resource.Type.Service)) {

      if (maintenanceState.equals(MaintenanceState.IMPLIED_FROM_SERVICE)
          || maintenanceState.equals(MaintenanceState.OFF)) {
        return true;

    } else if (sourceType.equals(Resource.Type.Host)) {

      if (maintenanceState.equals(MaintenanceState.IMPLIED_FROM_HOST)
          || maintenanceState.equals(MaintenanceState.OFF)) {
        return true;

    } else if (sourceType.equals(Resource.Type.HostComponent)) {

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      if (null != request.getMaintenanceState()) {
        MaintenanceStateHelper psh = injector.getInstance(MaintenanceStateHelper.class);
        MaintenanceState newMaint = MaintenanceState.valueOf(request.getMaintenanceState());
        MaintenanceState oldMaint = psh.getEffectiveState(sch);
        if (newMaint != oldMaint) {
          if (sc.isClientComponent()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments, cannot set " +
              "maintenance state on a client component");
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        // do not update or alter any HC that is not active
        MaintenanceState schMaint = controller.getEffectiveMaintenanceState(sch);
        if (MaintenanceState.OFF != schMaint) {
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Ignoring ServiceComponentHost"
                + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName()
                + ", serviceName=" + s.getName()
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    f.set(maintenanceStateHelper, clusters);

    replay(maintenanceStateHelper, clusters, cluster, sch, host, service);

    MaintenanceState state = maintenanceStateHelper.getEffectiveState(sch);
    Assert.assertEquals(MaintenanceState.ON, state);

    state = maintenanceStateHelper.getEffectiveState(sch);
    Assert.assertEquals(MaintenanceState.IMPLIED_FROM_SERVICE_AND_HOST, state);
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              + " desired state, desiredState=" + newState);
      if (null != request.getMaintenanceState()) {
        MaintenanceState newMaint = MaintenanceState.valueOf(request.getMaintenanceState());
        if (newMaint  != s.getMaintenanceState()) {
          if (newMaint.equals(MaintenanceState.IMPLIED)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments, can only set " +
              "maintenance state to one of " + EnumSet.of(MaintenanceState.OFF, MaintenanceState.ON));
          } else {

      if (newState == null) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug("Nothing to do for new updateService request"
              + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName()
              + ", serviceName=" + request.getServiceName()
              + ", newDesiredState=null");
      if (requests.size() > 1 && MaintenanceState.OFF != s.getMaintenanceState()) {"Operations cannot be applied to service " + s.getName() +
            " in the maintenance state of " + s.getMaintenanceState());


      if (newState != oldState) {
        if (!State.isValidDesiredStateTransition(oldState, newState)) {
          throw new AmbariException("Invalid transition for"
              + " service"
              + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
              + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
              + ", serviceName=" + s.getName()
              + ", currentDesiredState=" + oldState
              + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);

        if (!changedServices.containsKey(newState)) {
          changedServices.put(newState, new ArrayList<Service>());

      // TODO should we check whether all servicecomponents and
      // servicecomponenthosts are in the required desired state?

      for (ServiceComponent sc : s.getServiceComponents().values()) {
        State oldScState = sc.getDesiredState();
        if (newState != oldScState) {
          if (sc.isClientComponent() &&
              !newState.isValidClientComponentState()) {
          if (!State.isValidDesiredStateTransition(oldScState, newState)) {
            throw new AmbariException("Invalid transition for"
                + " servicecomponent"
                + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                + ", serviceName=" + sc.getServiceName()
                + ", componentName=" + sc.getName()
                + ", currentDesiredState=" + oldScState
                + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
          if (!changedComps.containsKey(newState)) {
            changedComps.put(newState, new ArrayList<ServiceComponent>());
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug("Handling update to ServiceComponent"
              + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName()
              + ", serviceName=" + s.getName()
              + ", componentName=" + sc.getName()
              + ", currentDesiredState=" + oldScState
              + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);

        for (ServiceComponentHost sch : sc.getServiceComponentHosts().values()) {
          State oldSchState = sch.getState();
          if (oldSchState == State.DISABLED || oldSchState == State.UNKNOWN) {
            //Ignore host components updates in this state
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              LOG.debug("Ignoring ServiceComponentHost"
                  + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName()
                  + ", serviceName=" + s.getName()
                  + ", componentName=" + sc.getName()
                  + ", hostname=" + sch.getHostName()
                  + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                  + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
          if (newState == oldSchState) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              LOG.debug("Ignoring ServiceComponentHost"
                  + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName()
                  + ", serviceName=" + s.getName()
                  + ", componentName=" + sc.getName()
                  + ", hostname=" + sch.getHostName()
                  + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                  + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
          MaintenanceState schMaint = controller.getEffectiveMaintenanceState(sch);
          if (MaintenanceState.ON == schMaint ||
              (requests.size() > 1 && MaintenanceState.OFF != schMaint)) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              LOG.debug("Ignoring " + schMaint + " ServiceComponentHost"
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    Assert.assertEquals(MaintenanceState.ON, host.getMaintenanceState(cluster.getClusterId()));
    // check the host components implied state vs desired state, only for affected hosts
    for (ServiceComponent sc : service.getServiceComponents().values()) {
      for (ServiceComponentHost sch : sc.getServiceComponentHosts().values()) {
        MaintenanceState implied = controller.getEffectiveMaintenanceState(sch);
        if (sch.getHostName().equals(host1)) {
          Assert.assertEquals(MaintenanceState.IMPLIED, implied);
        } else {
          Assert.assertEquals(MaintenanceState.OFF, implied);
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      if (null != request.getClusterName() && null != request.getMaintenanceState()) {
        Cluster c = clusters.getCluster(request.getClusterName());
        MaintenanceState newState = MaintenanceState.valueOf(request.getMaintenanceState());
        MaintenanceState oldState = h.getMaintenanceState(c.getClusterId());
        if (!newState.equals(oldState)) {
          if (newState.equals(MaintenanceState.IMPLIED)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments, can only set " +
              "maintenance state to one of " + EnumSet.of(MaintenanceState.OFF, MaintenanceState.ON));
          } else {
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Related Classes of org.apache.ambari.server.state.MaintenanceState

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