// get the cluster config for type 'global'
// apply service overrides, if the tag is not the same
// apply host overrides, if any
Config clusterConfig = cl.getDesiredConfigByType("global");
if (null != clusterConfig) {
// cluster config for 'global'
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>(clusterConfig.getProperties());
// apply service overrides, only if the tag is not the same (for when service configs are overrides)
Config svcConfig = service.getDesiredConfigs().get("global");
if (null != svcConfig && !svcConfig.getVersionTag().equals(clusterConfig.getVersionTag())) {
// apply host overrides, if any
Host host = fsm.getHost(hostname);
DesiredConfig dc = host.getDesiredConfigs(cl.getClusterId()).get("global");
if (null != dc) {
Config hostConfig = cl.getConfig("global", dc.getVersion());
if (null != hostConfig) {
configurations.put("global", props);
// HACK - if any service exists with global tag, and we have none, use
// that instead
if (configurations.isEmpty()) {
Config config = service.getDesiredConfigs().get("global");
if (null != config)
configurations.put("global", new HashMap<String, String>(config.getProperties()));
StatusCommand statusCmd = new StatusCommand();