Package org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph

Examples of org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.ControlPort

          || component instanceof InstanceComponent) {

         * Check for control ports from other node
        ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
        boolean controlDone = true;
        if (control != null) {
          for (EdgeImpl edge : control.getEdges()) {
            controlDone = controlDone && (finishedNodes.contains(edge.getFromPort().getNode())
            // amazon component use condition met to check
            // whether the control port is done
            // FIXME I changed the "||" to a "&&" in the following since thats the only this
            // that makes sense and if anyone found a scenario it should be otherwise pls fix
                || ((ControlPort) edge.getFromPort()).isConditionMet());

         * Check for input ports
        List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts();
        boolean inputsDone = true;
        for (DataPort dataPort : inputPorts) {
          inputsDone = inputsDone && finishedNodes.contains(dataPort.getFromNode());
        if (inputsDone && controlDone) {
      } else if (component instanceof EndifComponent) {
         * EndIfComponent can run if number of input equals to number of
         * output that it expects
        int expectedOutput = node.getOutputPorts().size();
        int actualInput = 0;
        List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts();
        for (DataPort dataPort : inputPorts) {
          if (finishedNodes.contains(dataPort.getFromNode()))

        if (expectedOutput == actualInput) {
      } else if (component instanceof TerminateInstanceComponent) {
         * All node connected to controlIn port must be done
        ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
        boolean controlDone = true;
        if (control != null) {
          for (EdgeImpl edge : control.getEdges()) {
            controlDone = controlDone && finishedNodes.contains(edge.getFromPort().getFromNode());

         * Check for input ports
        List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts();
        boolean inputsDone = true;
        for (DataPort dataPort : inputPorts) {
          inputsDone = inputsDone && finishedNodes.contains(dataPort.getFromNode());
        if (inputsDone && controlDone) {

      } else if (InputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || DifferedInputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || S3InputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || OutputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || MemoComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || component instanceof EndDoWhileComponent) {
        // no op
      } else if (component instanceof DoWhileComponent) {
        ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
        boolean controlDone = true;
        if (control != null) {
          for (EdgeImpl edge : control.getEdges()) {
            controlDone = controlDone && finishedNodes.contains(edge.getFromPort().getFromNode());

        if (controlDone) {
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        if (type == EventType.RESOURCE_MAPPING && event.getMessage().contains("i-")) {
            String nodeID = event.getNodeID();
            for (GraphCanvas graphCanvas : graphCanvases) {
                Node node = graphCanvas.getWorkflow().getGraph().getNode(nodeID);
                if (node != null) {
                    ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
                    if (control != null) {
                        Node fromNode = control.getFromNode();
                        if (fromNode instanceof InstanceNode) {
                            InstanceNode ec2Node = (InstanceNode) fromNode;

                             * parse message and set output to InstanceNode
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     * @see org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.component.ComponentPort#createPort()
    public ControlPort createPort() {
        ControlPort port = new ControlPort();
        return port;
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            DataPort port = output.createPort();

        if (this.controlInPort != null) {
            ControlPort port = this.controlInPort.createPort();

        for (ComponentControlPort componentPort : this.controlOutPorts) {
            ControlPort port = componentPort.createPort();

        if (this.eprPort != null) {
            EPRPort port = this.eprPort.createPort();
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            DataPort port = output.createPort();

        if (this.controlInPort != null) {
            ControlPort port = this.controlInPort.createPort();

        for (ComponentControlPort componentPort : this.controlOutPorts) {
            ControlPort port = componentPort.createPort();

        if (this.eprPort != null) {
            EPRPort port = this.eprPort.createPort();
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    if (GraphSchema.PORT_TYPE_WS_DATA.equals(type)) {
      port = new WSPort(portElement);
    } else if (GraphSchema.PORT_TYPE_SYSTEM_DATA.equals(type)) {
      port = new SystemDataPort(portElement);
    } else if (GraphSchema.PORT_TYPE_CONTROL.equals(type)) {
      port = new ControlPort(portElement);
    } else if (GraphSchema.PORT_TYPE_EPR.equals(type)) {
      port = new EPRPort(portElement);
    } else if (GraphSchema.PORT_TYPE_INSTANCE.equals(type)) {
      port = new InstanceDataPort(portElement);
    } else {
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          || component instanceof InstanceComponent) {

         * Check for control ports from other node
        ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
        boolean controlDone = true;
        if (control != null) {
          for (EdgeImpl edge : control.getEdges()) {
            controlDone = controlDone && (finishedNodes.contains(edge.getFromPort().getNode())
            // amazon component use condition met to check
            // whether the control port is done
            // FIXME I changed the "||" to a "&&" in the following since thats the only this
            // that makes sense and if anyone found a scenario it should be otherwise pls fix
                || ((ControlPort) edge.getFromPort()).isConditionMet());

         * Check for input ports
        List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts();
        boolean inputsDone = true;
        for (DataPort dataPort : inputPorts) {
          inputsDone = inputsDone && finishedNodes.contains(dataPort.getFromNode());
        if (inputsDone && controlDone) {
      } else if (component instanceof EndifComponent) {
         * EndIfComponent can run if number of input equals to number of
         * output that it expects
        int expectedOutput = node.getOutputPorts().size();
        int actualInput = 0;
        List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts();
        for (DataPort dataPort : inputPorts) {
          if (finishedNodes.contains(dataPort.getFromNode()))

        if (expectedOutput == actualInput) {
      } else if (component instanceof TerminateInstanceComponent) {
         * All node connected to controlIn port must be done
        ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
        boolean controlDone = true;
        if (control != null) {
          for (EdgeImpl edge : control.getEdges()) {
            controlDone = controlDone && finishedNodes.contains(edge.getFromPort().getFromNode());

         * Check for input ports
        List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts();
        boolean inputsDone = true;
        for (DataPort dataPort : inputPorts) {
          inputsDone = inputsDone && finishedNodes.contains(dataPort.getFromNode());
        if (inputsDone && controlDone) {

      } else if (InputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || DifferedInputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || S3InputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || OutputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || MemoComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || component instanceof EndDoWhileComponent) {
        // no op
      } else if (component instanceof DoWhileComponent) {
        ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
        boolean controlDone = true;
        if (control != null) {
          for (EdgeImpl edge : control.getEdges()) {
            controlDone = controlDone && finishedNodes.contains(edge.getFromPort().getFromNode());

        if (controlDone) {
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        if (type == EventType.RESOURCE_MAPPING && event.getMessage().contains("i-")) {
            String nodeID = event.getNodeID();
            for (GraphCanvas graphCanvas : graphCanvases) {
                Node node = graphCanvas.getWorkflow().getGraph().getNode(nodeID);
                if (node != null) {
                    ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
                    if (control != null) {
                        Node fromNode = control.getFromNode();
                        if (fromNode instanceof InstanceNode) {
                            InstanceNode ec2Node = (InstanceNode) fromNode;

                             * parse message and set output to InstanceNode
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          || component instanceof InstanceComponent) {

         * Check for control ports from other node
        ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
        boolean controlDone = true;
        if (control != null) {
          for (EdgeImpl edge : control.getEdges()) {
            controlDone = controlDone && (finishedNodes.contains(edge.getFromPort().getNode())
            // amazon component use condition met to check
            // whether the control port is done
            // FIXME I changed the "||" to a "&&" in the following since thats the only this
            // that makes sense and if anyone found a scenario it should be otherwise pls fix
                || ((ControlPort) edge.getFromPort()).isConditionMet());

         * Check for input ports
        List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts();
        boolean inputsDone = true;
        for (DataPort dataPort : inputPorts) {
          inputsDone = inputsDone && finishedNodes.contains(dataPort.getFromNode());
        if (inputsDone && controlDone) {
      } else if (component instanceof EndifComponent) {
         * EndIfComponent can run if number of input equals to number of
         * output that it expects
        int expectedOutput = node.getOutputPorts().size();
        int actualInput = 0;
        List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts();
        for (DataPort dataPort : inputPorts) {
          if (finishedNodes.contains(dataPort.getFromNode()))

        if (expectedOutput == actualInput) {
      } else if (component instanceof TerminateInstanceComponent) {
         * All node connected to controlIn port must be done
        ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
        boolean controlDone = true;
        if (control != null) {
          for (EdgeImpl edge : control.getEdges()) {
            controlDone = controlDone && finishedNodes.contains(edge.getFromPort().getFromNode());

         * Check for input ports
        List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts();
        boolean inputsDone = true;
        for (DataPort dataPort : inputPorts) {
          inputsDone = inputsDone && finishedNodes.contains(dataPort.getFromNode());
        if (inputsDone && controlDone) {

      } else if (InputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || DifferedInputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || S3InputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || OutputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || MemoComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || component instanceof EndDoWhileComponent) {
        // no op
      } else if (component instanceof DoWhileComponent) {
        ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
        boolean controlDone = true;
        if (control != null) {
          for (EdgeImpl edge : control.getEdges()) {
            controlDone = controlDone && finishedNodes.contains(edge.getFromPort().getFromNode());

        if (controlDone) {
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          || component instanceof InstanceComponent) {

         * Check for control ports from other node
        ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
        boolean controlDone = true;
        if (control != null) {
          for (EdgeImpl edge : control.getEdges()) {
            controlDone = controlDone && (finishedNodes.contains(edge.getFromPort().getNode())
            // amazon component use condition met to check
            // whether the control port is done
            // FIXME I changed the "||" to a "&&" in the following since thats the only this
            // that makes sense and if anyone found a scenario it should be otherwise pls fix
                || ((ControlPort) edge.getFromPort()).isConditionMet());

         * Check for input ports
        List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts();
        boolean inputsDone = true;
        for (DataPort dataPort : inputPorts) {
          inputsDone = inputsDone && finishedNodes.contains(dataPort.getFromNode());
        if (inputsDone && controlDone) {
      } else if (component instanceof EndifComponent) {
         * EndIfComponent can run if number of input equals to number of
         * output that it expects
        int expectedOutput = node.getOutputPorts().size();
        int actualInput = 0;
        List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts();
        for (DataPort dataPort : inputPorts) {
          if (finishedNodes.contains(dataPort.getFromNode()))

        if (expectedOutput == actualInput) {
      } else if (component instanceof TerminateInstanceComponent) {
         * All node connected to controlIn port must be done
        ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
        boolean controlDone = true;
        if (control != null) {
          for (EdgeImpl edge : control.getEdges()) {
            controlDone = controlDone && finishedNodes.contains(edge.getFromPort().getFromNode());

         * Check for input ports
        List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts();
        boolean inputsDone = true;
        for (DataPort dataPort : inputPorts) {
          inputsDone = inputsDone && finishedNodes.contains(dataPort.getFromNode());
        if (inputsDone && controlDone) {

      } else if (InputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || DifferedInputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || S3InputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || OutputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || MemoComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
          || component instanceof EndDoWhileComponent) {
        // no op
      } else if (component instanceof DoWhileComponent) {
        ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
        boolean controlDone = true;
        if (control != null) {
          for (EdgeImpl edge : control.getEdges()) {
            controlDone = controlDone && finishedNodes.contains(edge.getFromPort().getFromNode());

        if (controlDone) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.ControlPort

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