private ArrayList<Node> getReadyNodesDynamically() {
ArrayList<Node> list = new ArrayList<Node>();
ArrayList<Node> waiting = InterpreterUtil.getWaitingNodesDynamically(this.getGraph());
ArrayList<Node> finishedNodes = InterpreterUtil.getFinishedNodesDynamically(this.getGraph());
for (Node node : waiting) {
Component component = node.getComponent();
if (component instanceof WSComponent
|| component instanceof DynamicComponent
|| component instanceof SubWorkflowComponent
|| component instanceof ForEachComponent
|| component instanceof EndForEachComponent
|| component instanceof IfComponent
|| component instanceof InstanceComponent) {
* Check for control ports from other node
ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
boolean controlDone = true;
if (control != null) {
for (EdgeImpl edge : control.getEdges()) {
controlDone = controlDone && (finishedNodes.contains(edge.getFromPort().getNode())
// amazon component use condition met to check
// whether the control port is done
// FIXME I changed the "||" to a "&&" in the following since thats the only this
// that makes sense and if anyone found a scenario it should be otherwise pls fix
|| ((ControlPort) edge.getFromPort()).isConditionMet());
* Check for input ports
List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts();
boolean inputsDone = true;
for (DataPort dataPort : inputPorts) {
inputsDone = inputsDone && finishedNodes.contains(dataPort.getFromNode());
if (inputsDone && controlDone) {
} else if (component instanceof EndifComponent) {
* EndIfComponent can run if number of input equals to number of
* output that it expects
int expectedOutput = node.getOutputPorts().size();
int actualInput = 0;
List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts();
for (DataPort dataPort : inputPorts) {
if (finishedNodes.contains(dataPort.getFromNode()))
if (expectedOutput == actualInput) {
} else if (component instanceof TerminateInstanceComponent) {
* All node connected to controlIn port must be done
ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
boolean controlDone = true;
if (control != null) {
for (EdgeImpl edge : control.getEdges()) {
controlDone = controlDone && finishedNodes.contains(edge.getFromPort().getFromNode());
* Check for input ports
List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts();
boolean inputsDone = true;
for (DataPort dataPort : inputPorts) {
inputsDone = inputsDone && finishedNodes.contains(dataPort.getFromNode());
if (inputsDone && controlDone) {
} else if (InputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
|| DifferedInputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
|| S3InputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
|| OutputComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
|| MemoComponent.NAME.equals(component.getName())
|| component instanceof EndDoWhileComponent) {
// no op
} else if (component instanceof DoWhileComponent) {
ControlPort control = node.getControlInPort();
boolean controlDone = true;
if (control != null) {
for (EdgeImpl edge : control.getEdges()) {
controlDone = controlDone && finishedNodes.contains(edge.getFromPort().getFromNode());
if (controlDone) {
} else {
throw new WorkFlowInterpreterException("Component Not handled :" + component.getName());
notifyViaInteractor(WorkflowExecutionMessage.HANDLE_DEPENDENT_NODES_DIFFERED_INPUTS, this.getGraph());