
Examples of


    public MessageStore createQueueMessageStore(ActiveMQQueue destination) throws IOException {
        JournalMessageStore store = queues.get(destination);
        if (store == null) {
            MessageStore checkpointStore = longTermPersistence.createQueueMessageStore(destination);
            store = new JournalMessageStore(this, checkpointStore, destination);
            queues.put(destination, store);
        return store;
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    public MessageStore createQueueMessageStore(ActiveMQQueue destination) throws IOException {
        MessageStore rc = new JDBCMessageStore(this, getAdapter(), wireFormat, destination, audit);
        if (transactionStore != null) {
            rc = transactionStore.proxy(rc);
        return rc;
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        return rc;

    public synchronized MessageStore createQueueMessageStore(ActiveMQQueue destination) throws IOException {
        MessageStore rc = queues.get(destination);
        if (rc == null) {
            rc = new KahaMessageStore(getMapContainer(destination, "queue-data"), destination);
            messageStores.put(destination, rc);
            if (transactionStore != null) {
                rc = transactionStore.proxy(rc);
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    public void removeTopicMessageStore(ActiveMQTopic destination) {

    protected MessageStore retrieveMessageStore(Object id) {
        MessageStore result = messageStores.get(id);
        return result;
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     * @throws IOException
    void commit(KahaTransactionStore transactionStore) throws IOException {
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
            TxCommand command = list.get(i);
            MessageStore ms = transactionStore.getStoreById(command.getMessageStoreKey());
            if (command.isAdd()) {
                ms.addMessage(null, (Message)command.getCommand());
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
            TxCommand command = list.get(i);
            MessageStore ms = transactionStore.getStoreById(command.getMessageStoreKey());
            if (command.isRemove()) {
                ms.removeMessage(null, (MessageAck)command.getCommand());
            } else if (command.isAck()) {
                ((TopicMessageStore)ms).acknowledge(null, command.getClientId(), command.getSubscriptionName(),
                        command.getMessageId(), (MessageAck)command.getCommand());
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    public void testNoDuplicateAfterCacheFullAndReadPast() throws Exception {
        final PersistenceAdapter persistenceAdapter = brokerService
        final MessageStore queueMessageStore = persistenceAdapter
        final ConsumerInfo consumerInfo = new ConsumerInfo();
        final DestinationStatistics destinationStatistics = new DestinationStatistics();

        final Queue queue = new Queue(brokerService, destination,
                queueMessageStore, destinationStatistics, null);


        QueueStorePrefetch underTest = new QueueStorePrefetch(queue);
        SystemUsage systemUsage = new SystemUsage();
        // ensure memory limit is reached
        systemUsage.getMemoryUsage().setLimit(messageBytesSize * (count + 2));

        final ConnectionContext contextNotInTx = new ConnectionContext();
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            ActiveMQTextMessage msg = getMessage(i);

            queueMessageStore.addMessage(contextNotInTx, msg);

        int dequeueCount = 0;

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    public void doTestNoDuplicateAfterCacheFullAndAcked(final int auditDepth) throws Exception {
        final PersistenceAdapter persistenceAdapter =  brokerService.getPersistenceAdapter();
        final MessageStore queueMessageStore =
        final ConnectionContext contextNotInTx = new ConnectionContext();
        final ConsumerInfo consumerInfo = new ConsumerInfo();
        final DestinationStatistics destinationStatistics = new DestinationStatistics();
        final Queue queue = new Queue(brokerService, destination,
                queueMessageStore, destinationStatistics, null);

        // a workaround for this issue
        // queue.setUseCache(false);
        queue.systemUsage.getMemoryUsage().setLimit(1024 * 1024 * 10);

        ProducerBrokerExchange producerExchange = new ProducerBrokerExchange();
        ProducerInfo producerInfo = new ProducerInfo();
        ProducerState producerState = new ProducerState(producerInfo);

        final CountDownLatch receivedLatch = new CountDownLatch(count);
        final AtomicLong ackedCount = new AtomicLong(0);
        final AtomicLong enqueueCounter = new AtomicLong(0);
        final Vector<String> errors = new Vector<String>();
        // populate the queue store, exceed memory limit so that cache is disabled
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            Message message = getMessage(i);
            queue.send(producerExchange, message);

        assertEquals("store count is correct", count, queueMessageStore.getMessageCount());
        // pull from store in small windows
        Subscription subscription = new Subscription() {

            public void add(MessageReference node) throws Exception {
                if (enqueueCounter.get() != node.getMessageId().getProducerSequenceId()) {
                    errors.add("Not in sequence at: " + enqueueCounter.get() + ", received: "
                            + node.getMessageId().getProducerSequenceId());
                assertEquals("is in order", enqueueCounter.get(), node

            public void add(ConnectionContext context, Destination destination)
                    throws Exception {

            public int countBeforeFull() {
                if (isFull()) {
                    return 0;
                } else {
                    return fullWindow - (int) (enqueueCounter.get() - ackedCount.get());

            public void destroy() {

            public void gc() {

            public ConsumerInfo getConsumerInfo() {
                return consumerInfo;

            public ConnectionContext getContext() {
                return null;

            public long getDequeueCounter() {
                return 0;

            public long getDispatchedCounter() {
                return 0;

            public int getDispatchedQueueSize() {
                return 0;

            public long getEnqueueCounter() {
                return 0;

            public int getInFlightSize() {
                return 0;

            public int getInFlightUsage() {
                return 0;

            public ObjectName getObjectName() {
                return null;

            public int getPendingQueueSize() {
                return 0;

            public int getPrefetchSize() {
                return 0;

            public String getSelector() {
                return null;

            public boolean isBrowser() {
                return false;

            public boolean isFull() {
                return (enqueueCounter.get() - ackedCount.get()) >= fullWindow;

            public boolean isHighWaterMark() {
                return false;

            public boolean isLowWaterMark() {
                return false;

            public boolean isRecoveryRequired() {
                return false;

            public boolean isSlave() {
                return false;

            public boolean matches(MessageReference node,
                    MessageEvaluationContext context) throws IOException {
                return true;

            public boolean matches(ActiveMQDestination destination) {
                return true;

            public void processMessageDispatchNotification(
                    MessageDispatchNotification mdn) throws Exception {

            public Response pullMessage(ConnectionContext context,
                    MessagePull pull) throws Exception {
                return null;

            public List<MessageReference> remove(ConnectionContext context,
                    Destination destination) throws Exception {
                return null;

            public void setObjectName(ObjectName objectName) {

            public void setSelector(String selector)
                    throws InvalidSelectorException,
                    UnsupportedOperationException {

            public void updateConsumerPrefetch(int newPrefetch) {

            public boolean addRecoveredMessage(ConnectionContext context,
                    MessageReference message) throws Exception {
                return false;

            public ActiveMQDestination getActiveMQDestination() {
                return destination;

            public void acknowledge(ConnectionContext context, MessageAck ack)
                    throws Exception {

      public int getCursorMemoryHighWaterMark(){
        return 0;

      public void setCursorMemoryHighWaterMark(
          int cursorMemoryHighWaterMark) {       

        queue.addSubscription(contextNotInTx, subscription);
        int removeIndex = 0;
        do {
            // Simulate periodic acks in small but recent windows
            long receivedCount = enqueueCounter.get();
            if (receivedCount > ackStartIndex) {
                if (receivedCount >= removeIndex + ackWindow) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < ackBatchSize; j++, removeIndex++) {
                        MessageAck ack = new MessageAck();
                        ack.setLastMessageId(new MessageId(mesageIdRoot
                                + removeIndex));
                        queue.removeMessage(contextNotInTx, subscription,
                                new IndirectMessageReference(
                                        getMessage(removeIndex)), ack);

                    if (removeIndex % 1000 == 0) {
              "acked: " + removeIndex);

        } while (!receivedLatch.await(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) && errors.isEmpty());

        assertTrue("There are no errors: " + errors, errors.isEmpty());
        assertEquals(count, enqueueCounter.get());
        assertEquals("store count is correct", count - removeIndex,
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    public MessageStore createQueueMessageStore(ActiveMQQueue destination) throws IOException {
        JournalMessageStore store = queues.get(destination);
        if (store == null) {
            MessageStore checkpointStore = longTermPersistence.createQueueMessageStore(destination);
            store = new JournalMessageStore(this, checkpointStore, destination);
            queues.put(destination, store);
        return store;
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                final ActiveMQTempDestination tempDest = (ActiveMQTempDestination)destination;
                Queue queue = new TempQueue(brokerService, destination, null, destinationStatistics, taskRunnerFactory);
                return queue;
            } else {
                MessageStore store = persistenceAdapter.createQueueMessageStore((ActiveMQQueue)destination);
                Queue queue = new Queue(brokerService, destination, store, destinationStatistics, taskRunnerFactory);
                configureQueue(queue, destination);
                return queue;
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    public void doTestNoDuplicateAfterCacheFullAndAcked(final int auditDepth) throws Exception {
        final PersistenceAdapter persistenceAdapter =  brokerService.getPersistenceAdapter();
        final MessageStore queueMessageStore =
        final ConnectionContext contextNotInTx = new ConnectionContext();
        final ConsumerInfo consumerInfo = new ConsumerInfo();
        final DestinationStatistics destinationStatistics = new DestinationStatistics();
        final Queue queue = new Queue(brokerService, destination,
                queueMessageStore, destinationStatistics, brokerService.getTaskRunnerFactory());

        // a workaround for this issue
        // queue.setUseCache(false);
        queue.systemUsage.getMemoryUsage().setLimit(1024 * 1024 * 10);

        ProducerBrokerExchange producerExchange = new ProducerBrokerExchange();
        ProducerInfo producerInfo = new ProducerInfo();
        ProducerState producerState = new ProducerState(producerInfo);

        final CountDownLatch receivedLatch = new CountDownLatch(count);
        final AtomicLong ackedCount = new AtomicLong(0);
        final AtomicLong enqueueCounter = new AtomicLong(0);
        final Vector<String> errors = new Vector<String>();
        // populate the queue store, exceed memory limit so that cache is disabled
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            Message message = getMessage(i);
            queue.send(producerExchange, message);

        assertEquals("store count is correct", count, queueMessageStore.getMessageCount());
        // pull from store in small windows
        Subscription subscription = new Subscription() {

            public void add(MessageReference node) throws Exception {
                if (enqueueCounter.get() != node.getMessageId().getProducerSequenceId()) {
                    errors.add("Not in sequence at: " + enqueueCounter.get() + ", received: "
                            + node.getMessageId().getProducerSequenceId());
                assertEquals("is in order", enqueueCounter.get(), node

            public void add(ConnectionContext context, Destination destination)
                    throws Exception {

            public int countBeforeFull() {
                if (isFull()) {
                    return 0;
                } else {
                    return fullWindow - (int) (enqueueCounter.get() - ackedCount.get());

            public void destroy() {

            public void gc() {

            public ConsumerInfo getConsumerInfo() {
                return consumerInfo;

            public ConnectionContext getContext() {
                return null;

            public long getDequeueCounter() {
                return 0;

            public long getDispatchedCounter() {
                return 0;

            public int getDispatchedQueueSize() {
                return 0;

            public long getEnqueueCounter() {
                return 0;

            public int getInFlightSize() {
                return 0;

            public int getInFlightUsage() {
                return 0;

            public ObjectName getObjectName() {
                return null;

            public int getPendingQueueSize() {
                return 0;

            public int getPrefetchSize() {
                return 0;

            public String getSelector() {
                return null;

            public boolean isBrowser() {
                return false;

            public boolean isFull() {
                return (enqueueCounter.get() - ackedCount.get()) >= fullWindow;

            public boolean isHighWaterMark() {
                return false;

            public boolean isLowWaterMark() {
                return false;

            public boolean isRecoveryRequired() {
                return false;

            public boolean isSlave() {
                return false;

            public boolean matches(MessageReference node,
                    MessageEvaluationContext context) throws IOException {
                return true;

            public boolean matches(ActiveMQDestination destination) {
                return true;

            public void processMessageDispatchNotification(
                    MessageDispatchNotification mdn) throws Exception {

            public Response pullMessage(ConnectionContext context,
                    MessagePull pull) throws Exception {
                return null;

            public List<MessageReference> remove(ConnectionContext context,
                    Destination destination) throws Exception {
                return null;

            public void setObjectName(ObjectName objectName) {

            public void setSelector(String selector)
                    throws InvalidSelectorException,
                    UnsupportedOperationException {

            public void updateConsumerPrefetch(int newPrefetch) {

            public boolean addRecoveredMessage(ConnectionContext context,
                    MessageReference message) throws Exception {
                return false;

            public ActiveMQDestination getActiveMQDestination() {
                return destination;

            public void acknowledge(ConnectionContext context, MessageAck ack)
                    throws Exception {

      public int getCursorMemoryHighWaterMark(){
        return 0;

      public void setCursorMemoryHighWaterMark(
          int cursorMemoryHighWaterMark) {       

        queue.addSubscription(contextNotInTx, subscription);
        int removeIndex = 0;
        do {
            // Simulate periodic acks in small but recent windows
            long receivedCount = enqueueCounter.get();
            if (receivedCount > ackStartIndex) {
                if (receivedCount >= removeIndex + ackWindow) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < ackBatchSize; j++, removeIndex++) {
                        MessageAck ack = new MessageAck();
                        ack.setLastMessageId(new MessageId(mesageIdRoot
                                + removeIndex));
                        queue.removeMessage(contextNotInTx, subscription,
                                new IndirectMessageReference(
                                        getMessage(removeIndex)), ack);

                    if (removeIndex % 1000 == 0) {
              "acked: " + removeIndex);

        } while (!receivedLatch.await(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) && errors.isEmpty());

        assertTrue("There are no errors: " + errors, errors.isEmpty());
        assertEquals(count, enqueueCounter.get());
        assertEquals("store count is correct", count - removeIndex,
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