public Response service(Command command) {
Response response = null;
boolean responseRequired = command.isResponseRequired();
int commandId = command.getCommandId();
try {
response = command.visit(this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (SERVICELOG.isDebugEnabled() && e.getClass() != BrokerStoppedException.class) {
SERVICELOG.debug("Error occured while processing " + (responseRequired ? "sync" : "async")
+ " command: " + command + ", exception: " + e, e);
if (responseRequired) {
response = new ExceptionResponse(e);
} else {
if (responseRequired) {
if (response == null) {
response = new Response();
// The context may have been flagged so that the response is not
// sent.
if (context != null) {
if (context.isDontSendReponse()) {