&& !context.isInRecoveryMode();
if (message.isExpired()) {
// message not stored - or added to stats yet - so chuck here
broker.getRoot().messageExpired(context, message, null);
if (sendProducerAck) {
ProducerAck ack = new ProducerAck(producerInfo.getProducerId(), message.getSize());
if (memoryUsage.isFull()) {
isFull(context, memoryUsage);
fastProducer(context, producerInfo);
if (isProducerFlowControl() && context.isProducerFlowControl()) {
if (warnOnProducerFlowControl) {
warnOnProducerFlowControl = false;
LOG.info("Usage Manager Memory Limit ({}) reached on {}, size {}. Producers will be throttled to the rate at which messages are removed from this destination to prevent flooding it. See http://activemq.apache.org/producer-flow-control.html for more info.",
memoryUsage.getLimit(), getActiveMQDestination().getQualifiedName(), destinationStatistics.getMessages().getCount());
if (!context.isNetworkConnection() && systemUsage.isSendFailIfNoSpace()) {
throw new ResourceAllocationException("Usage Manager Memory Limit reached. Stopping producer ("
+ message.getProducerId() + ") to prevent flooding "
+ getActiveMQDestination().getQualifiedName() + "."
+ " See http://activemq.apache.org/producer-flow-control.html for more info");
// We can avoid blocking due to low usage if the producer is
// sending
// a sync message or if it is using a producer window
if (producerInfo.getWindowSize() > 0 || message.isResponseRequired()) {
// copy the exchange state since the context will be
// modified while we are waiting
// for space.
final ProducerBrokerExchange producerExchangeCopy = producerExchange.copy();
synchronized (messagesWaitingForSpace) {
// Start flow control timeout task
// Prevent trying to start it multiple times
if (!flowControlTimeoutTask.isAlive()) {
flowControlTimeoutTask.setName(getName()+" Producer Flow Control Timeout Task");
messagesWaitingForSpace.put(message.getMessageId(), new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
// While waiting for space to free up... the
// message may have expired.
if (message.isExpired()) {
LOG.error("expired waiting for space..");
broker.messageExpired(context, message, null);
} else {
doMessageSend(producerExchangeCopy, message);
if (sendProducerAck) {
ProducerAck ack = new ProducerAck(producerInfo.getProducerId(), message
} else {
Response response = new Response();
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!sendProducerAck && !context.isInRecoveryMode() && !brokerService.isStopping()) {
ExceptionResponse response = new ExceptionResponse(e);
} else {
LOG.debug("unexpected exception on deferred send of: {}", message, e);
if (!context.isNetworkConnection() && systemUsage.getSendFailIfNoSpaceAfterTimeout() != 0) {
flowControlTimeoutMessages.add(new TimeoutMessage(message, context, systemUsage
} else {
if (memoryUsage.isFull()) {
waitForSpace(context, producerExchange, memoryUsage, "Usage Manager Memory Limit reached. Producer ("
+ message.getProducerId() + ") stopped to prevent flooding "
+ getActiveMQDestination().getQualifiedName() + "."
+ " See http://activemq.apache.org/producer-flow-control.html for more info");
// The usage manager could have delayed us by the time
// we unblock the message could have expired..
if (message.isExpired()) {
LOG.debug("Expired message: {}", message);
broker.getRoot().messageExpired(context, message, null);
doMessageSend(producerExchange, message);
if (sendProducerAck) {
ProducerAck ack = new ProducerAck(producerInfo.getProducerId(), message.getSize());