} else {
if (!session.isTransacted()) {
LOG.warn("Duplicate dispatch on connection: " + session.getConnection().getConnectionInfo().getConnectionId()
+ " to consumer: " + getConsumerId() + ", ignoring (auto acking) duplicate: " + md);
MessageAck ack = new MessageAck(md, MessageAck.INDIVIDUAL_ACK_TYPE, 1);
} else {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(getConsumerId() + " tracking transacted redelivery of duplicate: " + md.getMessage());
boolean needsPoisonAck = false;
synchronized (deliveredMessages) {
if (previouslyDeliveredMessages != null) {
previouslyDeliveredMessages.put(md.getMessage().getMessageId(), true);
} else {
// delivery while pending redelivery to another consumer on the same connection
// not waiting for redelivery will help here
needsPoisonAck = true;
if (needsPoisonAck) {
MessageAck poisonAck = new MessageAck(md, MessageAck.POSION_ACK_TYPE, 1);
poisonAck.setPoisonCause(new JMSException("Duplicate dispatch with transacted redeliver pending on another consumer, connection: "
+ session.getConnection().getConnectionInfo().getConnectionId()));
LOG.warn("acking duplicate delivery as poison, redelivery must be pending to another"
+ " consumer on this connection, failoverRedeliveryWaitPeriod="
+ failoverRedeliveryWaitPeriod + ". Message: " + md + ", poisonAck: " + poisonAck);