bridgeBrokers("broker1", "broker2").start();
// Verify that broker1 and broker2's test queues have no memory usage.
ActiveMQDestination testQueue = createDestination(
AMQ4147Test.class.getSimpleName() + ".queue", false);
final Destination broker1TestQueue = broker1.getDestination(testQueue);
final Destination broker2TestQueue = broker2.getDestination(testQueue);
assertEquals(0, broker1TestQueue.getMemoryUsage().getUsage());
assertEquals(0, broker2TestQueue.getMemoryUsage().getUsage());
// Produce a message to broker1's test queue and verify that broker1's
// memory usage has increased, but broker2 still has no memory usage.
sendMessages("broker1", testQueue, 1);
assertTrue(broker1TestQueue.getMemoryUsage().getUsage() > 0);
assertEquals(0, broker2TestQueue.getMemoryUsage().getUsage());
// Create a consumer on broker2 that is synchronized to allow detection
// of "in flight" messages to the consumer.
MessageIdList broker2Messages = getBrokerMessages("broker2");
final Semaphore consumerReady = new Semaphore(0);
final Semaphore consumerProceed = new Semaphore(0);
broker2Messages.setParent(new MessageListener() {
public void onMessage(Message message) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
createConsumer("broker2", testQueue);
// Verify that when broker2's consumer receives the message, the memory
// usage has moved broker1 to broker2. The first assertion is expected
// to fail due to the bug; the try/finally ensures the consumer is
// released prior to failure so that the broker can shut down.
try {
assertTrue("Memory Usage Should be Zero: ", Wait.waitFor(new Wait.Condition() {
public boolean isSatisified() throws Exception {
return broker1TestQueue.getMemoryUsage().getUsage() == 0;
assertTrue(broker2TestQueue.getMemoryUsage().getUsage() > 0);
} finally {
// Consume the message and verify that there is no more memory
// usage.
assertTrue("Memory Usage Should be Zero: ", Wait.waitFor(new Wait.Condition() {
public boolean isSatisified() throws Exception {
return broker1TestQueue.getMemoryUsage().getUsage() == 0;
assertTrue("Memory Usage Should be Zero: ", Wait.waitFor(new Wait.Condition() {
public boolean isSatisified() throws Exception {
return broker2TestQueue.getMemoryUsage().getUsage() == 0;