int sendNumMessages = 10;
int receiveNumMessages = 5;
// Create a producer
StubConnection connection1 = createConnection();
ConnectionInfo connectionInfo1 = createConnectionInfo();
SessionInfo sessionInfo1 = createSessionInfo(connectionInfo1);
ProducerInfo producerInfo = createProducerInfo(sessionInfo1);
// Create a destination on the local broker
ActiveMQDestination destinationInfo1 = null;
// Send a 10 messages to the local broker
for (int i = 0; i < sendNumMessages; ++i) {
destinationInfo1 = createDestinationInfo(connection1, connectionInfo1, ActiveMQDestination.QUEUE_TYPE);
connection1.request(createMessage(producerInfo, destinationInfo1, DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT));
// Ensure that there are 10 messages on the local broker
Object[] messages = browseQueueWithJmx(localBroker);
assertEquals(sendNumMessages, messages.length);
// Create a synchronous consumer on the remote broker
final StubConnection connection2 = createRemoteConnection();
ConnectionInfo connectionInfo2 = createConnectionInfo();
SessionInfo sessionInfo2 = createSessionInfo(connectionInfo2);
ActiveMQDestination destinationInfo2 =
createDestinationInfo(connection2, connectionInfo2, ActiveMQDestination.QUEUE_TYPE);
final ConsumerInfo consumerInfo2 = createConsumerInfo(sessionInfo2, destinationInfo2);
// Consume 5 of the messages from the remote broker and ack them.
// Because the prefetch size is set to 1000 in the createConsumerInfo()
// method, this will cause the messages on the local broker to be
// forwarded to the remote broker.
for (int i = 0; i < receiveNumMessages; ++i) {
Message message1 = receiveMessage(connection2);
connection2.send(createAck(consumerInfo2, message1, 1, MessageAck.STANDARD_ACK_TYPE));
Object[] msgs1 = browseQueueWithJmx(remoteBroker);"Found [" + msgs1.length + "] messages with JMX");
// assertEquals((sendNumMessages-i), msgs.length);
// Ensure that there are zero messages on the local broker. This tells
// us that those messages have been prefetched to the remote broker
// where the demand exists.
messages = browseQueueWithJmx(localBroker);
assertEquals(0, messages.length);
// Close the consumer on the remote broker
// There should now be 5 messages stuck on the remote broker
messages = browseQueueWithJmx(remoteBroker);
assertEquals(5, messages.length);
// Create a consumer on the local broker just to confirm that it doesn't
// receive any messages
ConsumerInfo consumerInfo1 = createConsumerInfo(sessionInfo1, destinationInfo1);
Message message1 = receiveMessage(connection1);
// An assertNull() is done here because this is currently the correct
// behavior. This is actually the purpose of this test - to prove that
// messages are stuck on the remote broker. AMQ-2324 and AMQ-2484 aim
// to fix this situation so that messages don't get stuck.
ConsumerInfo consumerInfo3 = createConsumerInfo(sessionInfo2, destinationInfo2);
// Consume the last 5 messages from the remote broker and ack them just
// to clean up the queue.
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < receiveNumMessages; ++i) {
message1 = receiveMessage(connection2);
connection2.send(createAck(consumerInfo3, message1, 1, MessageAck.STANDARD_ACK_TYPE));
// Ensure that 5 messages were received
assertEquals(receiveNumMessages, counter);
// Let those acks percolate... This stinks but it's the only way currently
// because these types of internal broker actions are non-deterministic.
// Ensure that the queue on the remote broker is empty
messages = browseQueueWithJmx(remoteBroker);
assertEquals(0, messages.length);
// Close the consumer on the remote broker