Package org.apache.ace.client.repository.object

Examples of org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.Artifact2FeatureAssociation

            // will get null because you cannot associate anything with a
            // resource processor so we check for null here
            return null;

        Artifact2FeatureAssociation result = null;
        if (artifact != null) {
            if (dynamicRelation) {
                Map<String, String> properties = Collections.singletonMap(BundleHelper.KEY_ASSOCIATION_VERSIONSTATEMENT, "0.0.0");
                result = m_artifact2featureAssociationRepository.create(artifact, properties, feature, null);
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        FeatureObject g1 = createBasicFeatureObject("feature1");
        FeatureObject g2 = createBasicFeatureObject("feature2");
        FeatureObject g3 = createBasicFeatureObject("feature3");

        // Create some associations.
        Artifact2FeatureAssociation b2g1 = m_artifact2FeatureRepository.create(b1, g2);
        assert b2g1 != null;
        Artifact2FeatureAssociation b2g2 = m_artifact2FeatureRepository.create(b2, g1);
        assert b2g2 != null;
        Artifact2FeatureAssociation b2g3 = m_artifact2FeatureRepository.create(b1, g3);
        assert b2g3 != null;
        Artifact2FeatureAssociation b2g4 = m_artifact2FeatureRepository.create(b2, g3);
        assert b2g4 != null;

        // Do some basic checks on the repositories.
        assert m_artifactRepository.get().size() == 2 : "We should have two artifacts in our repository; we found " + m_artifactRepository.get().size() + ".";
        assert m_featureRepository.get().size() == 3 : "We should have three features in our repository; we found " + m_featureRepository.get().size() + ".";
        assert m_artifact2FeatureRepository.get().size() == 4 : "We should have four associations in our repository; we found " + m_artifact2FeatureRepository.get().size() + ".";

        assert (b2g4.getLeft().size() == 1) && b2g4.getLeft().contains(b2) : "The left side of the fourth association should be artifact 2.";
        assert (b2g4.getRight().size() == 1) && b2g4.getRight().contains(g3) : "The right side of the fourth association should be feature 3.";

        // Check the wiring: what is wired to what?
        List<FeatureObject> b1features = b1.getFeatures();
        List<FeatureObject> b2features = b2.getFeatures();
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            // expected

        props.put(Association.RIGHT_CARDINALITY, "3");

        Artifact2FeatureAssociation bg = m_artifact2FeatureRepository.create(props, tags);
        assert bg != null : "Assocating artifact to feature failed?!";

        assert a1.getFeatures().size() == 3 : "The artifact should be associated to three features.";
        assert (f1.getArtifacts().size() == 1) && f1.getArtifacts().contains(a1) : "g1 should be associated to only b1.";
        assert (f2.getArtifacts().size() == 1) && f2.getArtifacts().contains(a1) : "g1 should be associated to only b1.";
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        List<FeatureObject> features = new ArrayList<FeatureObject>();

        Artifact2FeatureAssociation bg = m_artifact2FeatureRepository.create(artifacts, features);

        assert bg.getLeft().size() == 2 : "We expect two artifacts on the left side of the association.";
        assert bg.getRight().size() == 2 : "We expect two features on the right side of the association.";

        assert bg.getLeft().contains(b1) : "b1 should be on the left side of the association.";
        assert bg.getLeft().contains(b2) : "b2 should be on the left side of the association.";
        assert !bg.getLeft().contains(b3) : "b3 should not be on the left side of the association.";
        assert bg.getRight().contains(g1) : "g1 should be on the right side of the association.";
        assert !bg.getRight().contains(g2) : "g2 should not be on the right side of the association.";
        assert bg.getRight().contains(g3) : "g3 should be on the right side of the association.";

        List<FeatureObject> foundFeatures = b1.getFeatures();
        assert foundFeatures.size() == 2 : "b1 should be associated with two features.";
        assert foundFeatures.contains(g1) : "b1 should be associated with g1";
        assert !foundFeatures.contains(g2) : "b1 not should be associated with g2";
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    @Test(groups = { TestUtils.UNIT })
    public void testGetAssociationsWith() {
        ArtifactObject a1 = createBasicArtifactObject("artifact1");
        FeatureObject f1 = createBasicFeatureObject("feature1");
        Artifact2FeatureAssociation a2f1 = m_artifact2FeatureRepository.create(a1, f1);

        List<Artifact2FeatureAssociation> b1Associations = a1.getAssociationsWith(f1);
        List<Artifact2FeatureAssociation> g1Associations = f1.getAssociationsWith(a1);

        assert b1Associations.size() == 1 : "The artifact has exactly one association to the feature, but it shows " + b1Associations.size() + ".";
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Related Classes of org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.Artifact2FeatureAssociation

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