throw new IOException("Failed to find mid point, no entries between " + prevEndRow + " and " + endRow + " for " + mapFiles);
List<SortedKeyValueIterator<Key,Value>> iters = new ArrayList<SortedKeyValueIterator<Key,Value>>(readers);
MultiIterator mmfi = new MultiIterator(iters, true);
// skip the prevendrow
while (mmfi.hasTop() && mmfi.getTopKey().compareRow(prevEndRow) <= 0)
// read half of the keys in the index
TreeMap<Double,Key> ret = new TreeMap<Double,Key>();
Key lastKey = null;
long keysRead = 0;
Key keyBeforeMidPoint = null;
long keyBeforeMidPointPosition = 0;
while (keysRead < numKeys / 2) {
if (lastKey != null && !lastKey.equals(mmfi.getTopKey(), PartialKey.ROW) && (keysRead - 1) / (double) numKeys >= minSplit) {
keyBeforeMidPoint = new Key(lastKey);
keyBeforeMidPointPosition = keysRead - 1;
if (lastKey == null)
lastKey = new Key();
// consume minimum
if (keyBeforeMidPoint != null)
ret.put(keyBeforeMidPointPosition / (double) numKeys, keyBeforeMidPoint);
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
log.debug(String.format("Found midPoint from indexes in %6.2f secs.\n", ((t2 - t1) / 1000.0)));
ret.put(.5, mmfi.getTopKey());
// sanity check
for (Key key : ret.values()) {
boolean inRange = (key.compareRow(prevEndRow) > 0 && (endRow == null || key.compareRow(endRow) < 1));
if (!inRange) {