Text endRow) throws Exception {
List<TabletLocation> result = new ArrayList<TabletLocation>();
Collection<ByteSequence> columnFamilies = Collections.emptyList();
String filename = file.toString();
// log.debug(filename + " finding overlapping tablets " + startRow + " -> " + endRow);
FileSKVIterator reader = FileOperations.getInstance().openReader(filename, true, fs, fs.getConf(), acuConf);
try {
Text row = startRow;
if (row == null)
row = new Text();
while (true) {
// log.debug(filename + " Seeking to row " + row);
reader.seek(new Range(row, null), columnFamilies, false);
if (!reader.hasTop()) {
// log.debug(filename + " not found");
row = reader.getTopKey().getRow();
TabletLocation tabletLocation = locator.locateTablet(row, false, true);
// log.debug(filename + " found row " + row + " at location " + tabletLocation);
row = tabletLocation.tablet_extent.getEndRow();
if (row != null && (endRow == null || row.compareTo(endRow) < 0)) {
row = new Text(row);
row.append(byte0, 0, byte0.length);
} else
} finally {
// log.debug(filename + " to be sent to " + result);
return result;