Package org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl.thrift

Examples of org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl.thrift.ThriftTableOperationException$ThriftTableOperationExceptionTupleSchemeFactory

    Text end = endRow.length == 0 ? null : new Text(endRow);
    Text tableIdText = new Text(tableId);
    if (start != null && end != null)
      if (start.compareTo(end) >= 0)
        throw new ThriftTableOperationException(tableId, null, TableOperation.MERGE, TableOperationExceptionType.BAD_RANGE,
            "start row must be less than end row");
    MergeInfo info = env.getMergeInfo(tableIdText);
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      Map<String,String> fileNameMappings = PopulateMetadataTable.readMappingFile(fs, tableInfo);
      for (String oldFileName : fileNameMappings.keySet()) {
        if (!fs.exists(new Path(tableInfo.exportDir, oldFileName))) {
          throw new ThriftTableOperationException(tableInfo.tableId, tableInfo.tableName, TableOperation.IMPORT, TableOperationExceptionType.OTHER,
              "File referenced by exported table does not exists " + oldFileName);
      FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(new Path(tableInfo.exportDir));
      for (FileStatus fileStatus : files) {
        String newName = fileNameMappings.get(fileStatus.getPath().getName());
        if (newName != null)
          fs.rename(fileStatus.getPath(), new Path(tableInfo.importDir, newName));
      return new FinishImportTable(tableInfo);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      log.warn(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
      throw new ThriftTableOperationException(tableInfo.tableId, tableInfo.tableName, TableOperation.IMPORT, TableOperationExceptionType.OTHER,
          "Error renaming files " + ioe.getMessage());
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    if (tableId == null) {
      // maybe the table exist, but the cache was not updated yet... so try to clear the cache and check again
      tableId = Tables.getNameToIdMap(instance).get(tableName);
      if (tableId == null)
        throw new ThriftTableOperationException(null, tableName, operation, TableOperationExceptionType.NOTFOUND, null);
    return tableId;
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      return new MoveExportedFiles(tableInfo);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      log.warn(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
      throw new ThriftTableOperationException(tableInfo.tableId, tableInfo.tableName, TableOperation.IMPORT, TableOperationExceptionType.OTHER,
          "Error reading " + path + " " + ioe.getMessage());
    } finally {
      if (zis != null) {
        try {
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      mappingsWriter = null;
      return new PopulateMetadataTable(tableInfo);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      log.warn(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
      throw new ThriftTableOperationException(tableInfo.tableId, tableInfo.tableName, TableOperation.IMPORT, TableOperationExceptionType.OTHER,
          "Error writing mapping file " + path + " " + ioe.getMessage());
    } finally {
      if (mappingsWriter != null)
        try {
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  private class MasterClientServiceHandler implements MasterClientService.Iface {
    protected String checkTableId(String tableName, TableOperation operation) throws ThriftTableOperationException {
      final String tableId = Tables.getNameToIdMap(getConfiguration().getInstance()).get(tableName);
      if (tableId == null)
        throw new ThriftTableOperationException(null, tableName, operation, TableOperationExceptionType.NOTFOUND, null);
      return tableId;
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    Path path = new Path(tableInfo.exportDir, Constants.EXPORT_FILE);
    try {
      return TableOperationsImpl.getExportedProps(fs, path);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      throw new ThriftTableOperationException(tableInfo.tableId, tableInfo.tableName, TableOperation.IMPORT, TableOperationExceptionType.OTHER,
          "Error reading table props from " + path + " " + ioe.getMessage());
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            return ("" + flushID).getBytes();
      } catch (NoNodeException nne) {
        throw new ThriftTableOperationException(tableId, null, TableOperation.FLUSH, TableOperationExceptionType.NOTFOUND, null);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new ThriftTableOperationException(tableId, null, TableOperation.FLUSH, TableOperationExceptionType.OTHER, null);
      return Long.parseLong(new String(fid));
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    public void waitForFlush(TInfo tinfo, TCredentials c, String tableId, ByteBuffer startRow, ByteBuffer endRow, long flushID, long maxLoops)
        throws ThriftSecurityException, ThriftTableOperationException, TException {
      security.canFlush(c, tableId);
      if (endRow != null && startRow != null && ByteBufferUtil.toText(startRow).compareTo(ByteBufferUtil.toText(endRow)) >= 0)
        throw new ThriftTableOperationException(tableId, null, TableOperation.FLUSH, TableOperationExceptionType.BAD_RANGE,
            "start row must be less than end row");
      Set<TServerInstance> serversToFlush = new HashSet<TServerInstance>(tserverSet.getCurrentServers());
      for (long l = 0; l < maxLoops; l++) {
        for (TServerInstance instance : serversToFlush) {
          try {
            final TServerConnection server = tserverSet.getConnection(instance);
            if (server != null)
              server.flush(masterLock, tableId, ByteBufferUtil.toBytes(startRow), ByteBufferUtil.toBytes(endRow));
          } catch (TException ex) {
        if (l == maxLoops - 1)
        try {
          Connector conn = getConnector();
          Scanner scanner = new IsolatedScanner(conn.createScanner(Constants.METADATA_TABLE_NAME, Constants.NO_AUTHS));
          scanner.setRange(new KeyExtent(new Text(tableId), null, ByteBufferUtil.toText(startRow)).toMetadataRange());
          RowIterator ri = new RowIterator(scanner);
          int tabletsToWaitFor = 0;
          int tabletCount = 0;
          Text ert = ByteBufferUtil.toText(endRow);
          while (ri.hasNext()) {
            Iterator<Entry<Key,Value>> row =;
            long tabletFlushID = -1;
            int logs = 0;
            boolean online = false;
            TServerInstance server = null;
            Entry<Key,Value> entry = null;
            while (row.hasNext()) {
              entry =;
              Key key = entry.getKey();
              if (Constants.METADATA_FLUSH_COLUMN.equals(key.getColumnFamily(), key.getColumnQualifier())) {
                tabletFlushID = Long.parseLong(entry.getValue().toString());
              if (Constants.METADATA_LOG_COLUMN_FAMILY.equals(key.getColumnFamily()))
              if (Constants.METADATA_CURRENT_LOCATION_COLUMN_FAMILY.equals(key.getColumnFamily())) {
                online = true;
                server = new TServerInstance(entry.getValue(), key.getColumnQualifier());
            // when tablet is not online and has no logs, there is no reason to wait for it
            if ((online || logs > 0) && tabletFlushID < flushID) {
              if (server != null)
            Text tabletEndRow = new KeyExtent(entry.getKey().getRow(), (Text) null).getEndRow();
            if (tabletEndRow == null || (ert != null && tabletEndRow.compareTo(ert) >= 0))
          if (tabletsToWaitFor == 0)
          // TODO detect case of table offline AND tablets w/ logs? - ACCUMULO-1296
          if (tabletCount == 0 && !Tables.exists(instance, tableId))
            throw new ThriftTableOperationException(tableId, null, TableOperation.FLUSH, TableOperationExceptionType.NOTFOUND, null);
        } catch (AccumuloException e) {
          log.debug("Failed to scan !METADATA table to wait for flush " + tableId, e);
        } catch (TabletDeletedException tde) {
          log.debug("Failed to scan !METADATA table to wait for flush " + tableId, tde);
        } catch (AccumuloSecurityException e) {
          log.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
          throw new ThriftSecurityException();
        } catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
          log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
          throw new ThriftTableOperationException();
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    for (Entry<String,String> entry : getExportedProps(env.getFileSystem()).entrySet())
      if (!TablePropUtil.setTableProperty(tableInfo.tableId, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())) {
        throw new ThriftTableOperationException(tableInfo.tableId, tableInfo.tableName, TableOperation.IMPORT, TableOperationExceptionType.OTHER,
            "Invalid table property " + entry.getKey());
    return new CreateImportDir(tableInfo);
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Related Classes of org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl.thrift.ThriftTableOperationException$ThriftTableOperationExceptionTupleSchemeFactory

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