public void revokeTablePermission(TCredentials c, String user, String tableId, TablePermission permission, String namespaceId) throws ThriftSecurityException {
if (!canRevokeTable(c, user, tableId, namespaceId))
throw new ThriftSecurityException(c.getPrincipal(), SecurityErrorCode.PERMISSION_DENIED);
try {
permHandle.revokeTablePermission(user, tableId, permission);
log.info("Revoked table permission " + permission + " for user " + user + " on the table " + tableId + " at the request of user " + c.getPrincipal());
} catch (AccumuloSecurityException e) {
throw e.asThriftException();
} catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
throw new ThriftSecurityException(c.getPrincipal(), SecurityErrorCode.TABLE_DOESNT_EXIST);