// Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Constants.CORE_PACKAGE_NAME);
// logger.setLevel(Level.TRACE);
IteratorSetting is = new IteratorSetting(5, "Bad Aggregator", BadCombiner.class);
Combiner.setColumns(is, Collections.singletonList(new IteratorSetting.Column("acf")));
getConnector().tableOperations().attachIterator("tt", is);
BatchWriter bw = getConnector().createBatchWriter("tt", new BatchWriterConfig());
Mutation m = new Mutation(new Text("r1"));
m.put(new Text("acf"), new Text("foo"), new Value(new byte[] {'1'}));
// try to scan table
Scanner scanner = getConnector().createScanner("tt", Constants.NO_AUTHS);
boolean caught = false;
try {
for (Entry<Key,Value> entry : scanner) {
} catch (Exception e) {
caught = true;
if (!caught)
throw new Exception("Scan did not fail");
// try to batch scan the table
BatchScanner bs = getConnector().createBatchScanner("tt", Constants.NO_AUTHS, 2);
bs.setRanges(Collections.singleton(new Range()));
caught = false;
try {
for (Entry<Key,Value> entry : bs) {
} catch (Exception e) {
caught = true;
if (!caught)
throw new Exception("batch scan did not fail");
// remove the bad agg so accumulo can shutdown
TableOperations to = getConnector().tableOperations();
for (Entry<String,String> e : to.getProperties("tt")) {
to.removeProperty("tt", e.getKey());
// should be able to scan now
scanner = getConnector().createScanner("tt", Constants.NO_AUTHS);
for (Entry<Key,Value> entry : scanner) {
// set a non existant iterator, should cause scan to fail on server side
scanner.addScanIterator(new IteratorSetting(100, "bogus", "com.bogus.iterator"));
caught = false;
try {
for (Entry<Key,Value> entry : scanner) {
// should error