Package org.apache.accumulo.core.client

Examples of org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException

      i = 1;
      while (constraintNumbers.contains(i))
      if (constraintClasses.containsKey(constraintClassName))
        throw new AccumuloException("Constraint " + constraintClassName + " already exists for table " + tableName + " with number "
            + constraintClasses.get(constraintClassName));
      connector.tableOperations().setProperty(tableName, Property.TABLE_CONSTRAINT_PREFIX.toString() + i, constraintClassName);
      return i;
    } catch (Exception e) {
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      Map<String,Integer> constraints = new TreeMap<String,Integer>();
      for (Map.Entry<String,String> property : connector.tableOperations().getProperties(tableName)) {
        if (property.getKey().startsWith(Property.TABLE_CONSTRAINT_PREFIX.toString())) {
          if (constraints.containsKey(property.getValue()))
            throw new AccumuloException("Same constraint configured twice: " + property.getKey() + "=" + Property.TABLE_CONSTRAINT_PREFIX
                + constraints.get(property.getValue()) + "=" + property.getKey());
          try {
            constraints.put(property.getValue(), Integer.parseInt(property.getKey().substring(Property.TABLE_CONSTRAINT_PREFIX.toString().length())));
          } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new AccumuloException("Bad key for existing constraint: " + property.toString());
      return constraints;
    } catch (Exception e) {
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      AuthenticationToken token;
      try {
        token = AccumuloClassLoader.getClassLoader().loadClass(conf.get(Property.TRACE_TOKEN_TYPE)).asSubclass(AuthenticationToken.class).newInstance();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new AccumuloException(e);
      at = token;
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  private static KeyExtent fixSplit(Text table, Text metadataEntry, Text metadataPrevEndRow, Value oper, double splitRatio, TServerInstance tserver,
      TCredentials credentials, String time, long initFlushID, long initCompactID, ZooLock lock) throws AccumuloException {
    if (metadataPrevEndRow == null)
      // something is wrong, this should not happen... if a tablet is split, it will always have a
      // prev end row....
      throw new AccumuloException("Split tablet does not have prev end row, something is amiss, extent = " + metadataEntry);
    // check to see if prev tablet exist in metadata tablet
    Key prevRowKey = new Key(new Text(KeyExtent.getMetadataEntry(table, metadataPrevEndRow)));

    ScannerImpl scanner2 = new ScannerImpl(HdfsZooInstance.getInstance(), credentials, Constants.METADATA_TABLE_ID, Constants.NO_AUTHS);
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  public static void abortIfFateTransactions() {
    try {
      final ReadOnlyTStore<Accumulo> fate = new ReadOnlyStore<Accumulo>(new ZooStore<Accumulo>(ZooUtil.getRoot(HdfsZooInstance.getInstance()) + Constants.ZFATE,
      if (!(fate.list().isEmpty())) {
        throw new AccumuloException("Aborting upgrade because there are outstanding FATE transactions from a previous Accumulo version. Please see the README document for instructions on what to do under your previous version.");
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      log.fatal("Problem verifying Fate readiness", exception);
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    } else {
      try {
        scanner = new IsolatedScanner(instance.getConnector(credentials.getPrincipal(), CredentialHelper.extractToken(credentials)).createScanner(Constants.METADATA_TABLE_NAME, Constants.NO_AUTHS));
      } catch (AccumuloSecurityException ex) {
        throw new AccumuloException(ex);
      } catch (TableNotFoundException ex) {
        throw new AccumuloException(ex);
    // skip candidates that are in a bulk processing folder
    if (checkForBulkProcessingFiles) {
      log.debug("Checking for bulk processing flags");
      // WARNING: This block is IMPORTANT
      // You MUST REMOVE candidates that are in the same folder as a bulk
      // processing flag!
      for (Entry<Key,Value> entry : scanner) {
        String blipPath = entry.getKey().getRow().toString().substring(Constants.METADATA_BLIP_FLAG_PREFIX.length());
        Iterator<String> tailIter = candidates.tailSet(blipPath).iterator();
        int count = 0;
        while (tailIter.hasNext()) {
          if ( {
          } else {
        if (count > 0)
          log.debug("Folder has bulk processing flag: " + blipPath);
    // skip candidates that are still in use in the file column family in
    // the metadata table
    TabletIterator tabletIterator = new TabletIterator(scanner, Constants.METADATA_KEYSPACE, false, true);
    while (tabletIterator.hasNext()) {
      Map<Key,Value> tabletKeyValues =;
      for (Entry<Key,Value> entry : tabletKeyValues.entrySet()) {
        if (entry.getKey().getColumnFamily().equals(Constants.METADATA_DATAFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY)
            || entry.getKey().getColumnFamily().equals(Constants.METADATA_SCANFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY)) {
          String cf = entry.getKey().getColumnQualifier().toString();
          String delete;
          if (cf.startsWith("../")) {
            delete = cf.substring(2);
          } else {
            String table = new String(KeyExtent.tableOfMetadataRow(entry.getKey().getRow()), Constants.UTF8);
            delete = "/" + table + cf;
          // WARNING: This line is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.
          // You MUST REMOVE candidates that are still in use
          if (candidates.remove(delete))
            log.debug("Candidate was still in use in the METADATA table: " + delete);
          String path = delete.substring(0, delete.lastIndexOf('/'));
          if (candidates.remove(path))
            log.debug("Candidate was still in use in the METADATA table: " + path);
        } else if (Constants.METADATA_DIRECTORY_COLUMN.hasColumns(entry.getKey())) {
          String table = new String(KeyExtent.tableOfMetadataRow(entry.getKey().getRow()), Constants.UTF8);
          String delete = "/" + table + entry.getValue().toString();
          if (candidates.remove(delete))
            log.debug("Candidate was still in use in the METADATA table: " + delete);
        } else
          throw new AccumuloException("Scanner over metadata table returned unexpected column : " + entry.getKey());
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    } catch (ThriftSecurityException e) {
      throw new AccumuloSecurityException(e.user, e.code, e);
    } catch (AccumuloException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new AccumuloException(e);
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  public static void validateEntries(String tableId, SortedSet<KeyExtent> tablets) throws AccumuloException {
    // sanity check of metadata table entries
    // make sure tablets has no holes, and that it starts and ends w/ null
    if (tablets.size() == 0)
      throw new AccumuloException("No entries found in metadata table for table " + tableId);
    if (tablets.first().getPrevEndRow() != null)
      throw new AccumuloException("Problem with metadata table, first entry for table " + tableId + "- " + tablets.first() + " - has non null prev end row");
    if (tablets.last().getEndRow() != null)
      throw new AccumuloException("Problem with metadata table, last entry for table " + tableId + "- " + tablets.first() + " - has non null end row");
    Iterator<KeyExtent> tabIter = tablets.iterator();
    Text lastEndRow =;
    while (tabIter.hasNext()) {
      KeyExtent tabke =;
      if (tabke.getPrevEndRow() == null)
        throw new AccumuloException("Problem with metadata table, it has null prev end row in middle of table " + tabke);
      if (!tabke.getPrevEndRow().equals(lastEndRow))
        throw new AccumuloException("Problem with metadata table, it has a hole " + tabke.getPrevEndRow() + " != " + lastEndRow);
      lastEndRow = tabke.getEndRow();
    // end METADATA table sanity check
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    } catch (ThriftSecurityException e) {
      throw new AccumuloSecurityException(e.user, e.code, e);
    } catch (AccumuloException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new AccumuloException(e);
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      List<ActiveScan> as = new ArrayList<ActiveScan>();
      for (org.apache.accumulo.core.tabletserver.thrift.ActiveScan activeScan : client.getActiveScans(Tracer.traceInfo(), credentials)) {
        try {
          as.add(new ActiveScan(instance, activeScan));
        } catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
          throw new AccumuloException(e);
      return as;
    } catch (TTransportException e) {
      throw new AccumuloException(e);
    } catch (ThriftSecurityException e) {
      throw new AccumuloSecurityException(e.user, e.code, e);
    } catch (TException e) {
      throw new AccumuloException(e);
    } finally {
      if (client != null)
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Related Classes of org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException

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