Package org.apache.accumulo.core.client

Examples of org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException

    Connector conn = state.getConnector();
    boolean tableExists = WalkingSecurity.get(state).getTableExists();
    boolean cloudTableExists = conn.tableOperations().list().contains(WalkingSecurity.get(state).getTableName());
    if (tableExists != cloudTableExists)
      throw new AccumuloException("Table existance out of sync");
    boolean tableUserExists = WalkingSecurity.get(state).userExists(WalkingSecurity.get(state).getTabUserName());
    boolean cloudTableUserExists = conn.securityOperations().listLocalUsers().contains(WalkingSecurity.get(state).getTabUserName());
    if (tableUserExists != cloudTableUserExists)
      throw new AccumuloException("Table User existance out of sync");
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.setProperty("target", "system");
    Authenticate.authenticate(state.getUserName(), state.getToken(), state, props);
    props.setProperty("target", "table");
    Authenticate.authenticate(state.getUserName(), state.getToken(), state, props);
    for (String user : new String[] {WalkingSecurity.get(state).getSysUserName(), WalkingSecurity.get(state).getTabUserName()}) {
      for (SystemPermission sp : SystemPermission.values()) {
        boolean hasSp = WalkingSecurity.get(state).hasSystemPermission(user, sp);
        boolean accuHasSp;
        try {
          accuHasSp = conn.securityOperations().hasSystemPermission(user, sp);
          log.debug("Just checked to see if user " + user + " has system perm " + + " with answer " + accuHasSp);
        } catch (AccumuloSecurityException ae) {
          if (ae.getSecurityErrorCode().equals(SecurityErrorCode.USER_DOESNT_EXIST)) {
            if (tableUserExists)
              throw new AccumuloException("Got user DNE error when they should", ae);
          } else
            throw new AccumuloException("Unexpected exception!", ae);
        if (hasSp != accuHasSp)
          throw new AccumuloException(user + " existance out of sync for system perm " + sp + " hasSp/CloudhasSP " + hasSp + " " + accuHasSp);
      for (TablePermission tp : TablePermission.values()) {
        boolean hasTp = WalkingSecurity.get(state).hasTablePermission(user, WalkingSecurity.get(state).getTableName(), tp);
        boolean accuHasTp;
        try {
          accuHasTp = conn.securityOperations().hasTablePermission(user, WalkingSecurity.get(state).getTableName(), tp);
          log.debug("Just checked to see if user " + user + " has table perm " + + " with answer " + accuHasTp);
        } catch (AccumuloSecurityException ae) {
          if (ae.getSecurityErrorCode().equals(SecurityErrorCode.USER_DOESNT_EXIST)) {
            if (tableUserExists)
              throw new AccumuloException("Got user DNE error when they should", ae);
          } else if (ae.getSecurityErrorCode().equals(SecurityErrorCode.TABLE_DOESNT_EXIST)) {
            if (tableExists)
              throw new AccumuloException("Got table DNE when it should", ae);
          } else
            throw new AccumuloException("Unexpected exception!", ae);
        if (hasTp != accuHasTp)
          throw new AccumuloException(user + " existance out of sync for table perm " + tp + " hasTp/CloudhasTP " + hasTp + " " + accuHasTp);
    Authorizations accuAuths;
    Authorizations auths;
    try {
      auths = WalkingSecurity.get(state).getUserAuthorizations(WalkingSecurity.get(state).getTabCredentials());
      accuAuths = conn.securityOperations().getUserAuthorizations(WalkingSecurity.get(state).getTabUserName());
    } catch (ThriftSecurityException ae) {
      if (ae.getCode().equals(SecurityErrorCode.USER_DOESNT_EXIST)) {
        if (tableUserExists)
          throw new AccumuloException("Table user didn't exist when they should.", ae);
      throw new AccumuloException("Unexpected exception!", ae);
    if (!auths.equals(accuAuths))
      throw new AccumuloException("Table User authorizations out of sync");
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    byte[] salt = generateSalt();
    try {
      return convertPass(password, salt);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
      log.error("Count not create hashed password", e);
      throw new AccumuloException("Count not create hashed password", e);
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  private long totalMinorCompactions;
  private static Pair<Text,KeyExtent> verifyRootTablet(KeyExtent extent, TServerInstance instance) throws DistributedStoreException, AccumuloException {
    ZooTabletStateStore store = new ZooTabletStateStore();
    if (!store.iterator().hasNext()) {
      throw new AccumuloException("Illegal state: location is not set in zookeeper");
    TabletLocationState next = store.iterator().next();
    if (!instance.equals(next.future)) {
      throw new AccumuloException("Future location is not to this server for the root tablet");
    if (next.current != null) {
      throw new AccumuloException("Root tablet already has a location set");
    return new Pair<Text,KeyExtent>(new Text(Constants.ZROOT_TABLET), null);
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        return null;
      Text cf = key.getColumnFamily();
      if (cf.equals(Constants.METADATA_FUTURE_LOCATION_COLUMN_FAMILY)) {
        if (future != null) {
          throw new AccumuloException("Tablet has multiple future locations " + extent);
        future = new TServerInstance(entry.getValue(), key.getColumnQualifier());
      } else if (cf.equals(Constants.METADATA_CURRENT_LOCATION_COLUMN_FAMILY)) {"Tablet seems to be already assigned to " + new TServerInstance(entry.getValue(), key.getColumnQualifier()));
        return null;
      } else if (Constants.METADATA_PREV_ROW_COLUMN.hasColumns(key)) {
        prevEndRow = entry.getValue();
      } else if (Constants.METADATA_DIRECTORY_COLUMN.hasColumns(key)) {
        dir = entry.getValue();
      } else if (Constants.METADATA_TIME_COLUMN.hasColumns(key)) {
        time = entry.getValue();
    if (prevEndRow == null) {
      throw new AccumuloException("Metadata entry does not have prev row (" + metadataEntry + ")");
    } else {
      KeyExtent ke2 = new KeyExtent(metadataEntry, prevEndRow);
      if (!extent.equals(ke2)) {"Tablet prev end row mismatch " + extent + " " + ke2.getPrevEndRow());
        return null;

    if (dir == null) {
      throw new AccumuloException("Metadata entry does not have directory (" + metadataEntry + ")");

    if (time == null) {
      throw new AccumuloException("Metadata entry does not have time (" + metadataEntry + ")");

    if (future == null) {"The master has not assigned " + extent + " to " + instance);
      return null;
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          throw new TableNotFoundException(e);
        case OFFLINE:
          throw new TableOfflineException(instance, null);
        case OTHER:
          throw new AccumuloException(e.description, e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new AccumuloException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {
      // always finish table op, even when exception
      if (opid != null)
        try {
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  public void flush(String tableName) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException {
    try {
      flush(tableName, null, null, false);
    } catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
      throw new AccumuloException(e.getMessage(), e);
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      switch (e.getType()) {
        case NOTFOUND:
          throw new TableNotFoundException(e);
        case OTHER:
          throw new AccumuloException(e.description, e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new AccumuloException(e);
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      switch (e.getType()) {
        case NOTFOUND:
          throw new TableNotFoundException(e);
        case OTHER:
          throw new AccumuloException(e.description, e);
    } catch (AccumuloException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new AccumuloException(e);
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    ArgumentChecker.notNull(tableName, dir, failureDir);
    FileSystem fs = FileUtil.getFileSystem(CachedConfiguration.getInstance(), instance.getConfiguration());
    Path dirPath = fs.makeQualified(new Path(dir));
    Path failPath = fs.makeQualified(new Path(failureDir));
    if (!fs.exists(dirPath))
      throw new AccumuloException("Bulk import directory " + dir + " does not exist!");
    if (!fs.exists(failPath))
      throw new AccumuloException("Bulk import failure directory " + failureDir + " does not exist!");
    FileStatus[] listStatus = fs.listStatus(failPath);
    if (listStatus != null && listStatus.length != 0) {
      if (listStatus.length == 1 && listStatus[0].isDir())
        throw new AccumuloException("Bulk import directory " + failPath + " is a file");
      throw new AccumuloException("Bulk import failure directory " + failPath + " is not empty");

    List<ByteBuffer> args = Arrays.asList(ByteBuffer.wrap(tableName.getBytes()), ByteBuffer.wrap(dirPath.toString().getBytes()),
        ByteBuffer.wrap(failPath.toString().getBytes()), ByteBuffer.wrap((setTime + "").getBytes()));
    Map<String,String> opts = new HashMap<String,String>();
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      switch (e.getType()) {
        case NOTFOUND:
          throw new TableNotFoundException(e);
        case OTHER:
          throw new AccumuloException(e.description, e);
    } catch (ThriftSecurityException e) {
      throw new AccumuloSecurityException(e.user, e.code, e);
    } catch (AccumuloException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new AccumuloException(e);
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Related Classes of org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException

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