public void testCustomerProvider(String basePath) throws Exception
Abdera abdera = new Abdera();
Factory factory = abdera.getFactory();
AbderaClient client = new AbderaClient(abdera);
String base = "http://localhost:9002" + basePath + "/";
// Testing of entry creation
IRI colUri = new IRI(base).resolve("customers");
Entry entry = factory.newEntry();
entry.setTitle("Hmmm this is ignored right now");
entry.setUpdated(new Date());
entry.addAuthor("Acme Industries");
entry.setSummary("Customer document");
Element customerEl = factory.newElement(new QName("customer"));
customerEl.setAttributeValue(new QName("name"), "Dan Diephouse");
RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();
ClientResponse res =, entry, opts);
assertEquals(201, res.getStatus());
IRI location = res.getLocation();
assertEquals(basePath + "/customers/1001-Dan_Diephouse", location.toString());
// GET the entry
res = client.get(colUri.resolve(location.toString()).toString());
assertEquals(200, res.getStatus());
org.apache.abdera.model.Document<Entry> entry_doc = res.getDocument();
entry = entry_doc.getRoot();