Package org.ajax4jsf.util.base64

Examples of org.ajax4jsf.util.base64.DecoderException

                            if ( !Dn.isValid( targetDN ) )
                                String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04032, targetDN );
                                LOG.error( msg );
                                throw new DecoderException( msg );

                            container.getCertGenerationObject().setTargetDN( targetDN );
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04033, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ) );
                            LOG.error( msg );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                } );

         * Transition from targetDN state to issuerDN
         * CertGenerationObject ::= SEQUENCE {
         *     ...
         *     issuerDN IA5String,
         *     ...
         * Set the issuerDN value into the CertGenerationObject instance.
        super.transitions[CertGenerationStatesEnum.TARGETDN_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition<CertGenerationContainer>( CertGenerationStatesEnum.TARGETDN_STATE,
                CertGenerationStatesEnum.ISSUER_STATE, UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<CertGenerationContainer>( "Set Cert Generation issuer Dn value" )
                    public void action( CertGenerationContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        String issuerDN = Strings.utf8ToString( value.getData() );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "Issuer Dn = " + issuerDN );

                        if ( ( issuerDN != null ) && ( issuerDN.trim().length() > 0 ) )
                            if ( !Dn.isValid( issuerDN ) )
                                String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04034, issuerDN );
                                LOG.error( msg );
                                throw new DecoderException( msg );

                            container.getCertGenerationObject().setIssuerDN( issuerDN );
                } );

         * Transition from issuerDN state to subjectDN
         * CertGenerationObject ::= SEQUENCE {
         *     ...
         *     subjectDN IA5String,
         *     ...
         * Set the subjectDN value into the CertGenerationObject instance.
        super.transitions[CertGenerationStatesEnum.ISSUER_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition<CertGenerationContainer>( CertGenerationStatesEnum.ISSUER_STATE,
                CertGenerationStatesEnum.SUBJECT_STATE, UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<CertGenerationContainer>( "Set Cert Generation subject Dn value" )
                    public void action( CertGenerationContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        String subjectDN = Strings.utf8ToString( value.getData() );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "subject Dn = " + subjectDN );

                        if ( ( subjectDN != null ) && ( subjectDN.trim().length() > 0 ) )
                            if ( !Dn.isValid( subjectDN ) )
                                String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04035, subjectDN );
                                LOG.error( msg );
                                throw new DecoderException( msg );

                            container.getCertGenerationObject().setSubjectDN( subjectDN );
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04033, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ) );
                            LOG.error( msg );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                } );

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                    catch ( BooleanDecoderException be )
                        String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04024 );
                        LOG.error( msg, be );
                        throw new DecoderException( msg );

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                        catch ( IntegerDecoderException e )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04028 );
                            LOG.error( msg, e );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                } );

         * Transition from mode to cookie
         * SyncRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         *     cookie     syncCookie OPTIONAL,
         *     ...
         * Stores the cookie
        super.transitions[SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.MODE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.MODE_STATE,
                SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.COOKIE_STATE, UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<SyncRequestValueContainer>( "Set SyncRequestValueControl cookie" )
                    public void action( SyncRequestValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        byte[] cookie = value.getData();

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "cookie = " + Strings.dumpBytes( cookie ) );

                        container.getSyncRequestValueControl().setCookie( cookie );

                        // We can have an END transition
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                } );

         * Transition from mode to reloadHint
         * SyncRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         *     reloadHint BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
         * }
         * Stores the reloadHint flag
        super.transitions[SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.MODE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.MODE_STATE,
                SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.RELOAD_HINT_STATE, UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<SyncRequestValueContainer>( "Set SyncRequestValueControl reloadHint flag" )
                    public void action( SyncRequestValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                            boolean reloadHint = BooleanDecoder.parse( value );

                            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                LOG.debug( "reloadHint = " + reloadHint );

                            container.getSyncRequestValueControl().setReloadHint( reloadHint );

                            // We can have an END transition
                            container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                        catch ( BooleanDecoderException e )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04029 );
                            LOG.error( msg, e );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                } );

         * Transition from cookie to reloadHint
         * SyncRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         *     reloadHint BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
         * }
         * Stores the reloadHint flag
        super.transitions[SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.COOKIE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.COOKIE_STATE,
                SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.RELOAD_HINT_STATE, UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<SyncRequestValueContainer>( "Set SyncRequestValueControl reloadHint flag" )
                    public void action( SyncRequestValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                            boolean reloadHint = BooleanDecoder.parse( value );

                            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                LOG.debug( "reloadHint = " + reloadHint );

                            container.getSyncRequestValueControl().setReloadHint( reloadHint );

                            // We can have an END transition
                            container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                        catch ( BooleanDecoderException e )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04029 );
                            LOG.error( msg, e );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                } );
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                        catch ( BooleanDecoderException be )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04025 );
                            LOG.error( msg, be );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );

                        // We can have an END transition
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                } );

         * Transition from refreshDelete choice state to refreshDone
         *     refreshDelete [1] SEQUENCE {
         *         ....
         *         refreshDone BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE
         *     }
         * Load the refreshDone flag
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_DELETE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_DELETE_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "RefreshDelete refreshDone flag" )
                    public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        SyncInfoValue control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();

                        Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                            boolean refreshDone = BooleanDecoder.parse( value );

                            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                LOG.debug( "refreshDone = {}", refreshDone );

                            control.setRefreshDone( refreshDone );

                            container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );

                            // the END transition for grammar
                            container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                        catch ( BooleanDecoderException be )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04025 );
                            LOG.error( msg, be );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );

                        // We can have an END transition
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                } );

         * Transition from initial state to SyncInfoValue refreshPresent choice
         * SyncInfoValue ::= CHOICE {
         *     ...
         *     refreshPresent [2] SEQUENCE {
         *     ...
         * Initialize the syncInfoValue object
            .getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.START_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "RefreshDelete choice for SyncInfoValueControl" )
                    public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container )
                        SyncInfoValue control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();

                        container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );

                        // We can have an END transition
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                } );

         * Transition from refreshPresent state to cookie
         *     refreshPresent [2] SEQUENCE {
         *         cookie syncCookie OPTIONAL,
         *     ...
         * Load the cookie object
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_PRESENT_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_PRESENT_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "RefreshPresent cookie" )
                    public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container )
                        SyncInfoValue control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();

                        Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        byte[] cookie = value.getData();

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "cookie = " + Strings.dumpBytes( cookie ) );

                        container.getSyncInfoValueControl().setCookie( cookie );
                        container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );

                        // We can have an END transition
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                } );

         * Transition from refreshPresent cookie state to refreshDone
         *     refreshPresent [2] SEQUENCE {
         *         ....
         *         refreshDone BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE
         *     }
         * Load the refreshDone flag
            .getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_PRESENT_COOKIE_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "RefreshPresent refreshDone flag" )
                    public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        SyncInfoValue control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();

                        Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                            boolean refreshDone = BooleanDecoder.parse( value );

                            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                LOG.debug( "refreshDone = {}", refreshDone );

                            control.setRefreshDone( refreshDone );

                            container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );

                            // the END transition for grammar
                            container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                        catch ( BooleanDecoderException be )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04025 );
                            LOG.error( msg, be );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );

                        // We can have an END transition
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                } );

         * Transition from refreshPresent choice state to refreshDone
         *     refreshPresent [1] SEQUENCE {
         *         ....
         *         refreshDone BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE
         *     }
         * Load the refreshDone flag
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_PRESENT_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_PRESENT_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "RefreshPresent refreshDone flag" )
                    public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        SyncInfoValue control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();

                        Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                            boolean refreshDone = BooleanDecoder.parse( value );

                            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                LOG.debug( "refreshDone = {}", refreshDone );

                            control.setRefreshDone( refreshDone );

                            container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );

                            // the END transition for grammar
                            container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                        catch ( BooleanDecoderException be )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04025 );
                            LOG.error( msg, be );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );

                        // We can have an END transition
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                } );

         * Transition from initial state to SyncInfoValue syncIdSet choice
         * SyncInfoValue ::= CHOICE {
         *     ...
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *     ...
         * Initialize the syncInfoValue object
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.START_STATE.ordinal()][SyncInfoValueTags.SYNC_ID_SET_TAG.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.START_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet choice for SyncInfoValueControl" )
                    public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container )
                        SyncInfoValue control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();

                        container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );
                } );

         * Transition from syncIdSet state to cookie
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *         cookie syncCookie OPTIONAL,
         *     ...
         * Load the cookie object
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet cookie" )
                    public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container )
                        SyncInfoValue control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();

                        Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        byte[] cookie = value.getData();

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "cookie = " + Strings.dumpBytes( cookie ) );

                        container.getSyncInfoValueControl().setCookie( cookie );
                        container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );
                } );

         * Transition from syncIdSet state to refreshDeletes
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *         ...
         *         refreshDeletes BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
         *     ...
         * Load the refreshDeletes flag
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet refreshDeletes" )
                    public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        SyncInfoValue control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();

                        Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                            boolean refreshDeletes = BooleanDecoder.parse( value );

                            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                LOG.debug( "refreshDeletes = {}", refreshDeletes );

                            control.setRefreshDeletes( refreshDeletes );

                            container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );
                        catch ( BooleanDecoderException be )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04026 );
                            LOG.error( msg, be );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                } );

         * Transition from syncIdSet cookie state to refreshDeletes
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *         ...
         *         refreshDeletes BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
         *     ...
         * Load the refreshDeletes flag
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_COOKIE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_COOKIE_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet refreshDeletes" )
                    public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        SyncInfoValue control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();

                        Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                            boolean refreshDeletes = BooleanDecoder.parse( value );

                            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                LOG.debug( "refreshDeletes = {}", refreshDeletes );

                            control.setRefreshDeletes( refreshDeletes );

                            container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );
                        catch ( BooleanDecoderException be )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04024 );
                            LOG.error( msg, be );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                } );

         * Transition from syncIdSet state to syncUUIDs
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *         ...
         *         syncUUIDs      *SET OF* syncUUID
         *     }
         * Initialize the UUID set : no action associated, except allowing a grammar end
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.SET.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet syncUUIDs" )
                    public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        // We can have an END transition
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                } );

         * Transition from syncIdSet cookie state to syncUUIDs
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *         ...
         *         syncUUIDs      *SET OF* syncUUID
         *     }
         * Initialize the UUID set : no action associated
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_COOKIE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.SET.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_COOKIE_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet syncUUIDs" )
                    public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        // We can have an END transition
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                } );

         * Transition from syncIdSet refreshDeletes state to syncUUIDs
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *         ...
         *         syncUUIDs      *SET OF* syncUUID
         *     }
         * Initialize the UUID set : no action associated
            .getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_REFRESH_DELETES_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet syncUUIDs" )
                    public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        // We can have an END transition
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                } );

         * Transition from syncIdSet syncUUIDs to syncUUID
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *         ...
         *         syncUUIDs      SET OF *syncUUID*
         *     }
         * Add the first UUID in the UUIDs list
            .getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_SET_OF_UUIDS_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet first UUID" )
                    public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        SyncInfoValue control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();

                        Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        byte[] uuid = value.getData();

                        // UUID must be exactly 16 bytes long
                        if ( ( uuid == null ) || ( uuid.length != 16 ) )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04027 );
                            LOG.error( msg );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "UUID = " + Strings.dumpBytes( uuid ) );

                        // Store the UUID in the UUIDs list
                        control.addSyncUUID( uuid );

                        // We can have an END transition
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                } );

         * Transition from syncIdSet syncUUID to syncUUID
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *         ...
         *         syncUUIDs      SET OF *syncUUID*
         *     }
         * Add a new UUID in the UUIDs list
            .getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_UUID_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet UUID" )
                    public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        SyncInfoValue control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();

                        Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        byte[] uuid = value.getData();

                        // UUID must be exactly 16 bytes long
                        if ( ( uuid == null ) || ( uuid.length != 16 ) )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04027 );
                            LOG.error( msg );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "UUID = " + Strings.dumpBytes( uuid ) );
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                    catch ( IntegerDecoderException e )
                        String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04030 );
                        LOG.error( msg, e );
                        throw new DecoderException( msg );
            } );

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        catch ( IntegerDecoderException ide )
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04018, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ), ide.getMessage() ) );

            throw new DecoderException( ide.getMessage() );

        if ( IS_DEBUG )
            LOG.debug( "The result code is set to " + resultCode );
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        catch ( LongDecoderException lde )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04103, value.toString() );
            LOG.error( msg );
            throw new DecoderException( msg );

        searchRequest.setSizeLimit( sizeLimit );

        if ( IS_DEBUG )
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        catch ( IntegerDecoderException ide )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04101, value.toString() );
            LOG.error( msg );
            throw new DecoderException( msg );

        searchRequest.setScope( SearchScope.getSearchScope( scope ) );

        if ( IS_DEBUG )
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        catch ( IntegerDecoderException ide )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04104, value.toString() );
            LOG.error( msg );
            throw new DecoderException( msg );

        searchRequest.setTimeLimit( timeLimit );

        if ( IS_DEBUG )
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        catch ( IntegerDecoderException ide )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04102, value.toString() );
            LOG.error( msg );
            throw new DecoderException( msg );

        searchRequest.setDerefAliases( AliasDerefMode.getDerefMode( derefAliases ) );

        if ( IS_DEBUG )
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Related Classes of org.ajax4jsf.util.base64.DecoderException

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