public synchronized void run() {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) { + " starting to acquire jobs");
final CommandExecutor commandExecutor = jobExecutor.getCommandExecutor();
while (!isInterrupted) {
int maxJobsPerAcquisition = jobExecutor.getMaxJobsPerAcquisition();
try {
AcquiredJobs acquiredJobs = commandExecutor.execute(jobExecutor.getAcquireJobsCmd());
for (List<String> jobIds : acquiredJobs.getJobIdBatches()) {
// if all jobs were executed
millisToWait = jobExecutor.getWaitTimeInMillis();
int jobsAcquired = acquiredJobs.getJobIdBatches().size();
if (jobsAcquired < maxJobsPerAcquisition) {
isJobAdded = false;
// check if the next timer should fire before the normal sleep time is over
Date duedate = new Date(ClockUtil.getCurrentTime().getTime() + millisToWait);
List<TimerEntity> nextTimers = commandExecutor.execute(new GetUnlockedTimersByDuedateCmd(duedate, new Page(0, 1)));
if (!nextTimers.isEmpty()) {
long millisTillNextTimer = nextTimers.get(0).getDuedate().getTime() - ClockUtil.getCurrentTime().getTime();
if (millisTillNextTimer < millisToWait) {
millisToWait = millisTillNextTimer;