//These codes is used to avoid a bug:
//ACT-1728 If the process instance was started by a callActivity, it will be not have the startEvent activity in ACT_HI_ACTINST table
//Code logic:
//Check the first activity if it is a startEvent, if not check out the startEvent's highlight outgoing flow.
HistoricActivityInstance firstHistActInst = hisActInstList.getFirst();
String firstActType = (String) firstHistActInst.getActivityType();
if (firstActType != null && firstActType.toLowerCase().indexOf("startevent") < 0){
PvmTransition startTrans = getStartTransaction(startEventActList, firstHistActInst);
if (startTrans != null){
while (!hisActInstList.isEmpty()) {
HistoricActivityInstance histActInst = hisActInstList.removeFirst();
ActivityImpl activity = activityMap.get(histActInst.getActivityId());
if (activity != null) {
boolean isParallel = false;
String type = histActInst.getActivityType();
if ("parallelGateway".equals(type) || "inclusiveGateway".equals(type)){
isParallel = true;
} else if ("subProcess".equals(histActInst.getActivityType())){
getHighlightedFlows(activity.getActivities(), hisActInstList, highLightedFlows);
List<PvmTransition> allOutgoingTrans = new ArrayList<PvmTransition>();