RepositoryService repositoryService2 = processEngine2.getRepositoryService();
RuntimeService runtimeService2 = processEngine2.getRuntimeService();
TaskService taskService2 = processEngine2.getTaskService();
// Deploy first version of process: start->originalTask->end on first process engine
String deploymentId = repositoryService1.createDeployment()
// Start process instance on second engine
String processDefinitionId = repositoryService2.createProcessDefinitionQuery().singleResult().getId();
Task task = taskService2.createTaskQuery().singleResult();
assertEquals("original task", task.getName());
// Delete the deployment on second process engine
repositoryService2.deleteDeployment(deploymentId, true);
assertEquals(0, repositoryService2.createDeploymentQuery().count());
assertEquals(0, runtimeService2.createProcessInstanceQuery().count());
// deploy a revised version of the process: start->revisedTask->end on first process engine
// Before the bugfix, this would set the cache on the first process engine,
// but the second process engine still has the original process definition in his cache.
// Since there is a deployment delete in between, the new generated process definition id is the same
// as in the original deployment, making the second process engine using the old cached process definition.
deploymentId = repositoryService1.createDeployment()
// Start process instance on second process engine -> must use revised process definition
task = taskService2.createTaskQuery().singleResult();
assertEquals("revised task", task.getName());
// cleanup
repositoryService1.deleteDeployment(deploymentId, true);