+ _zkConnectString + ", expiredSessionId: " + _sessionId + ", clusterName: "
+ _clusterName);
isConnected = _zkClient.waitUntilConnected(CONNECTIONTIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
ZkConnection zkConnection = ((ZkConnection) _zkClient.getConnection());
synchronized (this)
_sessionId = Long.toHexString(zkConnection.getZookeeper().getSessionId());
// reset all handlers so they have a chance to unsubscribe zk changes from zkclient
// and remove all handlers since we will create new ones
// _handlers.clear();
// abandon all callback-handlers added in expired session
_handlers = new ArrayList<CallbackHandler>();
logger.info("Handling new session, session id:" + _sessionId + ", instance:"
+ _instanceName + ", instanceTye: " + _instanceType + ", cluster: " + _clusterName);
if (!ZKUtil.isClusterSetup(_clusterName, _zkClient))
throw new HelixException("Initial cluster structure is not set up for cluster:"
+ _clusterName);