attributes.add(new AttributeAdapter(this, xsdAttribute.getName(), getTypeMapper(), xsdAttribute));
private void init(XSDElement xsdElement) {
XSDNode type = xsdElement.getType();
// see if we need to create an attribute (simple type)
AbstractAttributeDefinition attrDef = null;
if (type instanceof XSDComplexType && QNAME_ANYTYPE.equals(type.getQName())) {
final String typeAttr = type.getDomNode().getAttribute(XSDConstantValues._type);
if (typeAttr == null || typeAttr.isEmpty()) {
// implicit anyType since no type was set in XSD
attrDef = new TypelessElementAdapter(this, xsdElement.getName(), getTypeMapper());
} else {
// explicit anyType can be handled as any normal simpleType element
attrDef = new AnyTypeElementAdapter(this, xsdElement.getName(), getTypeMapper());
} else if (type instanceof XSDSimpleType) {
// simpleType elements (including anySimpleType) can be handld as any normal element
attrDef = new SimpleElementAdapter(this, xsdElement.getName(), getTypeMapper(), xsdElement);
if (attrDef != null) {
if (xsdElement.getMaxOccurs() > 1) {
// repeating simple attribute needs wrapper for extra (repeating) StructureDefinition
// FIXME: RepeatingSimpleElementAdapter should also become parent of attrDef (including in its name)
accessors.add(new RepeatingScalarAccessor(this, getTypeMapper(), attrDef));
} else {
} else if (type instanceof XSDComplexType) {
// no attribute definition, so create accessor to complexType
accessors.add(new ComplexElementAdapter(this, xsdElement.getName(), getTypeMapper(), xsdElement));
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("XSDElement with type " + type.getClass().getName() + " " +