Package oracle.toplink.essentials.sessions

Examples of oracle.toplink.essentials.sessions.DatabaseRecord

     * INTERNAL:
     * Insert the private owned object.
    public void postInsert(WriteObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException {
        Object objects;
        AbstractRecord databaseRow = new DatabaseRecord();

        if (isReadOnly()) {

        objects = getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(query.getObject(), query.getSession());
        DirectMapContainerPolicy containerPolicy = (DirectMapContainerPolicy)getContainerPolicy();
        if (containerPolicy.isEmpty(objects)) {

        prepareTranslationRow(query.getTranslationRow(), query.getObject(), query.getSession());
        // Extract primary key and value from the source.
        for (int index = 0; index < getReferenceKeyFields().size(); index++) {
            DatabaseField referenceKey = (DatabaseField)getReferenceKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            DatabaseField sourceKey = (DatabaseField)getSourceKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            Object sourceKeyValue = query.getTranslationRow().get(sourceKey);
            databaseRow.put(referenceKey, sourceKeyValue);

        // Extract target field and its value. Construct insert statement and execute it
        Object keyIter = containerPolicy.iteratorFor(objects);
        while (containerPolicy.hasNext(keyIter)) {
            Object key =, query.getSession());
            Object value = containerPolicy.valueFromKey(key, objects);
            if (getKeyConverter() != null) {
                key = getKeyConverter().convertObjectValueToDataValue(key, query.getSession());
            if (getValueConverter() != null) {
                value = getValueConverter().convertObjectValueToDataValue(value, query.getSession());
            databaseRow.put(getDirectKeyField(), key);
            databaseRow.put(getDirectField(), value);
            // In the uow data queries are cached until the end of the commit.
            if (query.shouldCascadeOnlyDependentParts()) {
                // Hey I might actually want to use an inner class here... ok array for now.
                Object[] event = new Object[3];
                event[0] = Insert;
                event[1] = getInsertQuery();
                event[2] = databaseRow.clone();
                query.getSession().getCommitManager().addDataModificationEvent(this, event);
            } else {
                query.getSession().executeQuery(getInsertQuery(), databaseRow);
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        SQLInsertStatement statement = new SQLInsertStatement();
        AbstractRecord joinRow = new DatabaseRecord();
        for (Enumeration targetEnum = getTargetRelationKeyFields().elements();
                 targetEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
            joinRow.put((DatabaseField)targetEnum.nextElement(), null);
        for (Enumeration sourceEnum = getSourceRelationKeyFields().elements();
                 sourceEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
            joinRow.put((DatabaseField)sourceEnum.nextElement(), null);
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    protected void insertAddedObjectEntry(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query, Object objectAdded) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
        //cr 3819 added the line below to fix the translationtable to ensure that it
        // contains the required values
        prepareTranslationRow(query.getTranslationRow(), query.getObject(), query.getSession());
        AbstractRecord databaseRow = new DatabaseRecord();

        // Extract primary key and value from the source.
        for (int index = 0; index < getSourceRelationKeyFields().size(); index++) {
            DatabaseField sourceRelationKey = (DatabaseField)getSourceRelationKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            DatabaseField sourceKey = (DatabaseField)getSourceKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            Object sourceKeyValue = query.getTranslationRow().get(sourceKey);
            databaseRow.put(sourceRelationKey, sourceKeyValue);

        // Extract target field and its value. Construct insert statement and execute it
        for (int index = 0; index < getTargetRelationKeyFields().size(); index++) {
            DatabaseField targetRelationKey = (DatabaseField)getTargetRelationKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            DatabaseField targetKey = (DatabaseField)getTargetKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            Object targetKeyValue = getReferenceDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().extractValueFromObjectForField(objectAdded, targetKey, query.getSession());
            databaseRow.put(targetRelationKey, targetKeyValue);

        query.getSession().executeQuery(getInsertQuery(), databaseRow);
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        if (cp.isEmpty(objects)) {

        prepareTranslationRow(query.getTranslationRow(), query.getObject(), query.getSession());
        AbstractRecord databaseRow = new DatabaseRecord();

        // Extract primary key and value from the source.
        for (int index = 0; index < getSourceRelationKeyFields().size(); index++) {
            DatabaseField sourceRelationKey = (DatabaseField)getSourceRelationKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            DatabaseField sourceKey = (DatabaseField)getSourceKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            Object sourceKeyValue = query.getTranslationRow().get(sourceKey);
            databaseRow.put(sourceRelationKey, sourceKeyValue);

        // Extract target field and its value. Construct insert statement and execute it
        for (Object iter = cp.iteratorFor(objects); cp.hasNext(iter);) {
            Object object =, query.getSession());
            for (int index = 0; index < getTargetRelationKeyFields().size(); index++) {
                DatabaseField targetRelationKey = (DatabaseField)getTargetRelationKeyFields().elementAt(index);
                DatabaseField targetKey = (DatabaseField)getTargetKeyFields().elementAt(index);
                Object targetKeyValue = getReferenceDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().extractValueFromObjectForField(object, targetKey, query.getSession());
                databaseRow.put(targetRelationKey, targetKeyValue);

            query.getSession().executeQuery(getInsertQuery(), databaseRow);
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     * INTERNAL:
     * An object was removed to the collection during an update, delete it if private.
    protected void objectRemovedDuringUpdate(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query, Object objectDeleted) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
        AbstractRecord databaseRow = new DatabaseRecord();

        // Extract primary key and value from the source.
        for (int index = 0; index < getSourceRelationKeyFields().size(); index++) {
            DatabaseField sourceRelationKey = (DatabaseField)getSourceRelationKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            DatabaseField sourceKey = (DatabaseField)getSourceKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            Object sourceKeyValue = query.getTranslationRow().get(sourceKey);
            databaseRow.put(sourceRelationKey, sourceKeyValue);

        // Extract target field and its value. Construct insert statement and execute it
        for (int index = 0; index < getTargetRelationKeyFields().size(); index++) {
            DatabaseField targetRelationKey = (DatabaseField)getTargetRelationKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            DatabaseField targetKey = (DatabaseField)getTargetKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            Object targetKeyValue = getReferenceDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().extractValueFromObjectForField(objectDeleted, targetKey, query.getSession());
            databaseRow.put(targetRelationKey, targetKeyValue);

        // In the uow data queries are cached until the end of the commit.
        if (query.shouldCascadeOnlyDependentParts()) {
            // Hey I might actually want to use an inner class here... ok array for now.
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     * Create a new row/record for the object builder.
     * This allows subclasses to define different record types.
    public AbstractRecord createRecord() {
        return new DatabaseRecord();
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     * Create a new row/record for the object builder.
     * This allows subclasses to define different record types.
    public AbstractRecord createRecord(int size) {
        return new DatabaseRecord(size);
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        if (!hasDeleteQuery()) {
            // Prepare delete query always.
            setDeleteQuery(new DeleteObjectQuery());
        getDeleteQuery().setModifyRow(new DatabaseRecord());

        if (hasUpdateQuery()) {
            // Do not prepare to update by default to allow minimal update.
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        WriteObjectQuery writeQuery = getWriteObjectQuery();
        AbstractRecord outputRow = (AbstractRecord)writeQuery.getProperties().get("output");
        if ((outputRow == null) || outputRow.isEmpty()) {
        AbstractRecord row = new DatabaseRecord();
        for (Iterator iterator = returnFields.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField);
            if (outputRow.containsKey(field)) {
                row.put(field, outputRow.get(field));
        if (row.isEmpty()) {

        Object object = writeQuery.getObject();

        getDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().assignReturnRow(object, getSession(), row);

        Vector primaryKeys = null;
        if (isFirstCallForInsert) {
            AbstractRecord pkToModify = new DatabaseRecord();
            List primaryKeyFields = getDescriptor().getPrimaryKeyFields();
            for (int i = 0; i < primaryKeyFields.size(); i++) {
                DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField)primaryKeyFields.get(i);
                if (row.containsKey(field)) {
                    pkToModify.put(field, row.get(field));
            if (!pkToModify.isEmpty()) {
                primaryKeys = getDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(object, getSession());
                // Now I need to update the row
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            fieldStartIndex = ((Integer)map.get(cls)).intValue();
        Vector trimedFields = Helper.copyVector(row.getFields(), fieldStartIndex, row.size());
        Vector trimedValues = Helper.copyVector(row.getValues(), fieldStartIndex, row.size());
        return new DatabaseRecord(trimedFields, trimedValues);
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Related Classes of oracle.toplink.essentials.sessions.DatabaseRecord

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