Examples of OrderDataBean

Examples of org.apache.aries.samples.ariestrader.api.persistence.OrderDataBean


    private OrderDataBean completeOrder(Connection conn, Integer orderID) throws Exception {

        OrderDataBean orderData = null;
        if (Log.doTrace())
            Log.trace("TradeJdbc:completeOrderInternal - inSession(" + this.inSession + ")", orderID);

        PreparedStatement stmt = getStatement(conn, getOrderSQL);
        stmt.setInt(1, orderID.intValue());

        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();

        if (!rs.next()) {
            Log.error("TradeJdbc:completeOrder -- unable to find order: " + orderID);
            return orderData;
        orderData = getOrderDataFromResultSet(rs);

        String orderType = orderData.getOrderType();
        String orderStatus = orderData.getOrderStatus();

        // if (order.isCompleted())
        if ((orderStatus.compareToIgnoreCase("completed") == 0)
            || (orderStatus.compareToIgnoreCase("alertcompleted") == 0)
            || (orderStatus.compareToIgnoreCase("cancelled") == 0))
            throw new Exception("TradeJdbc:completeOrder -- attempt to complete Order that is already completed");

        int accountID = rs.getInt("account_accountID");
        String quoteID = rs.getString("quote_symbol");
        int holdingID = rs.getInt("holding_holdingID");

        BigDecimal price = orderData.getPrice();
        double quantity = orderData.getQuantity();
        BigDecimal orderFee = orderData.getOrderFee();

        // get the data for the account and quote
        // the holding will be created for a buy or extracted for a sell

         * Use the AccountID and Quote Symbol from the Order AccountDataBean accountData = getAccountData(accountID,
         * conn); QuoteDataBean quoteData = getQuoteData(conn, quoteID);
        String userID = getAccountProfileData(conn, new Integer(accountID)).getUserID();

        HoldingDataBean holdingData = null;

        if (Log.doTrace())
            Log.trace("TradeJdbc:completeOrder--> Completing Order " + orderData.getOrderID() + "\n\t Order info: "
                + orderData + "\n\t Account info: " + accountID + "\n\t Quote info: " + quoteID);

        // if (order.isBuy())
        if (orderType.compareToIgnoreCase("buy") == 0) {
             * Complete a Buy operation - create a new Holding for the Account - deduct the Order cost from the Account
             * balance

            holdingData = createHolding(conn, accountID, quoteID, quantity, price);
            updateOrderHolding(conn, orderID.intValue(), holdingData.getHoldingID().intValue());

        // if (order.isSell()) {
        if (orderType.compareToIgnoreCase("sell") == 0) {
             * Complete a Sell operation - remove the Holding from the Account - deposit the Order proceeds to the
             * Account balance
            holdingData = getHoldingData(conn, holdingID);
            if (holdingData == null)
                Log.debug("TradeJdbc:completeOrder:sell -- user: " + userID + " already sold holding: " + holdingID);
                removeHolding(conn, holdingID, orderID.intValue());


        updateOrderStatus(conn, orderData.getOrderID(), "closed");

        if (Log.doTrace())
            Log.trace("TradeJdbc:completeOrder--> Completed Order " + orderData.getOrderID() + "\n\t Order info: "
                + orderData + "\n\t Account info: " + accountID + "\n\t Quote info: " + quoteID + "\n\t Holding info: "
                + holdingData);


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Examples of org.apache.aries.samples.ariestrader.api.persistence.OrderDataBean

            // TODO: return top 5 orders for now -- next version will add a
            // getAllOrders method
            // also need to get orders sorted by order id descending
            int i = 0;
            while ((rs.next()) && (i++ < 5)) {
                OrderDataBean orderData = getOrderDataFromResultSet(rs);

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Examples of org.apache.aries.samples.ariestrader.api.persistence.OrderDataBean

            stmt.setString(1, userID);

            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();

            while (rs.next()) {
                OrderDataBean orderData = getOrderDataFromResultSet(rs);
                updateOrderStatus(conn, orderData.getOrderID(), orderData.getOrderStatus());


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Examples of org.apache.aries.samples.ariestrader.api.persistence.OrderDataBean

        return holdingData;

    private OrderDataBean getOrderData(Connection conn, int orderID) throws Exception {
        OrderDataBean orderData = null;
        if (Log.doTrace())
            Log.trace("TradeJdbc:getOrderData(conn, " + orderID + ")");
        PreparedStatement stmt = getStatement(conn, getOrderSQL);
        stmt.setInt(1, orderID);
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
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Examples of org.apache.aries.samples.ariestrader.api.persistence.OrderDataBean

        return quoteData;

    private OrderDataBean getOrderDataFromResultSet(ResultSet rs) throws Exception {
        OrderDataBean orderData = null;

        orderData =
            new OrderDataBeanImpl(new Integer(rs.getInt("orderID")), rs.getString("orderType"),
                rs.getString("orderStatus"), rs.getTimestamp("openDate"), rs.getTimestamp("completionDate"), rs
                    .getDouble("quantity"), rs.getBigDecimal("price"), rs.getBigDecimal("orderFee"), rs
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