Both, the default option and the options in the drop-down list have a raw value that is returned by {@link #getRawValue()} and a display valuethat is shown to the user.
If the initial raw value is equal to the default raw value then the default radio is checked and the drop-down list is disabled. Otherwise the second radio is checked, the drop-down list is enabled and the initial value is selected.
The OptionsInput is used by {@link TextFormatsPreferencePage}. @author Apache Directory Project @version $Rev$, $Date$
Both, the default option and the options in the drop-down list have a raw value that is returned by {@link #getRawValue()} and a display valuethat is shown to the user.
If the initial raw value is equal to the default raw value then the default radio is checked and the drop-down list is disabled. Otherwise the second radio is checked, the drop-down list is enabled and the initial value is selected.
The OptionsInput is used by {@link TextFormatsPreferencePage}. @author Apache Directory Project @version $Rev$, $Date$