Examples of Optimizable

Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Optimizable

    JBitSet outerTables = new JBitSet(numOptimizables);

    /* Modify the access path of each table, as necessary */
    for (int ictr = 0; ictr < numOptimizables; ictr++)
      Optimizable optimizable = optimizableList.getOptimizable(ictr);

      /* Current table is treated as an outer table */

      ** Push any appropriate predicates from this optimizer's list
      ** to the optimizable, as appropriate.
      pushPredicates(optimizable, outerTables);

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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Optimizable

    if (predList != null)

      for (int i = joinPosition - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        Optimizable opt = optimizableList.getOptimizable(
        double uniqueKeysThisOptimizable = opt.uniqueJoin(predList);
        if (uniqueKeysThisOptimizable > 0.0)
          numUniqueKeys *= opt.uniqueJoin(predList);

    if (numUniqueKeys != 1.0)
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Optimizable

   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  public Optimizable modifyAccessPath(JBitSet outerTables) throws StandardException
    Optimizable retOptimizable;
    retOptimizable = super.modifyAccessPath(outerTables);

    /* We only want call addNewNodes() once */
    if (addNewNodesCalled)
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Optimizable

     * because a predicate's referencedTableMap references the table number
     * of the ProjectRestrictiveNode.  And we need this info to see if
     * a predicate is in storeRestrictionList that can be pushed down.
     * Beetle 3458.
    Optimizable hashTableFor = innerTable;
    if (innerTable instanceof ProjectRestrictNode)
      ProjectRestrictNode prn = (ProjectRestrictNode) innerTable;
      if (prn.getChildResult() instanceof Optimizable)
        hashTableFor = (Optimizable) (prn.getChildResult());
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Optimizable

    int i;

    for (i = vec.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      Optimizable optTable =
              (Optimizable) vec.elementAt(i);

      if (optTable.hasTableNumber())
        if (optTable.getTableNumber() == tableNumber)
          return true;
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Optimizable

    int i;

    for (i = vec.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      Optimizable optTable =
              (Optimizable) vec.elementAt(i);

      if (optTable.hasTableNumber())
        if (optTable.getTableNumber() == tableNumber)
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Optimizable

      retval = "Unordered optimizables: ";

      for (i = 0; i < unorderedOptimizables.size(); i++)
        Optimizable opt = (Optimizable) unorderedOptimizables.elementAt(i);
        if (opt.getBaseTableName() != null)
          retval += opt.getBaseTableName();
          retval += unorderedOptimizables.elementAt(i).toString();
        retval += " ";
      retval += "\n";

      retval += "\nAlways ordered optimizables: ";

      for (i = 0; i < alwaysOrderedOptimizables.size(); i++)
        Optimizable opt = (Optimizable) alwaysOrderedOptimizables.elementAt(i);
        if (opt.getBaseTableName() != null)
          retval += opt.getBaseTableName();
          retval += alwaysOrderedOptimizables.elementAt(i).toString();
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Optimizable

  private boolean unorderedOptimizablesOtherThan(Optimizable optimizable)
    for (int i = 0; i < unorderedOptimizables.size(); i++)
      Optimizable thisOpt =
        (Optimizable) unorderedOptimizables.elementAt(i);

      if (thisOpt != optimizable)
        return true;
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Optimizable

    ** is presumed to be correlated.
    nonCorrelatedTableMap = new JBitSet(numTablesInQuery);
    for (int tabCtr = 0; tabCtr < numOptimizables; tabCtr++)
      Optimizable  curTable = optimizableList.getOptimizable(tabCtr);

    /* Get the time that optimization starts */
    timeOptimizationStarted = System.currentTimeMillis();
    reloadBestPlan = false;
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Optimizable

        int idealOptimizable = firstLookOrder[joinPosition];
        nextOptimizable = idealOptimizable;
        int lookPos = numOptimizables;
        int lastSwappedOpt = -1;

        Optimizable nextOpt;
        for (nextOpt = optimizableList.getOptimizable(nextOptimizable);
          nextOpt = optimizableList.getOptimizable(nextOptimizable))
          // Undo last swap, if we had one.
          if (lastSwappedOpt >= 0) {
            firstLookOrder[joinPosition] = idealOptimizable;
            firstLookOrder[lookPos] = lastSwappedOpt;

          if (lookPos > joinPosition + 1) {
          // we still have other possibilities; get the next
          // one by "swapping" it into the current position.
            lastSwappedOpt = firstLookOrder[--lookPos];
            firstLookOrder[joinPosition] = lastSwappedOpt;
            firstLookOrder[lookPos] = idealOptimizable;
            nextOptimizable = lastSwappedOpt;
          else {
          // we went through all of the available optimizables
          // and none of them were legal in the current position;
          // so we give up and fall back to normal processing.
          // Note: we have to make sure we reload the best plans
          // as we rewind since they may have been clobbered
          // (as part of the current join order) before we got
          // here.
            if (joinPosition > 0) {
              reloadBestPlan = true;
            permuteState = NO_JUMP;

        if (permuteState == NO_JUMP)

        if (joinPosition == numOptimizables - 1) {
        // we just set the final position within our
        // "firstLookOrder" join order; now go ahead
        // and search for the best join order, starting from
        // the join order stored in "firstLookOrder".  This
        // is called walking "high" because we're searching
        // the join orders that are at or "above" (after) the
        // order found in firstLookOrder.  Ex. if we had three
        // optimizables and firstLookOrder was [1 2 0], then
        // the "high" would be [1 2 0], [2 0 1] and [2 1 0];
        // the "low" would be [0 1 2], [0 2 1], and [1 0 2].
        // We walk the "high" first, then fall back and
        // walk the "low".
          permuteState = WALK_HIGH;
        /* Find the next unused table at this join position */
        nextOptimizable = proposedJoinOrder[joinPosition] + 1;

        for ( ; nextOptimizable < numOptimizables; nextOptimizable++)
          boolean found = false;
          for (int posn = 0; posn < joinPosition; posn++)
            ** Is this optimizable already somewhere
            ** in the join order?
            if (proposedJoinOrder[posn] == nextOptimizable)
              found = true;

          /* Check to make sure that all of the next optimizable's
           * dependencies have been satisfied.
          if (nextOptimizable < numOptimizables)
            Optimizable nextOpt =
            if (! (nextOpt.legalJoinOrder(assignedTableMap)))
              if (optimizerTrace)
                trace(SKIPPING_JOIN_ORDER, nextOptimizable, 0, 0.0, null);

              ** If this is a user specified join order then it is illegal.
              if ( ! optimizableList.optimizeJoinOrder())
                if (optimizerTrace)
                  trace(ILLEGAL_USER_JOIN_ORDER, 0, 0, 0.0, null);

                throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_ILLEGAL_FORCED_JOIN_ORDER);

          if (! found)


      ** We are going to try an optimizable at the current join order
      ** position.  Is there one already at that position?
      if (proposedJoinOrder[joinPosition] >= 0)
        ** We are either going to try another table at the current
        ** join order position, or we have exhausted all the tables
        ** at the current join order position.  In either case, we
        ** need to pull the table at the current join order position
        ** and remove it from the join order.
        Optimizable pullMe =

        ** Subtract the cost estimate of the optimizable being
        ** removed from the total cost estimate.
        ** The total cost is the sum of all the costs, but the total
        ** number of rows is the number of rows returned by the
        ** innermost optimizable.
        double prevRowCount;
        double prevSingleScanRowCount;
        int prevPosition = 0;
        if (joinPosition == 0)
          prevRowCount = outermostCostEstimate.rowCount();
          prevSingleScanRowCount = outermostCostEstimate.singleScanRowCount();
          prevPosition = proposedJoinOrder[joinPosition - 1];
          CostEstimate localCE =
          prevRowCount = localCE.rowCount();
          prevSingleScanRowCount = localCE.singleScanRowCount();

        ** If there is no feasible join order, the cost estimate
        ** in the best access path may never have been set.
        ** In this case, do not subtract anything from the
        ** current cost, since nothing was added to the current
        ** cost.
        double newCost = currentCost.getEstimatedCost();
        double pullCost = 0.0;
        CostEstimate pullCostEstimate =
        if (pullCostEstimate != null)
          pullCost = pullCostEstimate.getEstimatedCost();

          newCost -= pullCost;

          ** It's possible for newCost to go negative here due to
          ** loss of precision.
          if (newCost < 0.0)
            newCost = 0.0;

        /* If we are choosing a new outer table, then
         * we rest the starting cost to the outermostCost.
         * (Thus avoiding any problems with floating point
         * accuracy and going negative.)
        if (joinPosition == 0)
          if (outermostCostEstimate != null)
            newCost = outermostCostEstimate.getEstimatedCost();
            newCost = 0.0;

        ** Subtract from the sort avoidance cost if there is a
        ** required row ordering.
        ** NOTE: It is not necessary here to check whether the
        ** best cost was ever set for the sort avoidance path,
        ** because it considerSortAvoidancePath() would not be
        ** set if there cost were not set.
        if (requiredRowOrdering != null)
          if (pullMe.considerSortAvoidancePath())
            AccessPath ap = pullMe.getBestSortAvoidancePath();
            double     prevEstimatedCost = 0.0d;

            ** Subtract the sort avoidance cost estimate of the
            ** optimizable being removed from the total sort
            ** avoidance cost estimate.
            ** The total cost is the sum of all the costs, but the
            ** total number of rows is the number of rows returned
            ** by the innermost optimizable.
            if (joinPosition == 0)
              prevRowCount = outermostCostEstimate.rowCount();
              prevSingleScanRowCount = outermostCostEstimate.singleScanRowCount();
              /* If we are choosing a new outer table, then
               * we rest the starting cost to the outermostCost.
               * (Thus avoiding any problems with floating point
               * accuracy and going negative.)
              prevEstimatedCost = outermostCostEstimate.getEstimatedCost();
              CostEstimate localCE =
              prevRowCount = localCE.rowCount();
              prevSingleScanRowCount = localCE.singleScanRowCount();
              prevEstimatedCost = currentSortAvoidanceCost.getEstimatedCost() -


            ** Remove the table from the best row ordering.
            ** It should not be necessary to remove it from
            ** the current row ordering, because it is
            ** maintained as we step through the access paths
            ** for the current Optimizable.

            ** When removing a table from the join order,
            ** the best row ordering for the remaining outer tables
            ** becomes the starting point for the row ordering of
            ** the current table.

        ** Pull the predicates at from the optimizable and put
        ** them back in the predicate list.
        ** NOTE: This is a little inefficient because it pulls the
        ** single-table predicates, which are guaranteed to always
        ** be pushed to the same optimizable.  We could make this
        ** leave the single-table predicates where they are.

        ** When we pull an Optimizable we need to go through and
        ** load whatever best path we found for that Optimizable
        ** with respect to _this_ OptimizerImpl.  An Optimizable
        ** can have different "best paths" for different Optimizer
        ** Impls if there are subqueries beneath it; we need to make
        ** sure that when we pull it, it's holding the best path as
        ** as we determined it to be for _us_.
        ** NOTE: We we only reload the best plan if it's necessary
        ** to do so--i.e. if the best plans aren't already loaded.
        ** The plans will already be loaded if the last complete
        ** join order we had was the best one so far, because that
        ** means we called "rememberAsBest" on every Optimizable
        ** in the list and, as part of that call, we will run through
        ** and set trulyTheBestAccessPath for the entire subtree.
        ** So if we haven't tried any other plans since then,
        ** we know that every Optimizable (and its subtree) already
        ** has the correct best plan loaded in its trulyTheBest
        ** path field.  It's good to skip the load in this case
        ** because 'reloading best plans' involves walking the
        ** entire subtree of _every_ Optimizable in the list, which
        ** can be expensive if there are deeply nested subqueries.
        if (reloadBestPlan)
          pullMe.updateBestPlanMap(FromTable.LOAD_PLAN, this);

        /* Mark current join position as unused */
        proposedJoinOrder[joinPosition] = -1;

      /* Have we exhausted all the optimizables at this join position? */
      if (nextOptimizable >= numOptimizables)
        ** If we're not optimizing the join order, remember the first
        ** join order.
        if ( ! optimizableList.optimizeJoinOrder())
          // Verify that the user specified a legal join order
          if ( ! optimizableList.legalJoinOrder(numTablesInQuery))
            if (optimizerTrace)
              trace(ILLEGAL_USER_JOIN_ORDER, 0, 0, 0.0, null);

            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_ILLEGAL_FORCED_JOIN_ORDER);

          if (optimizerTrace)
            trace(USER_JOIN_ORDER_OPTIMIZED, 0, 0, 0.0, null);

          desiredJoinOrderFound = true;

        if (permuteState == READY_TO_JUMP && joinPosition > 0 && joinPosition == numOptimizables-1)
          permuteState = JUMPING;

          /* A simple heuristics is that the row count we got indicates a potentially
           * good join order.  We'd like row count to get big as late as possible, so
           * that less load is carried over.
          double rc[] = new double[numOptimizables];
          for (int i = 0; i < numOptimizables; i++)
            firstLookOrder[i] = i;
            CostEstimate ce = optimizableList.getOptimizable(i).
            if (ce == null)
              permuteState = READY_TO_JUMP;  //come again?
            rc[i] = ce.singleScanRowCount();
          if (permuteState == JUMPING)
            boolean doIt = false;
            int temp;
            for (int i = 0; i < numOptimizables; i++//simple selection sort
              int k = i;
              for (int j = i+1; j < numOptimizables; j++)
                if (rc[j] < rc[k])  k = j;
              if (k != i)
                rc[k] = rc[i]//destroy the bridge
                temp = firstLookOrder[i];
                firstLookOrder[i] = firstLookOrder[k];
                firstLookOrder[k] = temp;
                doIt = true;

            if (doIt)
              rewindJoinOrder()//jump from ground
            else permuteState = NO_JUMP;  //never

        ** We have exhausted all the optimizables at this level.
        ** Go back up one level.

        /* Go back up one join position */

        /* Clear the assigned table map for the previous position
         * NOTE: We need to do this here to for the dependency tracking
        if (joinPosition >= 0)
          Optimizable pullMe =

          ** Clear the bits from the table at this join position.
          ** This depends on them having been set previously.
          ** NOTE: We need to do this here to for the dependency tracking

        if (joinPosition < 0 && permuteState == WALK_HIGH) //reached peak
          joinPosition = 0//reset, fall down the hill
          permuteState = WALK_LOW;

      ** We have found another optimizable to try at this join position.
      proposedJoinOrder[joinPosition] = nextOptimizable;

      if (permuteState == WALK_LOW)
        boolean finishedCycle = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < numOptimizables; i++)
          if (proposedJoinOrder[i] < firstLookOrder[i])
            finishedCycle = false;
          else if (proposedJoinOrder[i] > firstLookOrder[i])  //done
        if (finishedCycle)
          // We just set proposedJoinOrder[joinPosition] above, so
          // if we're done we need to put it back to -1 to indicate
          // that it's an empty slot.  Then we rewind and pull any
          // other Optimizables at positions < joinPosition.
          // Note: we have to make sure we reload the best plans
          // as we rewind since they may have been clobbered
          // (as part of the current join order) before we got
          // here.
          proposedJoinOrder[joinPosition] = -1;
          if (joinPosition >= 0)
            reloadBestPlan = true;
            joinPosition = -1;

          permuteState = READY_TO_JUMP;
          return false;

      /* Re-init (clear out) the cost for the best access path
       * when placing a table.
        getBestAccessPath().setCostEstimate((CostEstimate) null);

      /* Set the assigned table map to be exactly the tables
       * in the current join order.
      for (int index = 0; index <= joinPosition; index++)

      if (optimizerTrace)
        trace(CONSIDERING_JOIN_ORDER, 0, 0, 0.0, null);

      Optimizable nextOpt =

      nextOpt.startOptimizing(this, currentRowOrdering);


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