Examples of OpportunityForm

Examples of com.centraview.sale.OpportunityForm

      int iOpportunityId;
      iOpportunityId = Integer.parseInt(proposallistform.getOpportunityid());

      OpportunityVO opportunityVO  = remote.getOpportunity(individualID, iOpportunityId);
      OpportunityForm opportunityForm = new OpportunityForm();

      PrintTemplateHome PTHome = (PrintTemplateHome)CVUtility.getHomeObject("com.centraview.printtemplate.PrintTemplateHome", "Printtemplate");
      PrintTemplate PTRemote = PTHome.create();
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Examples of com.centraview.sale.OpportunityForm

        int iOpportunityId;
        iOpportunityId = Integer.parseInt(proposallistform.getOpportunityid());

        // **************** set the opportunity form bean start *************
        OpportunityVO opportunityVO = remote.getOpportunity(individualID, iOpportunityId);
        OpportunityForm opportunityForm = new OpportunityForm();

        if (opportunityVO != null) {
          opportunityForm.setEntityid("" + opportunityVO.getEntityID());
          opportunityForm.setOpportunityid(new Integer(opportunityVO.getOpportunityID()).toString());
          opportunityForm.setForecastedamount(currencyFormat.format(new Float(opportunityVO.getForecastedAmount())));
        } // end of if statement (opportunityVO != null)
        request.setAttribute("opportunityForm", opportunityForm);
        session.setAttribute("opportunityForm", opportunityForm);
        // **************** set the opportunity form bean end *************
      } // end of if statement
      // (!(viewOperation.equalsIgnoreCase(ProposalConstantKeys.REMOVEITEM)
      // ...
      else if (viewOperation.equalsIgnoreCase(ProposalConstantKeys.REMOVEITEM)) {
        String removeIDs = request.getParameter("removeID");
        StringTokenizer st;
        Iterator itr;
        Vector removeKeys = new Vector();

        itemLines = proposallistform.getItemLines();
        if (itemLines != null) {
          st = new StringTokenizer(removeIDs, ",");
          while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String str = st.nextToken();
            int removeToken = Integer.parseInt(str);

            itr = itemLines.keySet().iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
              Object obj = itr.next();
              ItemElement ILE = (ItemElement) itemLines.get(obj);
              IntMember ItemId = (IntMember) ILE.get("ItemId");
              Integer currItemId = (Integer) ItemId.getMemberValue();
              if (currItemId.intValue() == removeToken) {
                String status = ILE.getLineStatus();
                if (status.equals("Active")) {
                } // end of if statement (status.equals("Active"))
                else if (status.equals("New")) {
                } // end of else if statement (status.equals("New"))
              } // end of if statement (currItemId.intValue() == removeToken)
            } // end of while loop (itr.hasNext())
          } // end of while loop (st.hasMoreTokens())

          for (int i = 0; i < removeKeys.size(); i++) {
          } // end of for loop (int i=0; i<removeKeys.size(); i++)
        } // end of if statement (itemLines != null)

        OpportunityForm opportunityForm = (OpportunityForm) session.getAttribute("opportunityForm");
        request.setAttribute("opportunityForm", opportunityForm);
        session.setAttribute("opportunityForm", opportunityForm);

      } // end of else if statement
      // (viewOperation.equalsIgnoreCase(ProposalConstantKeys.REMOVEITEM))
      else if (viewOperation.equalsIgnoreCase(ProposalConstantKeys.ADDITEM)) {

        String newItemID = request.getParameter("theitemid");
        ItemList IL = null;
        ListGenerator lg = ListGenerator.getListGenerator(dataSource);
        IL = lg.getItemList(individualID, 1, 10, "", "ItemID");
        StringTokenizer st;
        String token, nextItr;

        if (newItemID != null) {
          st = new StringTokenizer(newItemID, ",");
          itemLines = proposallistform.getItemLines();

          if (itemLines == null)
            itemLines = new ItemLines();
          counter = itemLines.size();
          while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
            token = st.nextToken();
            int intToken = Integer.parseInt(token);

            Iterator itr = IL.keySet().iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
              nextItr = (String) itr.next();
              ListElement ile = (ListElement) IL.get(nextItr);
              IntMember smid = (IntMember) ile.get("ItemID");
              Integer listItemid = (Integer) smid.getMemberValue();

              if (listItemid.intValue() == intToken) {

                StringMember smName = (StringMember) ile.get("Name"); // name =
                // description
                String name = (String) smName.getMemberValue();

                StringMember smSku = (StringMember) ile.get("SKU");
                String sku = (String) smSku.getMemberValue();
                FloatMember dmprice = (FloatMember) ile.get("Price");

                float price = Float.parseFloat((dmprice.getMemberValue()).toString());

                int id = ile.getElementID();

                IntMember LineId = new IntMember("LineId", 0, 'D', "", 'T', false, 20);
                IntMember ItemId = new IntMember("ItemId", id, 'D', "", 'T', false, 20);
                IntMember Quantity = new IntMember("Quantity", 1, 'D', "", 'T', false, 20);
                FloatMember PriceEach = new FloatMember("Price", new Float(price), 'D', "", 'T', false, 20);
                StringMember SKU = new StringMember("SKU", sku, 'D', "", 'T', false);
                StringMember Description = new StringMember("Description", name, 'D', "", 'T', false);
                FloatMember PriceExtended = new FloatMember("PriceExtended", new Float(0.0f), 'D', "", 'T', false, 20);
                FloatMember TaxAmount = new FloatMember("TaxAmount", new Float(0.0f), 'D', "", 'T', false, 20);

                ItemElement ie = new ItemElement(0);
                ie.put("LineId", LineId);
                ie.put("ItemId", ItemId);
                ie.put("SKU", SKU);
                ie.put("Description", Description);
                ie.put("Quantity", Quantity);
                ie.put("Price", PriceEach);
                ie.put("PriceExtended", PriceExtended);
                ie.put("TaxAmount", TaxAmount);

                counter += 1;
                itemLines.put(new Integer(counter), ie);
              }// end of if ( listItemid.intValue() == intToken )
            }// end of while (itr.hasNext())
          }// end of while (st.hasMoreTokens())
        }// end of if(newItemID != null)
        OpportunityForm opportunityForm = (OpportunityForm) session.getAttribute("opportunityForm");
        request.setAttribute("opportunityForm", opportunityForm);
        session.setAttribute("opportunityForm", opportunityForm);

      } // end of else if statement
      // (viewOperation.equalsIgnoreCase(ProposalConstantKeys.ADDITEM))
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