Examples of OperationFormatException

Examples of org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException

    public ModelNode buildRequestWithoutHeaders(CommandContext ctx)
            throws OperationFormatException {

        try {
            if(!ctx.getParsedCommandLine().hasProperties()) {
                throw new OperationFormatException("Arguments are missing");
        } catch (CommandFormatException e) {
            throw new OperationFormatException(e.getLocalizedMessage());

        //String target = null;
        String jndiName = null;
        String serverName = "default"; // TODO read server name from props

        String[] args = ctx.getArgumentsString().split("\\s+");
        int i = 0;
        while(i < args.length) {
            String arg = args[i++];
            if(arg.equals("--target")) {
//                if(i < args.length) {
//                    target = args[i++];
//                }
            } else {
                jndiName = arg;

        if(jndiName == null) {
            throw new OperationFormatException("name is missing.");

        ModelControllerClient client = ctx.getModelControllerClient();
        final String resource;
        if(Util.isTopic(client, jndiName)) {
            resource = "jms-topic";
        } else if(Util.isQueue(client, jndiName)) {
            resource = "jms-queue";
        } else if(Util.isConnectionFactory(client, jndiName)) {
            resource = "connection-factory";
        } else {
            throw new OperationFormatException("'" + jndiName +"' wasn't found among existing JMS resources.");

        DefaultOperationRequestBuilder builder = new DefaultOperationRequestBuilder();
        builder.addNode("subsystem", "messaging");
        builder.addNode("hornetq-server", serverName);
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Examples of org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException

        DefaultOperationRequestBuilder builder = new DefaultOperationRequestBuilder();
        if(ctx.isDomainMode()) {
            final String profile = this.profile.getValue(ctx.getParsedCommandLine());
            if(profile == null) {
                throw new OperationFormatException("Required argument --profile is missing.");
            builder.addNode("profile", profile);

        final String name = this.name.getValue(ctx.getParsedCommandLine(), true);
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Examples of org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException

        ParsedCommandLine args = ctx.getParsedCommandLine();

        if(ctx.isDomainMode()) {
            String profile = this.profile.getValue(args);
            if(profile == null) {
                throw new OperationFormatException("--profile argument value is missing.");

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Examples of org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException

        ParsedCommandLine args = ctx.getParsedCommandLine();

        if(ctx.isDomainMode()) {
            String profile = this.profile.getValue(args);
            if(profile == null) {
                throw new OperationFormatException("--profile argument value is missing.");

        final String name = this.name.getValue(args, true);
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Examples of org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException

        DefaultOperationRequestBuilder builder = new DefaultOperationRequestBuilder();
        if(ctx.isDomainMode()) {
            final String profile = this.profile.getValue(ctx.getParsedCommandLine());
            if(profile == null) {
                throw new OperationFormatException("Required argument --profile is missing.");
            builder.addNode("profile", profile);

        final String name = this.name.getValue(ctx.getParsedCommandLine(), true);
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Examples of org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException

    public ModelNode buildRequestWithoutHeaders(CommandContext ctx) throws OperationFormatException {

        try {
            if(!ctx.getParsedCommandLine().hasProperties()) {
                throw new OperationFormatException("Arguments are missing");
        } catch (CommandFormatException e) {
            throw new OperationFormatException(e.getLocalizedMessage());

        //String target = null;
        String restype = null;
        //String description = null;
        String propsStr = null;
        //boolean enabled = false;
        String jndiName = null;

        String[] args = ctx.getArgumentsString().split("\\s+");
        int i = 0;
        while(i < args.length) {
            String arg = args[i++];
            if(arg.equals("--restype")) {
                if(i < args.length) {
                    restype = args[i++];
            } else if(arg.equals("--target")) {
//                if(i < args.length) {
//                    target = args[i++];
//                }
            } else if(arg.equals("--description")) {
//                if(i < args.length) {
//                    restype = args[i++];
//                }
            } else if(arg.equals("--property")) {
                if (i < args.length) {
                    propsStr = args[i++];
            } else if(arg.equals("--enabled")) {
//                if (i < args.length) {
//                    enabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[i++]);
//                }
            } else {
                jndiName = arg;

        if(restype == null) {
            throw new OperationFormatException("Required parameter --restype is missing.");

        if(jndiName == null) {
            throw new OperationFormatException("JNDI name is missing.");

        String name = null;
        String serverName = "default"; // TODO read server name from props
        final Map<String, String> props;
        if(propsStr != null) {
            props = new HashMap<String, String>();
            String[] propsArr = propsStr.split(":");
            for(String prop : propsArr) {
                int equalsIndex = prop.indexOf('=');
                if(equalsIndex < 0 || equalsIndex == prop.length() - 1) {
                    throw new OperationFormatException("Failed to parse property '" + prop + "'");

                String propName = prop.substring(0, equalsIndex).trim();
                String propValue = prop.substring(equalsIndex + 1).trim();
                if(propName.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new OperationFormatException("Failed to parse property '" + prop + "'");

                if(propName.equals("imqDestinationName") ||propName.equalsIgnoreCase("name")) {
                    name = propValue;
                } else if("ClientId".equals(propName)) {
                    props.put("client-id", propValue);
        } else {
            props = Collections.emptyMap();

        if(name == null) {
            name = jndiName.replace('/', '_');

        if(restype.equals("javax.jms.Queue")) {

            DefaultOperationRequestBuilder builder = new DefaultOperationRequestBuilder();
            builder.addNode("subsystem", "messaging");
            builder.addNode("hornetq-server", serverName);
            builder.addNode("jms-queue", name);

            for(String prop : props.keySet()) {
                builder.addProperty(prop, props.get(prop));

            return builder.buildRequest();

        } else if(restype.equals("javax.jms.Topic")) {

            DefaultOperationRequestBuilder builder = new DefaultOperationRequestBuilder();
            builder.addNode("subsystem", "messaging");
            builder.addNode("hornetq-server", serverName);
            builder.addNode("jms-topic", name);

            for(String prop : props.keySet()) {
                builder.addProperty(prop, props.get(prop));

            return builder.buildRequest();

        } else if(restype.equals("javax.jms.ConnectionFactory") ||
                restype.equals("javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory") ||
                restype.equals("javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory")) {

            DefaultOperationRequestBuilder builder = new DefaultOperationRequestBuilder();
            builder.addNode("subsystem", "messaging");
            builder.addNode("hornetq-server", serverName);
            builder.addNode("connection-factory", name);

            for(String prop : props.keySet()) {
                builder.addProperty(prop, props.get(prop));

            return builder.buildRequest();

        } else {
            throw new OperationFormatException("Resource type " + restype + " isn't supported.");
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Examples of org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException

        DefaultOperationRequestBuilder builder = new DefaultOperationRequestBuilder();
        if(ctx.isDomainMode()) {
            final String profile = this.profile.getValue(ctx.getParsedCommandLine());
            if(profile == null) {
                throw new OperationFormatException("Required argument --profile is missing.");
            builder.addNode("profile", profile);
        builder.addNode("subsystem", "messaging");
        builder.addNode("hornetq-server", serverName);
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Examples of org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException


    protected ModelNode buildRequest(String line, boolean batchMode) throws CommandFormatException {

        if (line == null || line.isEmpty()) {
            throw new OperationFormatException("The line is null or empty.");

        final DefaultCallbackHandler originalParsedArguments = this.parsedCmd;
        try {
            this.parsedCmd = tmpBatched;
        } catch (CommandFormatException e) {
            this.parsedCmd = originalParsedArguments;
            throw e;

        if (parsedCmd.getFormat() == OperationFormat.INSTANCE) {
            try {
                final ModelNode request = this.parsedCmd.toOperationRequest(this);
                StringBuilder op = new StringBuilder();
                return request;
            } finally {
                this.parsedCmd = originalParsedArguments;

        final CommandHandler handler = cmdRegistry.getCommandHandler(parsedCmd.getOperationName());
        if (handler == null) {
            throw new OperationFormatException("No command handler for '" + parsedCmd.getOperationName() + "'.");
        if(batchMode) {
            if(!handler.isBatchMode(this)) {
                throw new OperationFormatException("The command is not allowed in a batch.");
        } else if (!(handler instanceof OperationCommand)) {
            throw new OperationFormatException("The command does not translate to an operation request.");

        try {
            return ((OperationCommand) handler).buildRequest(this);
        } finally {
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Examples of org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException

        final ModelControllerClient client = ctx.getModelControllerClient();

        ParsedCommandLine args = ctx.getParsedCommandLine();
        boolean l = this.l.isPresent(args);
        if (!args.hasProperties() || l) {
            throw new OperationFormatException("Command is missing arguments for non-interactive mode: '" + args.getOriginalLine() + "'.");

        final String path = this.path.getValue(args);
        final File f;
        if(path != null) {
            f = new File(path);
            if(!f.exists()) {
                throw new OperationFormatException("Path " + f.getAbsolutePath() + " doesn't exist.");
            if(f.isDirectory()) {
                throw new OperationFormatException(f.getAbsolutePath() + " is a directory.");
        } else {
            f = null;

        String name = this.name.getValue(args);
        if(name == null) {
            if(f == null) {
                throw new OperationFormatException("Either path or --name is required.");
            name = f.getName();

        final String runtimeName = rtName.getValue(args);

        final boolean force = this.force.isPresent(args);
        final boolean disabled = this.disabled.isPresent(args);
        final String serverGroups = this.serverGroups.getValue(args);
        final boolean allServerGroups = this.allServerGroups.isPresent(args);

        if(force) {
            if(f == null) {
                throw new OperationFormatException(this.force.getFullName() + " requires a filesystem path of the deployment to be added to the deployment repository.");
            if(disabled || serverGroups != null || allServerGroups) {
                throw new OperationFormatException(this.force.getFullName() +
                        " only replaces the content in the deployment repository and can't be used in combination with any of " +
                        this.disabled.getFullName() + ", " + this.serverGroups.getFullName() + " or " + this.allServerGroups.getFullName() + '.');

            if(Util.isDeploymentInRepository(name, client)) {
                return buildDeploymentReplace(f, name, runtimeName);
            } else {
                // add deployment to the repository (enabled in standalone, disabled in domain (i.e. not associated with any sg))
                return buildDeploymentAdd(f, name, runtimeName);

        if(disabled) {
            if(f == null) {
                throw new OperationFormatException(this.disabled.getFullName() +
                        " requires a filesystem path of the deployment to be added to the deployment repository.");

            if(serverGroups != null || allServerGroups) {
                throw new OperationFormatException(this.serverGroups.getFullName() + " and " + this.allServerGroups.getFullName() +
                        " can't be used in combination with " + this.disabled.getFullName() + '.');

            if(Util.isDeploymentInRepository(name, client)) {
                throw new OperationFormatException("'" + name + "' already exists in the deployment repository (use " +
                    this.force.getFullName() + " to replace the existing content in the repository).");

            // add deployment to the repository disabled
            return buildDeploymentAdd(f, name, runtimeName);

        // actually, the deployment is added before it is deployed
        // but this code here is to validate arguments and not to add deployment if something is wrong
        final ModelNode deployRequest;
        if(ctx.isDomainMode()) {
            final List<String> sgList;
            if(allServerGroups) {
                if(serverGroups != null) {
                    throw new OperationFormatException(this.serverGroups.getFullName() + " can't appear in the same command with " + this.allServerGroups.getFullName());
                sgList = Util.getServerGroups(client);
                if(sgList.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new OperationFormatException("No server group is available.");
            } else if(serverGroups == null) {
                final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
                buf.append("One of ");
                if(f != null) {
                    buf.append(this.disabled.getFullName()).append(", ");
                buf.append(this.allServerGroups.getFullName() + " or " + this.serverGroups.getFullName() + " is missing.");
                throw new OperationFormatException(buf.toString());
            } else {
                sgList = Arrays.asList(serverGroups.split(","));
                if(sgList.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new OperationFormatException("Couldn't locate server group name in '" + this.serverGroups.getFullName() + "=" + serverGroups + "'.");

            deployRequest = new ModelNode();
            ModelNode steps = deployRequest.get(Util.STEPS);
            for (String serverGroup : sgList) {
                steps.add(Util.configureDeploymentOperation(Util.ADD, name, serverGroup));
            for (String serverGroup : sgList) {
                steps.add(Util.configureDeploymentOperation(Util.DEPLOY, name, serverGroup));
        } else {
            if(serverGroups != null || allServerGroups) {
                throw new OperationFormatException(this.serverGroups.getFullName() + " and " + this.allServerGroups.getFullName() +
                        " can't appear in standalone mode.");
            deployRequest = new ModelNode();
            deployRequest.get(Util.ADDRESS, Util.DEPLOYMENT).set(name);

        final ModelNode addRequest;
        if(f != null) {
            if(Util.isDeploymentInRepository(name, client)) {
                throw new OperationFormatException("'" + name + "' already exists in the deployment repository (use " +
                    this.force.getFullName() + " to replace the existing content in the repository).");
            addRequest = this.buildDeploymentAdd(f, name, runtimeName);
        } else if(!Util.isDeploymentInRepository(name, client)) {
            throw new OperationFormatException("'" + name + "' is not found among the registered deployments.");
        } else {
            addRequest = null;

        if(addRequest != null) {
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Examples of org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException

        try {
            is = new FileInputStream(f);
            bytes = new byte[(int) f.length()];
            int read = is.read(bytes);
            if(read != bytes.length) {
                throw new OperationFormatException("Failed to read bytes from " + f.getAbsolutePath() + ": " + read + " from " + f.length());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new OperationFormatException("Failed to read file " + f.getAbsolutePath(), e);
        } finally {
        return bytes;
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