The method name supplied in this definition must match the name of an accessible method of the service class (which is defined in the enclosing {@link ServiceDefinition}). If multiple methods are defined with this method name, the names of the input and/or output classes must be supplied to differentiate the method.
Presently, at most one input class is supported, since wrapped document-literal services are not supported.
The method may optionally have an {@link InContext} parameter as the last parameter, or {@link InContext} and{@link OutContext} parameters as the last 2 parameters. These additional parameters must not be defined in the OperationDefinition.
The optional input and output classes of the method must have bindings defined so that they can be unmarshalled and marshalled (respectively) by JiBX.
When using JiBX to configure the service, this object is populated from the XML service definition document by JiBX unmarshalling. @author Dennis M. Sosnoski