Examples of OperationClient

Examples of org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient

                        OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP11Factory() : OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP12Factory();

        OperationClient mepClient = axisAnonymousOperation.createClient(serviceCtx, clientOptions);

        // set the SEND_TIMEOUT for transport sender
        if (endpoint != null && endpoint.getTimeoutDuration() > 0) {
            axisOutMsgCtx.setProperty(SynapseConstants.SEND_TIMEOUT, endpoint.getTimeoutDuration());

        if (!outOnlyMessage) {
            // always set a callback as we decide if the send it blocking or non blocking within
            // the MEP client. This does not cause an overhead, as we simply create a 'holder'
            // object with a reference to the outgoing synapse message context
            // synapseOutMessageContext
            AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback(synapseOutMessageContext);
            if (endpoint != null) {
                // set the timeout time and the timeout action to the callback, so that the
                // TimeoutHandler can detect timed out callbacks and take approprite action.
                callback.setTimeOutOn(System.currentTimeMillis() + endpoint.getTimeoutDuration());
            } else {

        // this is a temporary fix for converting messages from HTTP 1.1 chunking to HTTP 1.0.
        // Without this HTTP transport can block & become unresponsive because we are streaming
        // HTTP 1.1 messages and HTTP 1.0 require the whole message to caculate the content length
        if (originalInMsgCtx.isPropertyTrue(NhttpConstants.FORCE_HTTP_1_0)) {

        // with the nio transport, this causes the listener not to write a 202
        // Accepted response, as this implies that Synapse does not yet know if
        // a 202 or 200 response would be written back.
            org.apache.axis2.Constants.RESPONSE_WRITTEN, "SKIP");

        // if the transport out is explicitly set use it
        Object o = originalInMsgCtx.getProperty("TRANSPORT_OUT_DESCRIPTION");
        if (o != null && o instanceof TransportOutDescription) {
            axisOutMsgCtx.setTransportOut((TransportOutDescription) o);
            clientOptions.setTransportOut((TransportOutDescription) o);
            clientOptions.setProperty("TRANSPORT_OUT_DESCRIPTION", o);

        if (wsRMEnabled) {
            Object rm11 = clientOptions.getProperty(SandeshaClientConstants.RM_SPEC_VERSION);
            if ( (rm11 != null) && rm11.equals(Sandesha2Constants.SPEC_VERSIONS.v1_1)){
                ServiceClient serviceClient = new ServiceClient(
                        axisOutMsgCtx.getConfigurationContext(), axisOutMsgCtx.getAxisService());
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient

                        OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP11Factory() : OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP12Factory();

        OperationClient mepClient = axisAnonymousOperation.createClient(serviceCtx, clientOptions);

        // set the SEND_TIMEOUT for transport sender
        if (endpoint != null && endpoint.getTimeoutDuration() > 0) {
            axisOutMsgCtx.setProperty(SynapseConstants.SEND_TIMEOUT, endpoint.getTimeoutDuration());

        if (!outOnlyMessage) {
            // always set a callback as we decide if the send it blocking or non blocking within
            // the MEP client. This does not cause an overhead, as we simply create a 'holder'
            // object with a reference to the outgoing synapse message context
            // synapseOutMessageContext
            AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback(synapseOutMessageContext);
            if (endpoint != null) {
                // set the timeout time and the timeout action to the callback, so that the
                // TimeoutHandler can detect timed out callbacks and take approprite action.
                callback.setTimeOutOn(System.currentTimeMillis() + endpoint.getTimeoutDuration());
            } else {

        // with the nio transport, this causes the listener not to write a 202
        // Accepted response, as this implies that Synapse does not yet know if
        // a 202 or 200 response would be written back.
            org.apache.axis2.Constants.RESPONSE_WRITTEN, "SKIP");

        // if the transport out is explicitly set use it
        Object o = originalInMsgCtx.getProperty("TRANSPORT_OUT_DESCRIPTION");
        if (o != null && o instanceof TransportOutDescription) {
            axisOutMsgCtx.setTransportOut((TransportOutDescription) o);
            clientOptions.setTransportOut((TransportOutDescription) o);
            clientOptions.setProperty("TRANSPORT_OUT_DESCRIPTION", o);

        if (wsRMEnabled) {
            Object rm11 = clientOptions.getProperty(SandeshaClientConstants.RM_SPEC_VERSION);
            if ( (rm11 != null) && rm11.equals(Sandesha2Constants.SPEC_VERSIONS.v1_1)){
                ServiceClient serviceClient = new ServiceClient(
                        axisOutMsgCtx.getConfigurationContext(), axisOutMsgCtx.getAxisService());
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient

        try {

            Axis2OperationInvoker invoker = operationInvokers.get(methodName);

            // Axis2 operationClients can not be shared so create a new one for each request
            OperationClient operationClient = serviceClient.createClient(invoker.getWSDLOperationName());

            return invoker.invokeOperation(operationClient, args);

        } catch (AxisFault e) {
            throw new ServiceRuntimeException(e);
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient

        options.setProperty(Constants.Configuration.ENABLE_SWA, Constants.VALUE_TRUE);

        ServiceClient sender = createServiceClient();
        OperationClient mepClient = sender.createClient(ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_IN_OP);

        MessageContext mc = new MessageContext();

        System.out.println("Sending file : " + fileName + " as SwA");
        FileDataSource fileDataSource = new FileDataSource(new File(fileName));
        DataHandler dataHandler = new DataHandler(fileDataSource);
        String attachmentID = mc.addAttachment(dataHandler);

        SOAPFactory factory = OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP11Factory();
        SOAPEnvelope env = factory.getDefaultEnvelope();
        OMNamespace ns = factory.createOMNamespace("http://services.samples", "m0");
        OMElement payload = factory.createOMElement("uploadFileUsingSwA", ns);
        OMElement request = factory.createOMElement("request", ns);
        OMElement imageId = factory.createOMElement("imageId", ns);

        MessageContext response = mepClient.getMessageContext(WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE);

        SOAPBody body = response.getEnvelope().getBody();
        String imageContentId = body.
                getFirstChildWithName(new QName("http://services.samples", "uploadFileUsingSwAResponse")).
                getFirstChildWithName(new QName("http://services.samples", "response")).
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient

                String cookie = cookies[cookieNumber];
                if (httpSession) {
                    setSessionID(messageContext, cookie);
                try {
                    OperationClient op = client.createClient(ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_IN_OP);

                    MessageContext responseContext =
                    String receivedCookie = extractSessionID(responseContext);
                    String receivedSetCookie = getSetCookieHeader(responseContext);
                    if (httpSession) {

                        if (receivedSetCookie != null && !"".equals(receivedSetCookie)) {
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient

        // TODO: Will the ServiceClient stick around on the InvocationContext
        // or will we need some other mechanism of creating this?
        // Try to create an OperationClient from the passed in ServiceClient
        InvocationContext ic = request.getInvocationContext();
        ServiceClient svcClient = ic.getServiceClient();
        OperationClient opClient = createOperationClient(svcClient, operationName);

        initOperationClient(opClient, request);
        // Setup the client so that it knows whether the underlying call to
        // Axis2 knows whether or not to start a listening port for an
        // asynchronous response.
        Boolean useAsyncMep = (Boolean)request.getProperty(Constants.USE_ASYNC_MEP);
        if ((useAsyncMep != null && useAsyncMep.booleanValue())
                || opClient.getOptions().isUseSeparateListener()) {
        } else {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        "Asynchronous message exchange not enabled.  The invocation will be synchronous.");

        org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext axisRequestMsgCtx = request.getAxisMessageContext();
        org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext axisResponseMsgCtx = null;

        MessageContext response = null;

        AxisFault faultexception =
                null// don't let the keyword "fault" confuse you.  This is an exception class.
        try {
            execute(opClient, true, axisRequestMsgCtx);
        } catch (AxisFault af) {
            // If an AxisFault was thrown, we need to cleanup the original OperationContext.
            // Failure to do so results in a memory leak.
            // save the fault in case it didn't come from the endpoint, and thus
            // there would be no message on the MessageContext
            faultexception = af;
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug(axisRequestMsgCtx.getLogIDString() + " AxisFault received from client: " +

        try {
            // Collect the response MessageContext and envelope
            axisResponseMsgCtx = opClient.getMessageContext(WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE);
            response = new MessageContext(axisResponseMsgCtx);

            // If there was a local exception caught and either there is no response message
            // OR the response message exists but is not a fault, then set the local exception
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient

        // be specified
        QName operationName = getOperationNameToUse(request, ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_ONLY_OP);

        InvocationContext ic = request.getInvocationContext();
        ServiceClient svcClient = ic.getServiceClient();
        OperationClient opClient = createOperationClient(svcClient, operationName);

        initOperationClient(opClient, request);

        org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext axisRequestMsgCtx = request.getAxisMessageContext();
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient

        // TODO: Will the ServiceClient stick around on the InvocationContext
        // or will we need some other mechanism of creating this?
        // Try to create an OperationClient from the passed in ServiceClient
        InvocationContext ic = request.getInvocationContext();
        ServiceClient svcClient = ic.getServiceClient();
        OperationClient opClient = createOperationClient(svcClient, operationName);

        initOperationClient(opClient, request);

        // Setup the client so that it knows whether the underlying call to
        // Axis2 knows whether or not to start a listening port for an
        // asynchronous response.
        Boolean useAsyncMep = (Boolean)request.getProperty(Constants.USE_ASYNC_MEP);
        if ((useAsyncMep != null && useAsyncMep.booleanValue())
                || opClient.getOptions().isUseSeparateListener()) {
        } else {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        "Asynchronous message exchange not enabled.  The invocation will be synchronous.");

        CallbackFuture cbf = null;
        if (callback != null) {
            cbf = new CallbackFuture(ic, callback);
        } else {
            throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("ICErr4"));


        org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext axisRequestMsgCtx = request.getAxisMessageContext();
        try {
            execute(opClient, false, axisRequestMsgCtx);
        } catch (AxisFault af) {
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient

        // TODO: Will the ServiceClient stick around on the InvocationContext
        // or will we need some other mechanism of creating this?
        // Try to create an OperationClient from the passed in ServiceClient
        InvocationContext ic = request.getInvocationContext();
        ServiceClient svcClient = ic.getServiceClient();
        OperationClient opClient = createOperationClient(svcClient, operationName);

        initOperationClient(opClient, request);

        // Setup the client so that it knows whether the underlying call to
        // Axis2 knows whether or not to start a listening port for an
        // asynchronous response.
        Boolean useAsyncMep = (Boolean)request.getProperty(Constants.USE_ASYNC_MEP);
        if ((useAsyncMep != null && useAsyncMep.booleanValue())
                || opClient.getOptions().isUseSeparateListener()) {
        } else {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        "Asynchronous message exchange not enabled.  The invocation will be synchronous.");

        AsyncResponse resp = ic.getAsyncResponseListener();
        PollingFuture pf = new PollingFuture(ic);

        org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext axisRequestMsgCtx = request.getAxisMessageContext();
        try {
            execute(opClient, false, axisRequestMsgCtx);
        } catch (AxisFault af) {
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Creating OperationClient for operation: " + operation);

        try {
            OperationClient client = sc.createClient(operation);
            return client;
        } catch (AxisFault e) {
            throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(e);
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