@author iristu @versionOperations returned from methods must be executed to have any effect on the proxy. Execution will fail if the proxy is modified between creation and execution.
class corresponds to a wsdl:operation defined for a target service endpoint.
@version 0.1
is the common base class for all operations.
String[] onProvideCompletionsFromMyField(String input) { return . . .; }
The following features are supported:
Provisional API - subject to change
The following features are supported:
INTERNAL: abstract superclass for {@link InsertOperation Insert}, {@link UpdateOperation Update}, {@link DeleteOperation Delete} and{@link QueryOperation Query} operations @author Mike Norman - michael.norman@oracle.com @since EclipseLink 1.x
The following features are supported:
An operation is identified by an id,service pair. Two operation descriptors are considred equal if they have the same id, service pair.
@author Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project, jdeolive@openplans.orgOperation
represents a wsdl operation. Used to declare per operation configurations.
@author Jason T. Greene
@version $Revision: 2250 $
interface is used to describe a task that can be executed when the associated channel is ready for some operation. Typically the SelectableChannel
is used to register with a selector with a set of given interested operations when those operations can be performed this is executed.
@author Niall Gallagher
@see org.simpleframework.transport.reactor.Reactor
Specifies the Operation
including the name and the expression of a particular parameter. This stores the properties of a particular input or output and will be used by the PaypalMedaitor
Specifies the Operation
including the name and the expression of a particular parameter. This stores the properties of a particular input or output and will be used by the PaypalMedaitor
An operation represents a single modification within a transaction. Each operation is attached to a type, a database name and a list of parameters.
There is no need for applications to instantiate operations. They are implicitly created when the respective methods on a transaction are invoked. However, the set of operations can be retrieved from a transaction instance for analysis purposes, e.g. when a transaction listener is notified.
@author stenjan @author flangner