Examples of OpenstackComputeClient

Examples of org.openstack.client.common.OpenstackComputeClient

    OpenstackCloud cloud = findCloud();
    if (cloud == null) {
      throw new OpsException("Could not find cloud");
    OpenstackComputeClient computeClient = openstack.getComputeClient(cloud);


    List<String> assignedInstanceIds = instanceTags.findAll(Tag.ASSIGNED);
    if (assignedInstanceIds.isEmpty()) {
      if (createInstance && !OpsContext.isDelete()) {
        MachineCreationRequest request = buildMachineCreationRequest();

        PlatformLayerKey instanceKey = instance.getKey();

        String serverName = buildServerName();

        Server created = openstack.createInstance(cloud, serverName, request);

          Tag instanceTag = Tag.build(Tag.ASSIGNED, created.getId());
          platformLayer.addTag(instance.getKey(), instanceTag);


    if (assignedInstanceIds.isEmpty() && !OpsContext.isDelete()) {
      throw new OpsException("Instance not yet assigned");

    Machine machine = null;
    OpsTarget target = null;

    if (!assignedInstanceIds.isEmpty()) {
      if (assignedInstanceIds.size() != 1) {
        log.warn("Multiple instance ids found: " + assignedInstanceIds);

      // We just take the first instance id
      String assignedInstanceId = Iterables.getFirst(assignedInstanceIds, null);

      Server server = openstack.findServerById(cloud, assignedInstanceId);

      if (server == null) {
        if (OpsContext.isConfigure()) {
          throw new OpsException("Unable to find assigned server: " + assignedInstanceId);
      } else {
        server = openstack.ensureHasPublicIp(cloud, server);

        AsyncServerOperation powerOnOperation = openstack.ensurePoweredOn(cloud, server);
        if (powerOnOperation != null) {

        machine = new OpenstackComputeMachine(openstack, cloud, server);

        SshKey sshKey = service.getSshKey();
        target = machine.getTarget(sshKey);

    if (!assignedInstanceIds.isEmpty() && OpsContext.isDelete()) {
      CloudBehaviours cloudBehaviours = new CloudBehaviours(cloud);
      boolean supportsSecurityGroups = cloudBehaviours.supportsSecurityGroups();

      for (String instanceId : assignedInstanceIds) {
        Server server = openstack.findServerById(cloud, instanceId);
        if (server == null) {
          log.warn("Could not find assigned server: " + instanceId + ", ignoring");

        SecurityGroup securityGroup = null;

        if (supportsSecurityGroups) {
          securityGroup = openstackHelpers.getMachineSecurityGroup(computeClient, server);

        AsyncServerOperation terminateOperation = openstack.terminateInstance(cloud, instanceId);

        if (securityGroup != null) {
          // We need to terminate the instance before we delete the security group it uses
          if (terminateOperation != null) {

          try {
            log.info("Deleting security group: " + securityGroup.getId());
          } catch (OpenstackNotFoundException e) {
            log.info("Ignoring not-found error while deleting security group: " + securityGroup.getId());
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Examples of org.openstack.client.common.OpenstackComputeClient

    // OpsContext opsContext = OpsContext.get();
    // OpenstackComputeClient computeClient = getOpenstackComputeClient(opsContext.getUserInfo());

    OpenstackCloudHelpers helpers = new OpenstackCloudHelpers();
    OpenstackComputeClient computeClient = helpers.buildOpenstackComputeClient(cloud);

    return computeClient;
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Examples of org.openstack.client.common.OpenstackComputeClient

  // // }
  // // }

  public Server findServerById(OpenstackCloud cloud, String serverId) throws OpsException {
    OpenstackComputeClient computeClient = getComputeClient(cloud);

    try {
      log.info("Getting server info for: " + serverId);
      Server server = computeClient.root().servers().server(serverId).show();
      return server;
    } catch (OpenstackNotFoundException e) {
      return null;
    } catch (OpenstackException e) {
      throw new OpsException("Error getting server", e);
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Examples of org.openstack.client.common.OpenstackComputeClient

  PlatformLayerHelpers platformLayerClient;

  public Server createInstance(OpenstackCloud cloud, String serverName, MachineCreationRequest request)
      throws OpsException {
    OpenstackComputeClient computeClient = getComputeClient(cloud);

    try {
      Image foundImage = null;

      CloudBehaviours cloudBehaviours = new CloudBehaviours(cloud);
      if (!cloudBehaviours.canUploadImages()) {
        // For now, we presume this is the HP cloud and hard-code the name
        // if (!cloudBehaviours.isHpCloud()) {
        // throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        // }

        DiskImageRecipe recipe = null;
        if (request.recipeId != null) {
          recipe = platformLayerClient.getItem(request.recipeId, DiskImageRecipe.class);

        OperatingSystemRecipe operatingSystem = null;
        if (recipe != null) {
          operatingSystem = recipe.getOperatingSystem();

        log.info("Listing images to pick best image");
        Iterable<Image> images = computeClient.root().images().list();
        if (cloudBehaviours.isHpCloud()) {
          // TODO: We need a better solution here!!
          Set<String> imageNames = Sets.newHashSet("Debian Squeeze 6.0.3 Server 64-bit 20120123");
          log.warn("Hard coding image name (presuming HP cloud)");

          // TODO: Match OS
          for (Image image : images) {
            if (imageNames.contains(image.getName())) {
              foundImage = image;
        } else if (cloudBehaviours.isRackspaceCloud()) {
          if (operatingSystem == null) {
            operatingSystem = new OperatingSystemRecipe();

          for (Image image : images) {
            boolean matchesDistribution = false;
            boolean matchesVersion = false;

            for (Image.ImageMetadata.ImageMetadataItem item : image.getMetadata()) {
              // if (item.getKey().equals("platformlayer.org__type")) {
              // if (item.getValue().equals("base")) {
              // isMatch = true;
              // }
              // }

              if (item.getKey().equals("os_distro")) {
                if (operatingSystem != null && operatingSystem.getDistribution() != null) {
                  if (Comparisons
                      .equalsIgnoreCase(operatingSystem.getDistribution(), item.getValue())) {
                    matchesDistribution = true;

              if (item.getKey().equals("os_version")) {
                if (operatingSystem != null && operatingSystem.getVersion() != null) {
                  if (Comparisons.equalsIgnoreCase(operatingSystem.getVersion(), item.getValue())) {
                    matchesVersion = true;
                  } else if (Comparisons
                      .equalsIgnoreCase(operatingSystem.getDistribution(), "debian")) {

                    // Lenny is no longer getting security updates
                    // if (Strings.equalsIgnoreCase(operatingSystem.getVersion(), "lenny") &&
                    // Strings.equalsIgnoreCase(item.getValue(), "5")) {
                    // matchesVersion = true;
                    // } else

                    if (Comparisons.equalsIgnoreCase(operatingSystem.getVersion(), "squeeze")
                        && Comparisons.equalsIgnoreCase(item.getValue(), "6")) {
                      matchesVersion = true;
                    } else {
                      matchesVersion = false;
                  } else if (Comparisons
                      .equalsIgnoreCase(operatingSystem.getDistribution(), "ubuntu")) {
                    if (Comparisons.equalsIgnoreCase(operatingSystem.getVersion(), "lucid")
                        && Comparisons.equalsIgnoreCase(item.getValue(), "10.04LTS")) {
                      matchesVersion = true;
                    } else {
                      matchesVersion = false;
                  } else {
                    matchesVersion = false;

            if (matchesDistribution && matchesVersion) {
              foundImage = image;
        } else {
          for (Image image : images) {
            boolean isMatch = false;

            for (Image.ImageMetadata.ImageMetadataItem item : image.getMetadata()) {
              // if (item.getKey().equals(Tag.IMAGE_TYPE)) {
              // if (item.getValue().equals("base")) {
              // isMatch = true;
              // }
              // }

              if (item.getKey().equals(Tag.IMAGE_OS_DISTRIBUTION)) {
                if (operatingSystem != null && operatingSystem.getDistribution() != null) {
                  if (!Comparisons.equalsIgnoreCase(operatingSystem.getDistribution(),
                      item.getValue())) {
                    isMatch = false;

              if (item.getKey().equals(Tag.IMAGE_OS_VERSION)) {
                if (operatingSystem != null && operatingSystem.getVersion() != null) {
                  if (!Comparisons.equalsIgnoreCase(operatingSystem.getVersion(), item.getValue())) {
                    isMatch = false;

            if (isMatch) {
              foundImage = image;

        if (foundImage == null) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find image");
      } else {
        List<ImageFormat> formats = Collections.singletonList(ImageFormat.DiskQcow2);
        CloudImage image = imageFactory.getOrCreateImageId(cloud, formats, request.recipeId);

        String imageId = image.getId();
        log.info("Getting image details for image: " + imageId);
        foundImage = computeClient.root().images().image(imageId).show();
        if (foundImage == null) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find image: " + imageId);

      SecurityGroup createdSecurityGroup = null;
      if (cloudBehaviours.supportsSecurityGroups()) {
        SecurityGroup createTemplate = new SecurityGroup();
        createTemplate.setName(SECURITY_GROUP_PREFIX + serverName);
        createTemplate.setDescription("Security group for instance: " + serverName);
        try {
          log.info("Creating security group: " + createTemplate.getName());
          createdSecurityGroup = computeClient.root().securityGroups().create(createTemplate);
        } catch (OpenstackException e) {
          for (SecurityGroup candidate : computeClient.root().securityGroups().list()) {
            if (Objects.equal(candidate.getName(), createTemplate.getName())) {
              createdSecurityGroup = candidate;

          if (createdSecurityGroup != null) {
            // Ignore
            log.warn("Ignoring 'security group already exists' error: " + e.getMessage());
          } else {
            throw new OpsException("Error creating security group", e);
          CreateSecurityGroupRuleRequest newRule = new CreateSecurityGroupRuleRequest();

          try {
            log.info("Creating security group rule for port: " + newRule.getToPort());
            SecurityGroupRule createdRule = computeClient.root().securityGroupRules().create(newRule);
          } catch (OpenstackException e) {
            String message = e.getMessage();
            if (message != null && message.contains("This rule already exists")) {
              log.warn("Ignoring 'rule already exists': " + e.getMessage());
            } else {
              throw new OpsException("Error creating security group access", e);

      AsyncServerOperation createServerOperation;
        ServerForCreate create = new ServerForCreate();


        if (request.sshPublicKey != null) {
          if (cloudBehaviours.supportsPublicKeys()) {
            OpenstackCloudHelpers cloudHelpers = new OpenstackCloudHelpers();
            KeyPair keyPair = cloudHelpers.ensurePublicKeyUploaded(computeClient, request.sshPublicKeyName,
          } else if (cloudBehaviours.supportsFileInjection()) {
            String fileContents = SshKeys.serialize(request.sshPublicKey);
            create.addUploadFile("/root/.ssh/authorized_keys", Utf8.getBytes(fileContents));
          } else {
            throw new OpsException("No supported SSH key mechanism on cloud");


        Flavor flavor = getClosestInstanceType(computeClient, request);
        if (flavor == null) {
          throw new OpsException("Cannot determine instance type for request");

        if (request.securityGroups != null) {
          // TODO: Reimplement if needed
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        if (createdSecurityGroup != null) {
          ServerForCreate.SecurityGroup serverSecurityGroup = new ServerForCreate.SecurityGroup();


        log.info("Launching new server: " + create.getName());
        createServerOperation = computeClient.createServer(create);

      log.info("Waiting for server to be ready");
      Server server = createServerOperation.waitComplete();
      Server instanceInfo = null;
      String stateName = null;
      while (true) {
        instanceInfo = getInstanceInfo(computeClient, server.getId());

        stateName = instanceInfo.getStatus();
        log.info("Instance state: " + stateName);

        // if (stateName.equals("scheduling")) {
        // continue;
        // }
        if (stateName.equals("BUILD")) {

        // if (stateName.equals("shutdown")) {
        // break;
        // }

        if (stateName.equals("ACTIVE")) {


      // OpenstackComputeMachine machine = new OpenstackComputeMachine(instanceInfo.getAccessIPv4(), this,
      // server.getId());

      // Even if the machine is in 'error' state, we still want to associate it with us
      if (request.tags != null) {
        Server newServerInfo = new Server();
        Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
        for (Tag tag : request.tags) {
          Metadata.Item meta = new Metadata.Item();

        log.info("Tagging server: " + server.getId());

      return server;
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
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Examples of org.openstack.client.common.OpenstackComputeClient

    terminateInstance(machine.getCloud(), machine.getOpenstackServerId());

  public AsyncServerOperation terminateInstance(OpenstackCloud cloud, String instanceId) throws OpsException {
    try {
      OpenstackComputeClient computeClient = getComputeClient(cloud);

      log.info("Terminating server: " + instanceId);
      AsyncServerOperation deleteOperation = computeClient.deleteServer(instanceId);
      return deleteOperation;
    } catch (OpenstackNotFoundException e) {
      log.info("Could not find instance to be terminated, assuming already terminated: " + instanceId);
      return null;
    } catch (OpenstackException e) {
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Examples of org.openstack.client.common.OpenstackComputeClient

    if (!publicIps.isEmpty()) {
      return server;

    final OpenstackComputeClient compute = getComputeClient(cloud);

    log.info("Creating floating IP");
    FloatingIp floatingIp = compute.root().floatingIps().create();

    // TODO: Don't abandon the IP e.g. if the attach fails
    log.info("Attching floating IP " + floatingIp.getIp() + " to " + server.getId());

    final String serverId = server.getId();

    try {
      server = TimeoutPoll.poll(TimeSpan.FIVE_MINUTES, TimeSpan.TEN_SECONDS, new PollFunction<Server>() {
        public Server call() throws Exception {
          log.info("Waiting for floating IP attach; polling server: " + serverId);
          Server server = compute.root().servers().server(serverId).show();

          List<Ip> publicIps = helpers.findPublicIps(cloud, server);
          if (publicIps.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
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Examples of org.openstack.client.common.OpenstackComputeClient

  public AsyncServerOperation ensurePoweredOn(OpenstackCloud cloud, Server server) throws OpsException {
    String status = server.getStatus();
    if (Objects.equal(status, "SHUTOFF")) {
      try {
        OpenstackComputeClient computeClient = getComputeClient(cloud);

        String serverId = server.getId();
        log.info("Starting SHUTOFF server: " + serverId);

        AsyncServerOperation powerOnOperation = computeClient.powerServerOn(serverId);
        return powerOnOperation;
      } catch (OpenstackException e) {
        throw new OpsException("Error powering server on", e);
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Examples of org.openstack.client.common.OpenstackComputeClient

  public void handler(OpenstackCloud cloud, OpenstackComputeMachine machine) throws OpsException, OpenstackException {
    CloudBehaviours cloudBehaviours = new CloudBehaviours(cloud);

    OpenstackComputeClient openstackComputeClient = cloudContext.getComputeClient(cloud);

    // Find the public address, although the OpenStack firewall may be blocking it
    publicAddress = machine.getNetworkPoint().getBestAddress(NetworkPoint.forPublicInternet());

    if (cloudBehaviours.supportsSecurityGroups()) {
      Server server = machine.getServer();
      SecurityGroup securityGroup = openstackHelpers.getMachineSecurityGroup(openstackComputeClient, server);

      securityGroup = openstackComputeClient.root().securityGroups().securityGroup(securityGroup.getId()).show();

      SecurityGroupRule matchingRule = findMatchingRule(securityGroup);

      if (OpsContext.isConfigure()) {
        if (matchingRule == null) {
          CreateSecurityGroupRuleRequest rule = new CreateSecurityGroupRuleRequest();


      if (OpsContext.isDelete()) {
        if (matchingRule != null) {
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Examples of org.openstack.client.common.OpenstackComputeClient

    // TODO: We key on endpoint, to avoid repeated calls.
    // Is it safe to assume that everyone has the same capabilities on a cloud??
    CachedInfo info = cachedInfo.get(cloud.endpoint);
    if (info == null) {
      OpenstackCloudHelpers helpers = new OpenstackCloudHelpers();
      OpenstackComputeClient compute = helpers.buildOpenstackComputeClient(cloud);
      List<Extension> extensions = Lists.newArrayList(compute.root().extensions().list());
      info = new CachedInfo(extensions);
      cachedInfo.put(cloud.endpoint, info);
    return info;
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