Examples of OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport

Examples of javax.management.openmbean.OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport

      throws Exception
      boolean caught = false;
         new OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(
            null, "description", SimpleType.INTEGER, new Integer(3));
      catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
         caught = true;
      if (caught == false)
         fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException for null name");

      caught = false;
         new OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(
            "", "description", SimpleType.INTEGER, new Integer(3));
      catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
         caught = true;
      if (caught == false)
         fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException for an empty name");

      caught = false;
         new OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(
            "name", null, SimpleType.INTEGER, new Integer(3));
      catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
         caught = true;
      if (caught == false)
         fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException for null description");

      caught = false;
         new OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(
            "name", "", SimpleType.INTEGER, new Integer(3));
      catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
         caught = true;
      if (caught == false)
         fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException for an empty description");

      caught = false;
         new OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(
            "", "description", SimpleType.INTEGER, new Integer(3));
      catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
         caught = true;
      if (caught == false)
         fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException for an empty name");

      caught = false;
         new OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(
            "name", "description", null, new Integer(3));
      catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
         caught = true;
      if (caught == false)
         fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException for null simple type");

      caught = false;
         ArrayType arrayType = new ArrayType(1, SimpleType.STRING);
         new OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(
            "name", "description", arrayType, new String[0]);
      catch (OpenDataException e)
         caught = true;
      if (caught == false)
         fail("Expected OpenDataException for array type and default value");

      caught = false;
         ArrayType arrayType = new ArrayType(1, SimpleType.STRING);
         new OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(
            "name", "description", arrayType, (String[]) null);
      catch (OpenDataException e)
         caught = true;
      if (caught == true)
         fail("Didn't execpt OpenDataException for array type and no default value");

      caught = false;
         String[] itemNames = new String[] { "name1", "name2" };
         String[] itemDescriptions = new String[] { "desc1", "desc2" };
         OpenType[] itemTypes = new OpenType[] { SimpleType.STRING, SimpleType.INTEGER };
         CompositeType rowType = new CompositeType("rowTypeName", "rowDescription",
            itemNames, itemDescriptions, itemTypes);

         String[] indexNames = new String[] { "name1", "name2" };
         TabularType tabularType = new TabularType("typeName", "description", rowType, indexNames);
         TabularDataSupport data = new TabularDataSupport(tabularType);

         new OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(
            "name", "description", tabularType, data);
      catch (OpenDataException e)
         caught = true;
      if (caught == false)
         fail("Expected OpenDataException for tabular type and default value");

      caught = false;
         String[] itemNames = new String[] { "name1", "name2" };
         String[] itemDescriptions = new String[] { "desc1", "desc2" };
         OpenType[] itemTypes = new OpenType[] { SimpleType.STRING, SimpleType.INTEGER };
         CompositeType rowType = new CompositeType("rowTypeName", "rowDescription",
            itemNames, itemDescriptions, itemTypes);

         String[] indexNames = new String[] { "name1", "name2" };
         TabularType tabularType = new TabularType("typeName", "description", rowType, indexNames);

         new OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(
            "name", "description", tabularType, (TabularData) null);
      catch (OpenDataException e)
         caught = true;
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