Examples of OpenIntObjectHashMap

Examples of cern.colt.map.OpenIntObjectHashMap

                vertexIndex, verticesCount, showProgressToLog, structuresForConcordantShift);

        for (int h = 0; h < hss.size(); h++)
            IHyperStructure hs = (IHyperStructure) hss.get(h);
            OpenIntObjectHashMap prevTierVertices = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) hs.getTiers().get(nextTierIndex - 1);
            IVertex prevTierVertex = (IVertex) prevTierVertices.get(tierKeyOfTheVertexToShift);
            ICompactTripletsStructure substructureEdge = (ICompactTripletsStructure) substructureEdges.get(h);
            if (substructureEdge.isEmpty())
                //  Mark all vertices of HSS tierIndex with empty edges
            OpenIntObjectHashMap tierVertices = null;
            IVertex existingVertex = null;
            if (nextTierIndex < hs.getTiers().size())
                tierVertices = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) hs.getTiers().get(nextTierIndex);
                existingVertex = (IVertex) tierVertices.get(adjoinTarget.getTierKey());
            //  If the vertex is already on the next tier...
            if (existingVertex != null)
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Examples of cern.colt.map.OpenIntObjectHashMap

        //  Parallel concretization
        int prevTierIndex = nextTierIndex - 1;
        for (int h = 0; h < hss.size(); h++)
            IHyperStructure hs = (IHyperStructure) hss.get(h);
            OpenIntObjectHashMap prevTier = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) hs.getTiers().get(prevTierIndex);
            IVertex vertexToShift = (IVertex) prevTier.get(tierKeyOfTheVertexToShift);
            //  Work with a copy of substructure-vertex to keep original substructure the same
            ICompactTripletsStructure substructureEdge = (ICompactTripletsStructure) vertexToShift.getCTS().clone();
            substructureEdge.concretize(cName, cValue);
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("Unify intermediate structures after concretization during concordant shift of {} tier #{} of {} total",
                        new Object[] { SimpleTripletValueFactory.getTripletValue(tierKeyOfTheVertexToShift), prevTierIndex + 1,
                        ((IHyperStructure) hss.get(0)).getBasicCTS().getTiers().size() });
        catch (EmptyStructureException e)
            //  If substructure-edge become empty after concretization step, then resulting substructure-edge will also be empty.
            //  And if substructure-edge is empty at least in one HS, it will be empty in the entire HSS
            return structuresForConcordantShift.substructureEdges;
        IHyperStructure basicGraph = (IHyperStructure) hss.get(0);
        //  Parallel filtration
        for (int s = 0; s < prevTierIndex; s++)
            //  Parallel intersection
            int sTierSize = ((OpenIntObjectHashMap) basicGraph.getTiers().get(s)).size();
            for (int h = 0; h < hss.size(); h++)
                IHyperStructure hs = (IHyperStructure) hss.get(h);
                OpenIntObjectHashMap sTierVertices = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) hs.getTiers().get(s);
                ObjectArrayList intersections = (ObjectArrayList) structuresForConcordantShift.hsIntersections.get(h);
                for (int sv = 0; sv < sTierSize; sv++)
                    IVertex sTierVertex = (IVertex) sTierVertices.values().get(sv);
                    ICompactTripletsStructure clone = (ICompactTripletsStructure) ((ICompactTripletsStructure) structuresForConcordantShift.substructureEdges.get(h)).clone();
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Examples of cern.colt.map.OpenIntObjectHashMap

    private static int countDirtyTiers(IHyperStructure basicGraph)
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = basicGraph.getTiers().size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            OpenIntObjectHashMap tierVertices = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) basicGraph.getTiers().get(i);
            IVertex tierVertex = (IVertex) tierVertices.get(tierVertices.keys().get(0));
            if (tierVertex.isDirty())
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Examples of cern.colt.map.OpenIntObjectHashMap

    private static void unifyCoincidentSubstructuresOfATier(final ObjectArrayList hss, final int tierIndex)
        IHyperStructure firstHS = (IHyperStructure) hss.get(0);

        final OpenIntObjectHashMap basicTierVertices = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) firstHS.getTiers().get(tierIndex);

        IntArrayList keys = basicTierVertices.keys();
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Tier #{} of HSS contained {} vertices before unification: {}",
                    new Object[] { tierIndex + 1, basicTierVertices.size(), verticesTripletsToString(basicTierVertices) });

        for (int j = 0; j < keys.size(); j++)
            int vertexTierKey = keys.get(j);
            //  List of ICompactTripletsStructureHolder
            ObjectArrayList vertices = new ObjectArrayList(hss.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < hss.size(); i++)
                IHyperStructure hs = (IHyperStructure) hss.get(i);
                IVertex vertex = (IVertex) ((OpenIntObjectHashMap) hs.getTiers().get(tierIndex)).get(vertexTierKey);
                if (hss.size() > 1)
                    //  Cross-hyperstructure unification is not applicable for
                    //  HSS if there's less than 2 structures in it.
                    //  But if we have any empty substructure-vertex in vertices
                    //  we should remove this vertex from the basic graph
                    for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++)
                        IVertex vertex = (IVertex) vertices.get(i);
                        if (vertex.getCTS().isEmpty())
                            throw new EmptyStructureException(vertex.getCTS());
            catch (EmptyStructureException e)
                removeVertexWithEmptySubstructureFromHSSAndBG(hss, tierIndex, vertexTierKey, vertices);

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Tier #{} of HSS contained {} vertices after unification: {}",
                    new Object[] { tierIndex + 1, basicTierVertices.size(), verticesTripletsToString(basicTierVertices) });
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Examples of cern.colt.map.OpenIntObjectHashMap

        //  Remove vertex with empty substructure from HSS and BG
        for (int i = 0; i < hss.size(); i++)
            IHyperStructure hs = (IHyperStructure) hss.get(i);
            OpenIntObjectHashMap hsTierVertices = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) hs.getTiers().get(tierIndex);

            IVertex vertex = (IVertex) hsTierVertices.get(vertexTierKey);

            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("Vertex {} removed from tier #{} of HSS({}): {}",
                        new Object[] { vertex.getTripletValue(), tierIndex + 1, i, verticesTripletsToString(hsTierVertices) });
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Examples of cern.colt.map.OpenIntObjectHashMap

            int dirtyTierIndex = tierIndex - d;
            if (dirtyTierIndex < 0 || dirtyTierIndex >= hs.getTiers().size())
            OpenIntObjectHashMap dirtyTierVertices = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) hs.getTiers().get(dirtyTierIndex);
            dirtyTierVertices.forEachPair(new IntObjectProcedure()
                public boolean apply(int key, Object value)
                    ((IVertex) value).markDirty();
                    return true;
        while (tierIndex < hs.getTiers().size())
            OpenIntObjectHashMap dirtyTierVertices = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) hs.getTiers().get(tierIndex);
            dirtyTierVertices.forEachPair(new IntObjectProcedure()
                public boolean apply(int key, Object value)
                    ((IVertex) value).markDirty();
                    return true;
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Examples of cern.colt.map.OpenIntObjectHashMap

        //  List of OpenIntObjectHashMap
        ObjectArrayList tiers = hs.getTiers();
        for (int i = 0; i < tiers.size(); i++)
            final OpenIntObjectHashMap tier = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) tiers.get(i);
            ITier ctsTier =  (ITier) ctsTiers.get(i);

            final int tierIndex = i;
            final int y = offsetTop + heightOfZeroChar + tierIndex * heightOfZeroChar + tierIndex * heightBetweenTriplets;

            graphics.drawString((format("({0},{1},{2}) j={3}",
                                    tierIndex + 1)),
                                widthOfValuesArea, y);

            tier.forEachPair(new IntObjectProcedure()
                public boolean apply(int tierKey, Object value)
                    IVertex vertex = (IVertex) value;
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Examples of cern.colt.map.OpenIntObjectHashMap

//        }

        ObjectArrayList result = new ObjectArrayList(tiersCount);
        ObjectArrayList structures = new ObjectArrayList();

        OpenIntObjectHashMap verticesFromLastTiers = new OpenIntObjectHashMap();
        fillVerticesFromLastTier(hss, structures, verticesFromLastTiers);

        byte prevVertexTierKey = findIntersectionWithFirstTier(hss, result, structures, verticesFromLastTiers);

        if (prevVertexTierKey == -1)
            throw new AssertionError("There must be at least one non-empty same-name intersection of last-tier vertex with first-tier vertex of HSS");
        for (int j = 1; j < tiersCount - 1; j++)
            ObjectArrayList intersections = new ObjectArrayList();
            ObjectArrayList targetVertices = new ObjectArrayList();
            boolean allNotEmpty = true;
            //  Check bottomVertex1
            for (int h = 0; h < hss.size(); h++)
                IHyperStructure hs = (IHyperStructure) hss.get(h);
                OpenIntObjectHashMap prevTier = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) hs.getTiers().get(j - 1);
                IVertex prevTierVertex = (IVertex) prevTier.get(prevVertexTierKey);
                OpenIntObjectHashMap nextTier = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) hs.getTiers().get(j);

                IVertex bottomVertex1 = prevTierVertex.getBottomVertex1();

                if (bottomVertex1 == null)
                    allNotEmpty = false;
                IVertex nextTierVertex = (IVertex) nextTier.get(bottomVertex1.getTripletValue().getTierKey());
                if (nextTierVertex == null)
                    allNotEmpty = false;
                ICompactTripletsStructure clone = (ICompactTripletsStructure) ((ICompactTripletsStructure) structures.get(h)).clone();
                if (clone.isEmpty())
                    allNotEmpty = false;
            allNotEmpty = allNotEmpty && forwardFilterPassed(hss, targetVertices, j, tiersCount, intersections, verticesFromLastTiers);
            if (allNotEmpty)
                //  Intersection with bottomVertex1
                OpenIntObjectHashMap prevTier = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) basicGraph.getTiers().get(j - 1);
                IVertex prevTierVertex = (IVertex) prevTier.get(prevVertexTierKey);
                IVertex vertex = prevTierVertex.getBottomVertex1();
                prevVertexTierKey = vertex.getTripletValue().getTierKey();
                updateStructures(hss, structures, j, prevVertexTierKey);
            intersections = new ObjectArrayList();
            targetVertices = new ObjectArrayList();
            allNotEmpty = true;
            //  Check bottomVertex2
            for (int h = 0; h < hss.size(); h++)
                IHyperStructure hs = (IHyperStructure) hss.get(h);
                OpenIntObjectHashMap prevTier = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) hs.getTiers().get(j - 1);
                IVertex prevTierVertex = (IVertex) prevTier.get(prevVertexTierKey);
                OpenIntObjectHashMap nextTier = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) hs.getTiers().get(j);

                IVertex bottomVertex2 = prevTierVertex.getBottomVertex2();

                if (bottomVertex2 == null)
                    allNotEmpty = false;

                IVertex nextTierVertex = (IVertex) nextTier.get(bottomVertex2.getTripletValue().getTierKey());

                if (nextTierVertex == null)
                    allNotEmpty = false;

                ICompactTripletsStructure clone = (ICompactTripletsStructure) ((ICompactTripletsStructure) structures.get(h)).clone();

                if (clone.isEmpty())
                    allNotEmpty = false;
            allNotEmpty = allNotEmpty && forwardFilterPassed(hss, targetVertices, j, tiersCount, intersections, verticesFromLastTiers);
            if (allNotEmpty)
                //  Intersection with bottomVertex2
                OpenIntObjectHashMap prevTier = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) basicGraph.getTiers().get(j - 1);
                IVertex prevTierVertex = (IVertex) prevTier.get(prevVertexTierKey);
                IVertex vertex = prevTierVertex.getBottomVertex2();
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Examples of cern.colt.map.OpenIntObjectHashMap

                for (int h = 0; h < hss.size(); h++)
                    IHyperStructure hs = (IHyperStructure) hss.get(h);
                    OpenIntObjectHashMap tierVertices = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) hs.getTiers().get(j);
                    IVertex tierVertex = (IVertex) tierVertices.values().get(s);
                    ICompactTripletsStructure clone = (ICompactTripletsStructure) ((ICompactTripletsStructure) structures.get(h)).clone();
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Examples of cern.colt.map.OpenIntObjectHashMap

            for (int j2 = j + 1; j2 < tiersCount; j2++)
                OpenIntObjectHashMap hsIntersections = new OpenIntObjectHashMap();
                for (int h = 0; h < hss.size(); h++)
                    IHyperStructure hs = (IHyperStructure) hss.get(h);
                    OpenIntObjectHashMap nextTier = (OpenIntObjectHashMap) hs.getTiers().get(j2);
                    ObjectArrayList intersections = new ObjectArrayList();
                    hsIntersections.put(h, intersections);
                    for (int s = 0; s < nextTier.size(); s++)
                        ICompactTripletsStructure lastTierStructure = ((IVertex) verticesFromLastTiers.get(h)).getCTS();
                        IVertex nextTierVertex = (IVertex) nextTier.values().get(s);
                        ICompactTripletsStructure nextTierStructure = (ICompactTripletsStructure) nextTierVertex.getCTS().clone();
                        nextTierStructure.intersect((ICompactTripletsStructure) substructures.get(h));
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