Examples of OpenERPJSONRPCClient

Examples of fr.inouk.OpenERPJSONRPCClient

    //*****( 'dataset' service )****************************************************************************************
    @Test(groups = {"dataset_service"}, dependsOnGroups = {"fill_database"})
    public void searchRead_Naive() {
        final String[] fieldNames = {"id", "name", "login"};

        OpenERPJSONRPCClient server = new OpenERPJSONRPCClient(SERVER_URL+":"+SERVER_PORT);
        JSONObject sessionInfo = server.sessionAuthenticate("openerp_jsonrpc_client", "admin", "admin", null, null);

        // res.users, 3 fields, all objects(no domain), no sort, no context
        // Note that we are supposed to have 40 + 1 users in database
        JSONObject objects = server.modelSearchRead("res.users", fieldNames, 0, 0, null, null, null);
        Integer userCount = (Integer) objects.get("length");
        Assert.assertTrue(userCount > 10, "naive search_read() failed. Are you sure you fill res_users with CallKW_fill_res_partner()");

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Examples of fr.inouk.OpenERPJSONRPCClient

    @Test(groups = {"dataset_service"}, dependsOnMethods = {"searchRead_Naive"})
    public void searchRead_Sort() {
        final String[] fieldNames = {"id", "name", "login"};

        OpenERPJSONRPCClient server = new OpenERPJSONRPCClient(SERVER_URL+":"+SERVER_PORT);
        JSONObject sessionInfo = server.sessionAuthenticate("openerp_jsonrpc_client", "admin", "admin", null, null);

        // Test sort parameters
        JSONObject sortedObjects = server.modelSearchRead("res.users", fieldNames, 0, 0, null, "id", null);
        Integer sortedObjectCount = (Integer) sortedObjects.get("length");
        Integer idOf5th = (Integer) ((JSONObject)((JSONArray)sortedObjects.get("records")).get(5)).get("id");
        Integer idOf6th = (Integer) ((JSONObject)((JSONArray)sortedObjects.get("records")).get(6)).get("id");
        Assert.assertTrue( idOf5th == idOf6th - 1, "Humm search_read() with sort failed.");

        // sort 'DESC'
        sortedObjects = server.modelSearchRead("res.users", fieldNames, 0, 0, null, "id desc", null);
        sortedObjectCount = (Integer) sortedObjects.get("length");
        idOf5th = (Integer) ((JSONObject)((JSONArray)sortedObjects.get("records")).get(5)).get("id");
        idOf6th = (Integer) ((JSONObject)((JSONArray)sortedObjects.get("records")).get(6)).get("id");
        Assert.assertTrue( idOf5th == idOf6th + 1, "Humm search_read() sort failed.");
        System.out.println(sortedObjectCount + "sortedObjects:");
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Examples of fr.inouk.OpenERPJSONRPCClient

    @Test(groups = {"dataset_service"}, dependsOnMethods = {"searchRead_Sort"})
    public void searchRead_Domain() {
        final String[] fieldNames = {"id", "name", "login"};

        OpenERPJSONRPCClient server = new OpenERPJSONRPCClient(SERVER_URL+":"+SERVER_PORT);
        JSONObject sessionInfo = server.sessionAuthenticate("openerp_jsonrpc_client", "admin", "admin", null, null);

        // Test domain parameter
        JSONArray domain_expr = new JSONArray("[['id','>',5],['id','<',10]]");
        JSONObject filteredObjects = server.modelSearchRead("res.users", fieldNames, 0, 0, domain_expr, "id", null);
        Integer filteredObjectCount = (Integer) filteredObjects.get("length");
        Assert.assertTrue( filteredObjectCount == 4, "Humm search_read() with a domain failed !");
        System.out.println("We got " + filteredObjectCount + " filteredObjects:");
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Examples of fr.inouk.OpenERPJSONRPCClient

    @Test(groups = {"dataset_service"}, dependsOnMethods = {"searchRead_Domain"})
    public void searchRead_Paginated() {
        final String[] fieldNames = {"id", "name", "login"};

        OpenERPJSONRPCClient server = new OpenERPJSONRPCClient(SERVER_URL+":"+SERVER_PORT);
        JSONObject sessionInfo = server.sessionAuthenticate("openerp_jsonrpc_client", "admin", "admin", null, null);
         * Warning: with limit and offset, result.length still contains total number of records returned by the search.
         * But result.records contains only limit record.
         * Example with limit=2 offset=10
                "id": "r2",
                "jsonrpc": "2.0",
                "result": {
                    "length": 562,
                    "records": [
                            "id": 30,
                            "login": "user3_1382175375491",
                            "name": "Althea-Daisey NATIVIDADLAVONANGELINE"
                            "id": 31,
                                "login": "user4_1382175375558",
                                "name": "Amy-Roberto MAUDPARTHENIA"

         * To test offset and limit we search to overlapping pages and we check that the first id of the second page equals
         * the last id of the first page.

        // First page: offset = 0 and limit = 2 (so response is printable)
        JSONObject paginatedObjects = server.modelSearchRead("res.users", fieldNames, 0, 2, null, "id", null);

        // We test limit
        Integer paginatedObjectCount = ((JSONArray)paginatedObjects.get("records")).length();
        System.out.println("We got "+paginatedObjectCount + " paginatedObjects:");
        Assert.assertEquals( paginatedObjectCount.intValue(), 2, "Humm search_read() with limit and offset failed on the limit).");

        int idOfLastObjectOfPage1 = ((Integer)((JSONObject)((JSONArray)paginatedObjects.get("records")).get(1)).get("id")).intValue();

        // Second page: offset = 1 and limit = 2
        JSONObject page2Objects = server.modelSearchRead("res.users", fieldNames, 1, 2, null, "id", null);
        int idOfFirstObjectOfPage2 = ((Integer)((JSONObject)((JSONArray)page2Objects.get("records")).get(0)).get("id")).intValue();

        // We test offset
        Assert.assertEquals( idOfLastObjectOfPage1, idOfFirstObjectOfPage2, "Humm search_read() with limit and offset failed (offset).");

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Examples of fr.inouk.OpenERPJSONRPCClient


    @Test(groups = {"dataset_service"}, dependsOnMethods = {"searchRead_Paginated"})
    public void modelLoad() {
        OpenERPJSONRPCClient server = new OpenERPJSONRPCClient(SERVER_URL+":"+SERVER_PORT);
        JSONObject sessionInfo = server.sessionAuthenticate("openerp_jsonrpc_client", "admin", "admin", null, null);
        // res.users, all fields, all objects(no domain), no sort, no context
        JSONObject object = server.modelLoad("res.users", 1 , null);
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Examples of fr.inouk.OpenERPJSONRPCClient

    @Test(groups = {"dataset_service_callkw"}, dependsOnGroups = {"dataset_service"})
    public void callkw_create_using_kwargs() {
         * We use CallKW to create a user using kwargs (keyword arguments)
        OpenERPJSONRPCClient server = new OpenERPJSONRPCClient(SERVER_URL+":"+SERVER_PORT);
        JSONObject sessionInfo = server.sessionAuthenticate("openerp_jsonrpc_client", "admin", "admin", null, null);

        JSONObject kwargs = new JSONObject();

        JSONObject values = new JSONObject();
        values.put("name", "Cyril MORISSE");
        values.put("login", "cmorisse@" + System.currentTimeMillis());
        values.put("new_password", "cmorisse");
        kwargs.put("values", values);

        Object response = server.modelCallKW("res.users", "create", null, kwargs, null);
        // We expect the id of the created user
        Assert.assertTrue( response instanceof Integer, "res.users creation Failure");
        System.out.println("res.users.create() => "+response);

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Examples of fr.inouk.OpenERPJSONRPCClient

    @Test(groups = {"dataset_service_callkw"}, dependsOnGroups = {"dataset_service"})
    public void callkw_create_using_args() {
         * We use CallKW to create a user using args (positional arguments)
        OpenERPJSONRPCClient server = new OpenERPJSONRPCClient(SERVER_URL+":"+SERVER_PORT);
        JSONObject sessionInfo = server.sessionAuthenticate("openerp_jsonrpc_client", "admin", "admin", null, null);

        JSONArray args = new JSONArray();

        JSONObject values = new JSONObject();
        values.put("name", "Cyril MORISSE");
        values.put("login", "cmorisse@" + System.currentTimeMillis());
        values.put("new_password", "cmorisse");

        Object response = server.modelCallKW("res.users", "create", args, null, null);
        // We expect the id of the created user
        Assert.assertTrue( response instanceof Integer, "res.users creation Failure");
        System.out.println("res.users.create() => "+response);

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Examples of fr.inouk.OpenERPJSONRPCClient

    @Test(groups = {"dataset_service_workflow"}, dependsOnGroups = "dataset_service_callkw")
    public void installSaleModule() {
        System.out.println("Installing Sale module (Remember database has been created with demo data).");

        OpenERPJSONRPCClient server = new OpenERPJSONRPCClient(SERVER_URL+":"+SERVER_PORT);
        JSONObject sessionInfo = server.sessionAuthenticate("openerp_jsonrpc_client", "admin", "admin", null, null);

        // First we search for sale module id
        JSONArray domain = new JSONArray("[['name','=','sale']]");
        String[] fields = { "name", "state"};
        JSONObject jsonResult = server.modelSearchRead("ir.module.module", fields, 0, 0, domain, null, null);
        JSONObject moduleObject = (JSONObject) ((JSONArray) jsonResult.get("records")).get(0);
        Long saleModuleId = ((Integer)moduleObject.get("id")).longValue();
        System.out.println("Sale module (before install)= " + moduleObject);
        Assert.assertEquals("uninstalled", (String) moduleObject.get("state"), "Sale module is already installed");

        // Second we install it and check new state is installed
        JSONArray args = new JSONArray("[[" + saleModuleId + "]]")// Notice that the argument we sent is an array !!
        Object objResult = server.modelCallKW("ir.module.module", "button_immediate_install", args, null, null);
        // Server returns us an ir.actions to open a menu. We can't process it.
        System.out.println("objResult = "+objResult);

        jsonResult = server.modelSearchRead("ir.module.module", fields, 0, 0, domain, null, null);
        moduleObject = (JSONObject) ((JSONArray) jsonResult.get("records")).get(0);
        System.out.println("Sale module (after install)= " + moduleObject);
        Assert.assertEquals("installed", (String) moduleObject.get("state"), "Sale module installation failed");
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Examples of fr.inouk.OpenERPJSONRPCClient

         * exec_workflow is heavy to test.
         * But since we have just installed Sale module on a fresh database, we can:
         *   -confirm sale_order 1
         *   -check her state changed to 'manual'
        OpenERPJSONRPCClient server = new OpenERPJSONRPCClient(SERVER_URL+":"+SERVER_PORT);
        JSONObject sessionInfo = server.sessionAuthenticate("openerp_jsonrpc_client", "admin", "admin", null, null);

        // We send the signal "order_confirm" to the sale.order workflow on object 1
        Object oResult = server.modelExecWorkflow("sale.order", 1, "order_confirm", null);
        System.out.println("oResult = " + oResult);

        // We check sale order state
        JSONObject orderObject = server.modelLoad("sale.order", 1, null);
        String orderObjectState = (String) ((JSONObject)orderObject.get("value")).get("state");
        System.out.println("Sale Order state = " + orderObjectState);
        Assert.assertEquals("manual", orderObjectState, "Exec Wrokflow failed.");
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