profilerMetric = PROFILER.getProcessMetric("" + socket.getRemoteSocketAddress().toString()
+ socket.getLocalPort() + "".replace('.', '_'));
PROFILER.registerHookValue(profilerMetric + ".transmittedBytes", "Bytes transmitted to a network channel", METRIC_TYPE.SIZE,
new OProfilerHookValue() {
public Object getValue() {
return metricTransmittedBytes;
}, dictProfilerMetric + ".transmittedBytes");
PROFILER.registerHookValue(profilerMetric + ".receivedBytes", "Bytes received from a network channel", METRIC_TYPE.SIZE,
new OProfilerHookValue() {
public Object getValue() {
return metricReceivedBytes;
}, dictProfilerMetric + ".receivedBytes");
PROFILER.registerHookValue(profilerMetric + ".flushes", "Number of times the network channel has been flushed",
METRIC_TYPE.COUNTER, new OProfilerHookValue() {
public Object getValue() {
return metricFlushes;
}, dictProfilerMetric + ".flushes");