Examples of OneShotEvent

Examples of hudson.util.OneShotEvent

     * Makes sure that the cause of interruption is properly recorded.
    public void testAbortCause() throws Exception {
        final OneShotEvent e = new OneShotEvent();

        FreeStyleProject p = createFreeStyleProject();
        p.getBuildersList().add(new TestBuilder() {
            public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
                e.signal(); // we are safe to be interrupted
                synchronized (this) {
                throw new AssertionError();

        Future<FreeStyleBuild> r = p.scheduleBuild2(0);
        e.block()// wait until we are safe to interrupt
        User johnny = User.get("Johnny");
                new UserInterruption(johnny),   // test the merge semantics
                new UserInterruption(johnny));
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Examples of hudson.util.OneShotEvent

     * Unless the concurrent build option is enabled, polling and build should be mutually exclusive
     * to avoid allocating unnecessary workspaces.
    public void testPollingAndBuildExclusion() throws Exception {
        final OneShotEvent sync = new OneShotEvent();

        final FreeStyleProject p = createFreeStyleProject();
        FreeStyleBuild b1 = buildAndAssertSuccess(p);

        p.setScm(new NullSCM() {
            public boolean pollChanges(AbstractProject project, Launcher launcher, FilePath workspace, TaskListener listener) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                return true;

             * Don't write 'this', so that subtypes can be implemented as anonymous class.
            private Object writeReplace() { return new Object(); }
            @Override public boolean requiresWorkspaceForPolling() {
                return true;
        Thread t = new Thread() {
            @Override public void run() {
        try {
            Future<FreeStyleBuild> f = p.scheduleBuild2(0);

            // add a bit of delay to make sure that the blockage is happening

            // release the polling

            FreeStyleBuild b2 = assertBuildStatusSuccess(f);

            // they should have used the same workspace.
            assertEquals(b1.getWorkspace(), b2.getWorkspace());
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Examples of hudson.util.OneShotEvent


    public void testFoldableCauseAction() throws Exception {
        final OneShotEvent buildStarted = new OneShotEvent();
        final OneShotEvent buildShouldComplete = new OneShotEvent();

        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
        // Make build sleep a while so it blocks new builds
        project.getBuildersList().add(new TestBuilder() {
            public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
                return true;

        // Start one build to block others
        assertTrue(project.scheduleBuild(new UserIdCause()));
        buildStarted.block(); // wait for the build to really start

        // Schedule a new build, and trigger it many ways while it sits in queue
        Future<FreeStyleBuild> fb = project.scheduleBuild2(0, new UserIdCause());
        assertFalse(project.scheduleBuild(new SCMTriggerCause("")));
        assertFalse(project.scheduleBuild(new UserIdCause()));
        assertFalse(project.scheduleBuild(new TimerTriggerCause()));
        assertFalse(project.scheduleBuild(new RemoteCause("", "test")));
        assertFalse(project.scheduleBuild(new RemoteCause("", "test")));
        assertFalse(project.scheduleBuild(new SCMTriggerCause("")));
        assertFalse(project.scheduleBuild(new RemoteCause("", "test")));
        assertFalse(project.scheduleBuild(new RemoteCause("", "foo")));
        assertFalse(project.scheduleBuild(new SCMTriggerCause("")));
        assertFalse(project.scheduleBuild(new TimerTriggerCause()));

        // Wait for 2nd build to finish
        FreeStyleBuild build = fb.get();

        // Make sure proper folding happened.
        CauseAction ca = build.getAction(CauseAction.class);
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Examples of hudson.util.OneShotEvent

    public void testSimultaneousPollAndBuild() throws Exception {
        FreeStyleProject p = createFreeStyleProject();

        // used to coordinate polling and check out
        final OneShotEvent checkoutStarted = new OneShotEvent();

        p.setScm(new TestSCM(checkoutStarted));

        Future<FreeStyleBuild> build = p.scheduleBuild2(0, new Cause.UserCause());
        assertFalse("SCM-poll after build has started should wait until that build finishes SCM-update", p.pollSCMChanges(StreamTaskListener.fromStdout()));
        build.get()// let mock build finish
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Examples of hudson.util.OneShotEvent

     * Make sure that only one polling result shows up per build.
    public void testMultiplePollingOneBuildAction() throws Exception {
        final OneShotEvent buildStarted = new OneShotEvent();
        final OneShotEvent buildShouldComplete = new OneShotEvent();
        FreeStyleProject p = createFreeStyleProject();
        // Make build sleep a while so it blocks new builds
        p.getBuildersList().add(new TestBuilder() {
            public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
                return true;

        SCMTrigger t = new SCMTrigger("@daily");

        // Start one build to block others
        assertTrue(p.scheduleBuild(new UserCause()));
        buildStarted.block(); // wait for the build to really start

        // Schedule a new build, and trigger it many ways while it sits in queue
        Future<FreeStyleBuild> fb = p.scheduleBuild2(0, new UserCause());
        assertFalse(p.scheduleBuild(new SCMTriggerCause("First poll")));
        assertFalse(p.scheduleBuild(new SCMTriggerCause("Second poll")));
        assertFalse(p.scheduleBuild(new SCMTriggerCause("Third poll")));

        // Wait for 2nd build to finish
        FreeStyleBuild build = fb.get();

        List<BuildAction> ba = build.getActions(BuildAction.class);

        assertFalse("There should only be one BuildAction.", ba.size()!=1);
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