Examples of OJSONWriter

Examples of com.orientechnologies.orient.core.serialization.serializer.OJSONWriter

  public StringBuilder toString(final ORecordInternal<?> iRecord, final StringBuilder iOutput, final String iFormat,
      final OUserObject2RecordHandler iObjHandler, final Set<Integer> iMarshalledRecords, boolean iOnlyDelta) {
    try {
      final StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter();
      final OJSONWriter json = new OJSONWriter(buffer, iFormat);
      final Set<ORID> parsedRecords = new HashSet<ORID>();

      boolean includeVer;
      boolean includeType;
      boolean includeId;
      boolean includeClazz;
      boolean attribSameRow;
      int indentLevel;
      String fetchPlan = null;
      boolean keepTypes;

      if (iFormat == null) {
        includeType = true;
        includeVer = true;
        includeId = true;
        includeClazz = true;
        attribSameRow = true;
        indentLevel = 0;
        fetchPlan = "";
        keepTypes = false;
      } else {
        includeType = false;
        includeVer = false;
        includeId = false;
        includeClazz = false;
        attribSameRow = false;
        indentLevel = 0;
        keepTypes = false;

        final String[] format = iFormat.split(",");
        for (String f : format)
          if (f.equals("type"))
            includeType = true;
          else if (f.equals("rid"))
            includeId = true;
          else if (f.equals("version"))
            includeVer = true;
          else if (f.equals("class"))
            includeClazz = true;
          else if (f.equals("attribSameRow"))
            attribSameRow = true;
          else if (f.startsWith("indent"))
            indentLevel = Integer.parseInt(f.substring(f.indexOf(':') + 1));
          else if (f.startsWith("fetchPlan"))
            fetchPlan = f.substring(f.indexOf(':') + 1);
          else if (f.startsWith("keepTypes"))
            keepTypes = true;


      writeSignature(json, indentLevel, includeType, includeId, includeVer, includeClazz, attribSameRow, iRecord);

      if (iRecord instanceof ORecordSchemaAware<?>) {
        // SCHEMA AWARE
        final ORecordSchemaAware<?> record = (ORecordSchemaAware<?>) iRecord;

        Map<String, Integer> fetchPlanMap = null;
        if (fetchPlan != null && fetchPlan.length() > 0)
          fetchPlanMap = OFetchHelper.buildFetchPlan(fetchPlan);

        processRecord(json, indentLevel, includeType, includeId, includeVer, includeClazz, attribSameRow, record, fetchPlanMap,
            keepTypes, 0, -1, parsedRecords);
      } else if (iRecord instanceof ORecordStringable) {

        // STRINGABLE
        final ORecordStringable record = (ORecordStringable) iRecord;
        json.writeAttribute(indentLevel + 1, true, "value", record.value());

      } else if (iRecord instanceof ORecordBytes) {
        // BYTES
        final ORecordBytes record = (ORecordBytes) iRecord;
        json.writeAttribute(indentLevel + 1, true, "value", OBase64Utils.encodeBytes(record.toStream()));
      } else

        throw new OSerializationException("Error on marshalling record of type '" + iRecord.getClass()
            + "' to JSON. The record type can't be exported to JSON");


      return iOutput;
    } catch (IOException e) {
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Examples of com.orientechnologies.orient.core.serialization.serializer.OJSONWriter

    final File f = new File(fileName);
    if (f.exists())

    writer = new OJSONWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fileName))));
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Examples of com.orientechnologies.orient.core.serialization.serializer.OJSONWriter

  public ODatabaseExport(final ODatabaseRecord iDatabase, final OutputStream iOutputStream, final OCommandOutputListener iListener)
      throws IOException {
    super(iDatabase, "streaming", iListener);

    writer = new OJSONWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(iOutputStream));
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Examples of com.orientechnologies.orient.core.serialization.serializer.OJSONWriter


  protected void sendRecordsContent(final OHttpRequest iRequest, final List<ORecord<?>> iRecords, final String iFetchPlan)
      throws IOException {
    final StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter();
    final OJSONWriter json = new OJSONWriter(buffer, JSON_FORMAT);

    if (iRecords != null && iRecords.size() > 0) {
      ORecord<?> first = iRecords.get(0);
      if (first != null && first instanceof ODocument) {
        ODatabaseRecord db = ((ODocument) first).getDatabase();

        final String className = ((ODocument) first).getClassName();
        exportClassSchema(db, json, db.getMetadata().getSchema().getClass(className));

    final String format = iFetchPlan != null ? JSON_FORMAT + ",fetchPlan:" + iFetchPlan : JSON_FORMAT;

    json.beginCollection(1, true, "result");
    if (iRecords != null) {
      int counter = 0;
      String objectJson;
      for (ORecord<?> rec : iRecords) {
        if (rec != null)
          try {
            objectJson = rec.toJSON(format);

            if (counter++ > 0)
              buffer.append(", ");

          } catch (Exception e) {
            OLogManager.instance().error(this, "Error transforming record " + rec.getIdentity() + " to JSON", e);
    json.endCollection(1, true);


    sendTextContent(iRequest, OHttpUtils.STATUS_OK_CODE, "OK", null, OHttpUtils.CONTENT_JSON, buffer.toString());
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Examples of com.orientechnologies.orient.core.serialization.serializer.OJSONWriter

        db = OSharedDocumentDatabase.acquire(urlParts[1], urlParts[2], urlParts[3]);
      } else
        db = getProfiledDatabaseInstance(iRequest);

      final StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter();
      final OJSONWriter json = new OJSONWriter(buffer);

      if (db.getMetadata().getSchema().getClasses() != null) {
        json.beginCollection(1, false, "classes");
        Set<String> exportedNames = new HashSet<String>();
        for (OClass cls : db.getMetadata().getSchema().getClasses()) {
          if (!exportedNames.contains(cls.getName()))
            try {
              exportClass(db, json, cls);
            } catch (Exception e) {
              OLogManager.instance().error(this, "Error on exporting class '" + cls + "'", e);
        json.endCollection(1, true);

      if (db.getStorage() instanceof OStorageLocal) {
        json.beginCollection(1, false, "dataSegments");
        for (ODataLocal data : ((OStorageLocal) db.getStorage()).getDataSegments()) {
          json.beginObject(2, true, null);
          json.writeAttribute(3, false, "id", data.getId());
          json.writeAttribute(3, false, "name", data.getName());
          json.writeAttribute(3, false, "size", data.getSize());
          json.writeAttribute(3, false, "filled", data.getFilledUpTo());
          json.writeAttribute(3, false, "maxSize", data.getConfig().maxSize);
          json.writeAttribute(3, false, "files", Arrays.toString(data.getConfig().infoFiles));
          json.endObject(2, false);
        json.endCollection(1, true);

      if (db.getClusterNames() != null) {
        json.beginCollection(1, false, "clusters");
        OCluster cluster;
        for (String clusterName : db.getClusterNames()) {
          cluster = ((OStorageEmbedded) db.getStorage()).getClusterById(db.getClusterIdByName(clusterName));

          try {
            json.beginObject(2, true, null);
            json.writeAttribute(3, false, "id", cluster.getId());
            json.writeAttribute(3, false, "name", clusterName);
            json.writeAttribute(3, false, "type", cluster.getType());
            json.writeAttribute(3, false, "records", cluster.getEntries());
            if (cluster instanceof OClusterLocal) {
              json.writeAttribute(3, false, "size", ((OClusterLocal) cluster).getSize());
              json.writeAttribute(3, false, "filled", ((OClusterLocal) cluster).getFilledUpTo());
              json.writeAttribute(3, false, "maxSize", ((OClusterLocal) cluster).getConfig().maxSize);
              json.writeAttribute(3, false, "files", Arrays.toString(((OClusterLocal) cluster).getConfig().infoFiles));
            } else {
              json.writeAttribute(3, false, "size", "-");
              json.writeAttribute(3, false, "filled", "-");
              json.writeAttribute(3, false, "maxSize", "-");
              json.writeAttribute(3, false, "files", "-");
          } catch (Exception e) {
            json.writeAttribute(3, false, "records", "? (Unauthorized)");
          json.endObject(2, false);
        json.endCollection(1, true);

      if (db.getStorage() instanceof OStorageLocal) {
        json.beginCollection(1, false, "txSegment");
        final OTxSegment txSegment = ((OStorageLocal) db.getStorage()).getTxManager().getTxSegment();
        json.beginObject(2, true, null);
        json.writeAttribute(3, false, "totalLogs", txSegment.getTotalLogCount());
        json.writeAttribute(3, false, "size", txSegment.getSize());
        json.writeAttribute(3, false, "filled", txSegment.getFilledUpTo());
        json.writeAttribute(3, false, "maxSize", txSegment.getConfig().maxSize);
        json.writeAttribute(3, false, "file", txSegment.getConfig().path);
        json.endObject(2, false);
        json.endCollection(1, true);

      json.beginCollection(1, false, "users");
      OUser user;
      for (ODocument doc : db.getMetadata().getSecurity().getUsers()) {
        user = new OUser(doc);
        json.beginObject(2, true, null);
        json.writeAttribute(3, false, "name", user.getName());
        json.writeAttribute(3, false, "roles", user.getRoles() != null ? Arrays.toString(user.getRoles().toArray()) : "null");
        json.endObject(2, false);
      json.endCollection(1, true);

      json.beginCollection(1, true, "roles");
      ORole role;
      for (ODocument doc : db.getMetadata().getSecurity().getRoles()) {
        role = new ORole(doc);
        json.beginObject(2, true, null);
        json.writeAttribute(3, false, "name", role.getName());
        json.writeAttribute(3, false, "mode", role.getMode().toString());

        json.beginCollection(3, true, "rules");
        for (Entry<String, Byte> rule : role.getRules().entrySet()) {
          json.writeAttribute(4, true, "name", rule.getKey());
          json.writeAttribute(4, false, "create", role.allow(rule.getKey(), ORole.PERMISSION_CREATE));
          json.writeAttribute(4, false, "read", role.allow(rule.getKey(), ORole.PERMISSION_READ));
          json.writeAttribute(4, false, "update", role.allow(rule.getKey(), ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE));
          json.writeAttribute(4, false, "delete", role.allow(rule.getKey(), ORole.PERMISSION_DELETE));
          json.endObject(4, true);
        json.endCollection(3, false);

        json.endObject(2, true);
      json.endCollection(1, true);

      json.beginObject(1, true, "config");

      json.beginCollection(2, true, "values");
      json.writeObjects(3, true, null,
          new Object[] { "name", "dateFormat", "value", db.getStorage().getConfiguration().dateFormat }, new Object[] { "name",
              "dateTimeFormat", "value", db.getStorage().getConfiguration().dateTimeFormat }, new Object[] { "name",
              "localeCountry", "value", db.getStorage().getConfiguration().localeCountry }, new Object[] { "name",
              "localeLanguage", "value", db.getStorage().getConfiguration().localeLanguage }, new Object[] { "name",
              "definitionVersion", "value", db.getStorage().getConfiguration().version });
      json.endCollection(2, true);

      json.beginCollection(2, true, "properties");
      if (db.getStorage().getConfiguration().properties != null)
        for (OStorageEntryConfiguration entry : db.getStorage().getConfiguration().properties) {
          if (entry != null) {
            json.beginObject(3, true, null);
            json.writeAttribute(4, false, "name", entry.name);
            json.writeAttribute(4, false, "value", entry.value);
            json.endObject(3, true);
      json.endCollection(2, true);

      json.endObject(1, true);

      sendTextContent(iRequest, OHttpUtils.STATUS_OK_CODE, "OK", null, OHttpUtils.CONTENT_JSON, buffer.toString());
    } finally {
      if (db != null)
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Examples of com.orientechnologies.orient.core.serialization.serializer.OJSONWriter

  public StringBuilder toString(final ORecordInternal<?> iRecord, final StringBuilder iOutput, final String iFormat,
      final OUserObject2RecordHandler iObjHandler, final Set<Integer> iMarshalledRecords) {
    try {
      final StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter();
      final OJSONWriter json = new OJSONWriter(buffer, iFormat);
      final Set<ORID> parsedRecords = new HashSet<ORID>();

      boolean includeVer;
      boolean includeType;
      boolean includeId;
      boolean includeClazz;
      boolean attribSameRow;
      int indentLevel;
      String fetchPlan = null;
      boolean keepTypes;

      if (iFormat == null) {
        includeType = true;
        includeVer = true;
        includeId = true;
        includeClazz = true;
        attribSameRow = true;
        indentLevel = 0;
        fetchPlan = "";
        keepTypes = false;
      } else {
        includeType = false;
        includeVer = false;
        includeId = false;
        includeClazz = false;
        attribSameRow = false;
        indentLevel = 0;
        keepTypes = false;

        final String[] format = iFormat.split(",");
        for (String f : format)
          if (f.equals("type"))
            includeType = true;
          else if (f.equals("rid"))
            includeId = true;
          else if (f.equals("version"))
            includeVer = true;
          else if (f.equals("class"))
            includeClazz = true;
          else if (f.equals("attribSameRow"))
            attribSameRow = true;
          else if (f.startsWith("indent"))
            indentLevel = Integer.parseInt(f.substring(f.indexOf(':') + 1));
          else if (f.startsWith("fetchPlan"))
            fetchPlan = f.substring(f.indexOf(':') + 1);
          else if (f.startsWith("keepTypes"))
            keepTypes = true;


      writeSignature(json, indentLevel, includeType, includeId, includeVer, includeClazz, attribSameRow, iRecord);

      if (iRecord instanceof ORecordSchemaAware<?>) {
        // SCHEMA AWARE
        final ORecordSchemaAware<?> record = (ORecordSchemaAware<?>) iRecord;

        Map<String, Integer> fetchPlanMap = null;
        if (fetchPlan != null && fetchPlan.length() > 0)
          fetchPlanMap = OFetchHelper.buildFetchPlan(fetchPlan);

        processRecord(json, indentLevel, includeType, includeId, includeVer, includeClazz, attribSameRow, record, fetchPlanMap,
            keepTypes, 0, -1, parsedRecords);
      } else if (iRecord instanceof ORecordStringable) {

        // STRINGABLE
        final ORecordStringable record = (ORecordStringable) iRecord;
        json.writeAttribute(indentLevel + 1, true, "value", record.value());

      } else if (iRecord instanceof ORecordBytes) {
        // BYTES
        final ORecordBytes record = (ORecordBytes) iRecord;
        json.writeAttribute(indentLevel + 1, true, "value", OBase64Utils.encodeBytes(record.toStream()));
      } else

        throw new OSerializationException("Error on marshalling record of type '" + iRecord.getClass()
            + "' to JSON. The record type can't be exported to JSON");


      return iOutput;
    } catch (IOException e) {
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Examples of com.orientechnologies.orient.core.serialization.serializer.OJSONWriter

          OHttpUtils.CONTENT_TEXT_PLAIN, "Content stream is null or empty");
    } else {
      database = getProfiledDatabaseInstance(iRequest);
      try {
        buffer = new StringWriter();
        writer = new OJSONWriter(buffer);
        parse(iRequest, new OHttpMultipartContentBaseParser(), new OHttpMultipartFileToRecordContentParser(), database);
        sendTextContent(iRequest, OHttpUtils.STATUS_OK_CODE, "OK", null, OHttpUtils.CONTENT_JSON, buffer.toString());
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Examples of com.orientechnologies.orient.core.serialization.serializer.OJSONWriter

      final List<ODataHoleInfo> holes = ((OStorageLocal) db.getStorage()).getHolesList();

      final StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter();
      final OJSONWriter json = new OJSONWriter(buffer);

      final ODataLocal dataSegment = ((OStorageLocal) db.getStorage()).getDataSegment(0);
      final long dbSize = dataSegment.getFilledUpTo();

      json.writeAttribute(1, true, "size", dbSize);

      long current = 0;

      long holesSize = 0;

      json.beginCollection(1, true, "segments");
      for (ODataHoleInfo h : holes) {
        if (h.dataOffset == -1)

        if (current < h.dataOffset) {
          // DATA SEGMENT
          json.beginObject(2, true, null);
          json.writeAttribute(3, false, "type", "d");
          json.writeAttribute(3, false, "offset", current);
          json.writeAttribute(3, false, "size", h.dataOffset - current);
          json.endObject(2, false);

        json.beginObject(2, true, null);
        json.writeAttribute(3, false, "type", "h");
        json.writeAttribute(3, false, "offset", h.dataOffset);
        json.writeAttribute(3, false, "size", h.size);
        json.endObject(2, false);
        holesSize += h.size;

        current = h.dataOffset + h.size;

      if (dbSize > current) {
        // DATA SEGMENT
        json.beginObject(2, true, null);
        json.writeAttribute(3, false, "type", "d");
        json.writeAttribute(3, false, "offset", current);
        json.writeAttribute(3, false, "size", dbSize - current);
        json.endObject(2, false);

      json.endCollection(1, true);

      json.writeAttribute(1, true, "dataSize", dbSize - holesSize);
      json.writeAttribute(1, true, "dataSizePercent", (dbSize - holesSize) * 100 / dbSize);
      json.writeAttribute(1, true, "holesSize", holesSize);
      json.writeAttribute(1, true, "holesSizePercent", 100 - (dbSize - holesSize) * 100 / dbSize);


      sendTextContent(iRequest, OHttpUtils.STATUS_OK_CODE, "OK", null, OHttpUtils.CONTENT_JSON, buffer.toString());
    } finally {
      if (db != null)
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Examples of com.orientechnologies.orient.core.serialization.serializer.OJSONWriter

    final File f = new File(fileName);
    if (f.exists())

    writer = new OJSONWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fileName))));
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Examples of com.orientechnologies.orient.core.serialization.serializer.OJSONWriter

  public ODatabaseExport(final ODatabaseRecord iDatabase, final OutputStream iOutputStream, final OCommandOutputListener iListener)
      throws IOException {
    super(iDatabase, "streaming", iListener);

    writer = new OJSONWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(iOutputStream));
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