tableAmountIndexes[INDEX_CREDIT] = -1;
executeUpdate(group[0], saveFields, tableActivityIndexes,
CompId, rowCount - group.length, "Activity2", sqlConnect, DataTypes, formatNumPane, resultMessage);
try {
DataConnection dc = DataConnection.getInstance(view);
Statement st = dc.con.createStatement();
st.executeUpdate(dc.filterSQL("DELETE FROM UniqNum WHERE CompId=" + CompId + " AND UniqName='Act_Id'"));
st = dc.con.createStatement();
"INSERT INTO UniqNum (CompId,UniqName,LastNumber) VALUES (" +
CompId + ",'Act_Id'," + act_id + ")"));
} catch (Exception e) {
resultMessage.append("Failed to update the UniqNum table with the value act_id=" + act_id + "\n");
Log.log(Log.ERROR, this, "Failed to update the UniqNum table with the value act_id=" + act_id);