requiredReplication = fileINode.getReplication();
// get a source data-node
containingNodes = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>();
NumberReplicas numReplicas = new NumberReplicas();
srcNode = chooseSourceDatanode(block, containingNodes, numReplicas);
if ((numReplicas.liveReplicas() + numReplicas.decommissionedReplicas())
<= 0) {
if(srcNode == null) // block can not be replicated from any node
return false;
// do not schedule more if enough replicas is already pending
numEffectiveReplicas = numReplicas.liveReplicas() +
if (numEffectiveReplicas >= requiredReplication) {
if ( (pendingReplications.getNumReplicas(block) > 0) ||
(blockHasEnoughRacks(block)) ) {
neededReplications.remove(block, priority); // remove from neededReplications
replIndex--;"BLOCK* "
+ "Removing block " + block
+ " from neededReplications as it has enough replicas.");
return false;
if (numReplicas.liveReplicas() < requiredReplication) {
additionalReplRequired = requiredReplication - numEffectiveReplicas;
} else {
additionalReplRequired = 1; //Needed on a new rack
} finally {
// choose replication targets: NOT HOLDING THE GLOBAL LOCK
// It is costly to extract the filename for which chooseTargets is called,
// so for now we pass in the Inode itself.
DatanodeDescriptor targets[] =
replicator.chooseTarget(fileINode, additionalReplRequired,
srcNode, containingNodes, block.getNumBytes());
if(targets.length == 0)
return false;
try {
synchronized (neededReplications) {
// Recheck since global lock was released
// block should belong to a file
fileINode = blocksMap.getINode(block);
// abandoned block or block reopened for append
if(fileINode == null || fileINode.isUnderConstruction()) {
neededReplications.remove(block, priority); // remove from neededReplications
return false;
requiredReplication = fileINode.getReplication();
// do not schedule more if enough replicas is already pending
NumberReplicas numReplicas = countNodes(block);
numEffectiveReplicas = numReplicas.liveReplicas() +
if (numEffectiveReplicas >= requiredReplication) {
if ( (pendingReplications.getNumReplicas(block) > 0) ||
(blockHasEnoughRacks(block)) ) {
neededReplications.remove(block, priority); // remove from neededReplications
replIndex--;"BLOCK* "
+ "Removing block " + block
+ " from neededReplications as it has enough replicas.");
return false;
if ( (numReplicas.liveReplicas() >= requiredReplication) &&
(!blockHasEnoughRacks(block)) ) {
if (srcNode.getNetworkLocation().equals(targets[0].getNetworkLocation())) {
//No use continuing, unless a new rack in this case
return false;