if (!overwrite && path != null)
Document doc = new Document();
for (String propname : record.getProperties()) {
Property prop = config.getPropertyByName(propname);
if (prop == null)
throw new DukeConfigException("Record has property " + propname +
" for which there is no configuration");
if (prop.getComparator() instanceof GeopositionComparator &&
geoprop != null) {
// index specially as geocoordinates
String v = record.getValue(propname);
if (v == null || v.equals(""))
// this gives us a searchable geoindexed value
for (IndexableField f : geoprop.createIndexableFields(v))
// this preserves the coordinates in readable form for display purposes
doc.add(new Field(propname, v, Field.Store.YES,
} else {
Field.Index ix;
if (prop.isIdProperty())
ix = Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED; // so findRecordById will work
else // if (prop.isAnalyzedProperty())
ix = Field.Index.ANALYZED;
// FIXME: it turns out that with the StandardAnalyzer you can't have a
// multi-token value that's not analyzed if you want to find it again...
// else
// ix = Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED;
Float boost = getBoostFactor(prop.getHighProbability(), BoostMode.INDEX);
for (String v : record.getValues(propname)) {
if (v.equals(""))
continue; // FIXME: not sure if this is necessary
Field field = new Field(propname, v, Field.Store.YES, ix);