Examples of Normalizer

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.Normalizer


        if ( wrapped != null )
            Normalizer normalizer = getNormalizer();

            if ( normalizer == null )
                normalizedValue = wrapped;
                normalized = false;
                same = true;
                normalizedValue = normalizer.normalize( this ).getBytes();
                normalized = true;
                same = Arrays.equals( wrapped, normalizedValue );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.Normalizer

                throw new IllegalArgumentException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_472 ) );
        } );
        Normalizer normalizer = new Normalizer( "1.1.1" )
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

            public Value<?> normalize( Value<?> value ) throws NamingException
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.Normalizer

        MatchingRule matchingRule = new MatchingRule( "1.2.2" );
        matchingRule.setSyntax( syntax );

        matchingRule.setLdapComparator( new ByteArrayComparator( "1.2.2" ) );
        matchingRule.setNormalizer( new Normalizer( "1.1.1" )
            // The serial UID
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
            public Value<?> normalize( Value<?> value ) throws NamingException
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.Normalizer

         * Get ahold of the normalizer for the attribute and normalize the request
         * assertion value for comparisons with normalized attribute values.  Loop
         * through all values looking for a match.
        Normalizer normalizer = attrType.getEquality().getNormalizer();
        Value<?> reqVal = normalizer.normalize( compareContext.getValue() );

        for ( Value<?> value:attr )
            Value<?> attrValObj = normalizer.normalize( value );
            if ( attrValObj.equals( reqVal ) )
                return true;
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.Normalizer

         * We need to iterate through all values and for each value we normalize
         * and use the comparator to determine if a match exists.
        Normalizer normalizer = getNormalizer( attrId );
        Comparator comparator = getComparator( attrId );
        Object filterValue = normalizer.normalize( node.getValue() );

         * Cheaper to not check isGreater in one loop - better to separate
         * out into two loops which you choose to execute based on isGreater
        if ( isGreaterOrLesser == COMPARE_GREATER )
            for ( Value<?> value : attr )
                Object normValue = normalizer.normalize( value );

                // Found a value that is greater than or equal to the ava value
                if ( 0 >= comparator.compare( normValue, filterValue ) )
                    return true;
            for ( Value<?> value : attr )
                Object normValue = normalizer.normalize( value );

                // Found a value that is less than or equal to the ava value
                if ( 0 <= comparator.compare( normValue, filterValue ) )
                    return true;
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.Normalizer

     * @throws javax.naming.NamingException if there is a database access failure
    private boolean evalEquality( EqualityNode<?> node, ServerEntry entry ) throws NamingException
        Normalizer normalizer = getNormalizer( node.getAttribute() );
        Comparator comparator = getComparator( node.getAttribute() );

        // get the attribute associated with the node
        EntryAttribute attr = entry.get( node.getAttribute() );

        // If we do not have the attribute just return false
        if ( null == attr )
            return false;

        // check if AVA value exists in attribute
        AttributeType at = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( node.getAttribute() );
        Value<?> value = null;
        if ( at.getSyntax().isHumanReadable() )
            if ( node.getValue().isBinary() )
                value = new ClientStringValue( node.getValue().getString() );
                value = node.getValue();
            value = node.getValue();
        if ( attr.contains( value ) )
            return true;

        // get the normalized AVA filter value
        Value<?> filterValue = normalizer.normalize( value );

        // check if the normalized value is present
        if ( attr.contains( filterValue ) )
            return true;

         * We need to now iterate through all values because we could not get
         * a lookup to work.  For each value we normalize and use the comparator
         * to determine if a match exists.
        for ( Value<?> val : attr )
            Value<?> normValue = normalizer.normalize( val );

            if ( 0 == comparator.compare( normValue.get(), filterValue.get() ) )
                return true;
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.Normalizer

        if ( matchingRule == null )
            matchingRule = type.getEquality();
        Normalizer normalizer = matchingRule.getNormalizer();

        // get the attribute
        EntryAttribute attr = entry.get( snode.getAttribute() );

        // if the attribute does not exist just return false
        if ( null == attr )
            return false;

        // compile the regular expression to search for a matching attribute
            regex = snode.getRegex( normalizer );
        catch ( PatternSyntaxException pse )
            NamingException ne = new NamingException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_248, node ) );
            ne.setRootCause( pse );
            throw ne;

         * Cycle through the attribute values testing normalized version
         * obtained from using the substring matching rule's normalizer.
         * The test uses the comparator obtained from the appropriate
         * substring matching rule.

        for ( Value<?> value: attr )
            String normValue = normalizer.normalize( value.getString() );

            // Once match is found cleanup and return true

            if ( regex.matcher( normValue ).matches() )
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.Normalizer


    public AttributeType lookup( final String id ) throws NamingException
        Normalizer normalizer = new DeepTrimToLowerNormalizer( "1.1.1" );

        MatchingRule equality = new MatchingRule( "1.1.1" );
        equality.setNormalizer( normalizer );
        AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( id );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.Normalizer

        DN name = opContext.getDn();
        ServerEntry entry = opContext.getEntry();
        String schemaName = getSchemaName( name );
        String oldOid = getOid( entry );
        Normalizer normalizer = factory.getNormalizer( schemaManager, targetEntry, schemaManager.getRegistries(),
            schemaName );

        if ( isSchemaEnabled( schemaName ) )
            normalizer.setSchemaName( schemaName );

            schemaManager.unregisterNormalizer( oldOid );
            schemaManager.add( normalizer );

            return SCHEMA_MODIFIED;
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.Normalizer

        checkOidIsUniqueForNormalizer( entry );

        // Build the new Normalizer from the given entry
        String schemaName = getSchemaName( dn );

        Normalizer normalizer = factory.getNormalizer( schemaManager, entry, schemaManager.getRegistries(), schemaName );

        // At this point, the constructed Normalizer has not been checked against the
        // existing Registries. It will be checked there, if the schema and the
        // Normalizer are both enabled.
        Schema schema = schemaManager.getLoadedSchema( schemaName );
        List<Throwable> errors = new ArrayList<Throwable>();

        if ( schema.isEnabled() && normalizer.isEnabled() )
            if ( schemaManager.add( normalizer ) )
                LOG.debug( "Added {} into the enabled schema {}", dn.getName(), schemaName );
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